Eurochild now has 195 members in 41 countries!

Eurochild now has 195 members in 41 countries!

In May we held our?General Assembly and Members’ Day. More than 100 people participated online in our workshops, among them were representatives of the European Commission Directorates-Generals of?SANTE?– the Commission Department responsible for Health and Food Safety, and?REFORM?– the Commission department responsible for Structural Reform Support.

At the Assembly, we approved new Eurochild members. We now have?195 members in 41 countries! We also thanked former Management Board member Sean O'Neill, from Children in Wales, who ended his mandate and welcomed new Management Board members Sérgio Costa Araújo, from Portugal and Ulla Siimes, from Central Union for Child Welfare in Finland.

We presented our digital?Annual Report 2022. Last year we represented our network in?334?events and meetings?with EU institutions, the UN and national governments. Read about our achievements and impact!

In May we presented the findings of our (In)visible Children report to the?Child Guarantee Working Group?on Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament; to?Katarina Ivankovi? Kne?evi?, Director for Social Rights and Inclusion at the European Commission (DG EMPL); and?José Manuel Bar, Spanish Secretary of State for Education.

Finally, we were happy to meet two of our members from?Ukraine?in our office, Polina Klykova and Voices of Children Foundation who shared updates on their work!

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