Eurochild’s leading role and best practices for child well-being recognised by the OECD!

Eurochild’s leading role and best practices for child well-being recognised by the OECD!

Last month Eurochild’s leading role and best practices as a knowledge broker for child well-being in Europe have been recognised in the new OECD working paper “Mobilising evidence to enhance the effectiveness of child well-being policies: The role of knowledge brokers”.

Also in the month of May, Eurochild together with Save the Children, actively participated in the Porto Social Forum 2023 to advocate for children’s rights. We presented a statement from the EU Alliance for Investing in Children aimed to underscore that eradicating child poverty is a critical step in constructing a just and equal Social Europe for current and future generations.

We are happy to share with you that Ivanka Shalapatova, former director of Eurochild member For Our Children Foundation, became the new Bulgarian Minister of Labour and Social Policy. She will focus on creating the conditions for a real change in the lives of all Bulgarian citizens.

Last but not least, this week we are sharing an overview of the Slovak, Maltese and Slovenian Child Guarantee National Action Plans which members, children's rights advocates and influencers, can use in their own work to ensure children's rights remain high on the political agendas across Europe.

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