Will Europe be able to store carbon under the North Sea? And is CCS going to be a business?
Camilla Rygaard-Hjalsted, PhD
I Green Energy Transition I Wind Energy I Sustainability I Diversity I Inclusion I Talent Development I ESG I AI I International Partnerships I
As the world is decarbonizing, European industries looking to meet their climate targets need access to CO2 storage. And the vast majority of European countries seem to have?good potential for CO2 storage.
In Europe, CCS is only being applied at an industrial scale in Norway, where CO2 is being deposited in rock layers under the sea floor. Currently further CO2 storage areas are being explored and developed under the Norwegian, Danish, Dutch and British sectors of the North Sea. In Germany, too, there is a growing awareness among policymakers that plan for climate neutrality by 2045 cannot be realized without CCS.
But is CCS also a business opportunity? The organization European Carbon Capture And Storage held a webinar on 16 December 2024 exploring how hard-to-abate industries and CCS suppliers can collaborate to kickstart CCS projects.?A few taekways were:
Global Business/Ecosystem Development ? World-Class Hyper-Individualized Customer Experience ? World-Class Hyper-Individualized Digital User Experience ? Transitioning from Customer Journey's to a Lifetime Journey
1 个月Resuméet / Konklusionen - Danmark er det i s?rklasse?mest amat?ragtige og uetiske land i verden - er indtil videre bl.a. sendt til The Economist, Morning Brew, Commerzbank, Niels Duedahl, Mads Nipper, Jim Hageman Snape?- i hver tilf?lde?i min verden og det skal selvf?lgelig ud til Lego, Grundfos, Danfoss, AVK,?Arla, Aalborg?Portland og andre v?sentlige virksomheder i Danmark - inden vi begynder med de top 25 i United Bluff/Steaks og top 25 i Deutschland som er det stik modsatte af et tegne seriehold. Min anbefaling er - s? hurtigt som muligt at f? spurgt Regeringen og Folketinget - hvad fanden er det - der er foreg?et siden 1992. N?r I har f?et den redeg?relse - s? er jeg meget interesseret i at se den. Jeg aner ikke og har ikke den fjerneste ide om - hvad der er foreg?et i det offentlige Danmark siden 1992 og det er aldrig noget som jeg kommer til at fors?.?Expect No Mercy. Ka i ha' det rigtig godt - og nyde at I p.t. har verdens suver?nt bedste herreh?ndspillere?- men hvis I regner med, at I kan basere DKs fremtid p? herreh?ndbold??? - s? tror at det bliver op at bakke - og det kan jeg garantere jer for - at det bliver - rigtigt meget op ad bakke - John Mogensen - hans vision om DK - den var Spot On
Environmental Engineer & Tech Entrepreneur | Climate & Sustainability Specialist ?? | Innovation & Growth Strategist
1 个月It’s interesting how important that this technology becomes economically beneficial, not only pushing forward the green fuels adaptation in the short term, but I was always curious about the long-term environmental impacts of this technology. Leaving a question of how environmental friendly it actually is ?
Author of Green2Great and Safe2Great | Keynote Speaker | Futurist | Creator of the Relational #GrowthMindset | Championing Leadership for a Sustainable, Equal, and Critical-Thinking World
1 个月Help me understand how CCS improves cost effectiveness and competitiveness? It is a truly expensive solution that shifts focus from the more important step to electrify heavy industry in Europe.