Eurocode 3. Example 6.6: Cross-section resistance under combined bending and compression
In this article we compare the resistance under combined bending and compression according to SDC Verifier and Designer’s Guide to Eurocode3: Design of steel buildings EN 1993-1-1.
All results are generated with SDC Verifier 4.5 and calculated with FEMAP v11.3.1
A member is to be designed to carry a combined major axis bending moment and an axial force. In this example, a cross-sectional check is performed to determine the maximum bending moment that can be carried by a UKB 457 x 191 x 98 in grade S275 steel, in the presence of an axial force of 1400 kN.
Figure 6.15. Section properties for a 457 × 191 × 98 UKB
Property “1..UKB 457x191x98”
Boundary Conditions
Load “2..Axial 1400N”
Constraint “1..fixed”
Under pure compression, the overall cross-section classification is therefore ?Class 2 . Consequently, unlike Example 5.1, nothing is to be gained by using the more complex approach of considering the actual stress distribution.
11..Bending and Axial
In order to satisfy the cross-sectional checks of clause 6.2.9, the maximum bending moment that can be carried by a 457 x 191 x 98 UKB in grade S275 steel, in the presence of an axial force of 1400 kN is? 425.3 kN m .
For class 2 elements in calculation take into account fillets. In shapes fillets are skipped and it gives the difference of 0.007% in results.
Check other comparation of Eurocode3 design examples standard and SDC Verifier.