EURM-060: new reference material for the analysis of microplastic particles

EURM-060: new reference material for the analysis of microplastic particles

The JRC announces the release of the new reference material (RM) EURM?-060 for the analysis of microplastic particles in water. ?This RM addresses the need of microplastics monitoring as outlined in the EU Drinking Water Directive.

Microplastic particles (so-called microplastics) are ubiquitous in every part of our natural environment – air, water, land. They have been detected in the drinking water, food, plants, even our bodies. They are released from every plastic item that is being exposed to weathering.

Due to their inevitable presence in our lives, microplastics have been taken under consideration by the European Commission (EC), leading to many legislative initiatives at the European level. The recast of Directive (EU) 2020/2184, known as Drinking Water Directive (DWD), identified microplastics as emerging pollutant and candidate to be added to the watchlist system. Following that, the EC published “a Delegated Decision laying down a methodology to measure microplastics in water intended for human consumption.”?EURM?-060 is a material that supports these initiatives. It will help the monitoring institutions to properly analyse microplastics, aiming at their number or concentration, chemical identity and size.

EURM?-060 is designed as a set of three components: polyethylene terephthalate (PET) particles embedded in a freeze-dried NaCl carrier, a surfactant solution and water. Upon reconstitution, it provides PET microplastic particles in a water matrix.. Its homogeneity and stability towards mass concentration and number concentration of PET particles after reconstitution was assessed in accordance with ISO 33405:2024. It is intended for quality control and assessment of method performance.

The material is available from the JRC's online reference materials catalogue.


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