The MAABN and the IAU are co-organizing a conference entitled “Economic Development and Collaboration between Europe and the Maghreb” on December 13 at the IAU in Aix-en-Provence with guest speaker Mr. Nazim SINI from our UCCCAB partner the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Collaboration between the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean has become a key issue for development both in the Maghreb countries and Southern Europe. The Mediterranean Basin is a huge market for its bordering countries, especially for France which, through its historical ties with many of them, is able to create partnerships for growth in the zone. This is equally true for the Maghreb countries, with many of their businesses now providing international-standard products and services in the European market. It was, incidentally, the Maghreb countries that best resisted the economic crisis that took hold of the Mediterranean zone from 2008 onwards.
The presentation will be followed by our MAABN Networking Evening.
2 rue du Bon Pasteur
13100 Aix en Provence
18.30- 21.00
MAABN members – Free
Guests: €15.00 (or sign up at the door and save €15!)