Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
We hope PM Imran Khan anger is not very awespiring or is it so?No it is not?Dear readers PM Imran Khan has openly revealed the despair of people of Pakistan about stepmotherly treatment meted out to Pakistan at the hands of USA and the west as a result corrupt politicians , anti state element &yellow Journalist are making fun of PM ?His narrative in his speeches signifies that the western world’s highly inappropriate & preferential treatment of Pakistani & Afghans sacrifices for the USA in Afghanistan and abroad, have gone waste without being credited/rewarded which eventually put Pakistan in the shackles of IMF/World Bank and persistently in grey list of FATF. What to talk of praising our martyrs and great contribution for maintaining most peaceful role in South Asian, instead Pakistan has been blamed for USA failure in Afghanistan.We all patriots and people abroad sincerely feel hurt and curse our past leadership when our old politicians use to toss on western fingers &US melody, thereby assuring poor people that USA would fall back to us ultimately as our real best friend? Somehow the last ray of hope was visible in Donald Trump (offer to mediate in Kashmir Issue) when PM Imran Khan visited US and promised to play his best role in getting the standoff in Afghanistan resolved and ensured US safe withdrawal from Afghanistan in record time? Alas! Joe Biden has ruined that dream too? US retained 3.5 B US $ of Afghani assets and let Pakistan rub their nose in terrible distrust and disgust?
1 .Alright let us pend all of this to next time, this infact is most critical time for the west and Russia & rest of the mankind to forget about dream of glorification & look forward to save Planet earth from Nuclear Holocaust, Great EconomicDepression, Energy Breakdown and Filthiest Oil Crisis.Indeed what is happening now is game of sheer egoistic apathy, rhetorical outburst and illplanned massive influx of refugees displaced by the Ukraine-Russia Conflict? What is going from nastier to worse is:-
- All sensible astrologists,thinktanks,expert of strategy have noticed that Mafias in Pakistan are appeasing USA/EU & West & seem playing very nasty game to instigate west against Imran Khan so as to save the Pakistan's filtiest bandits /culprit/and money lauders .This is not a big issue to deal?........all eyes are on the economic stability,territorial integrity & political stabilty of Pakistan at all costs & Pakistan stablishment keeping very close eyes on those who hatch /conspiracies /ploy against Pakisatan on any pretext, in any way?
- Latest incident of Indian supersonic ballistic missile fired on Pakistan has very seriously been noticed.There is strong rationale in noticing lot of stinking links between initiation of noconfidence motion, Maulana conspiracy of having Alansar shetered in Parliament Lodges,terrorist network nutrailised at Barakahu and Aleem Khan dirty bargaining in the garb of Jahangir Tarin to become Punjab Chief Minister so as to unnerve PTI and people of Pakistan as well as conveying message/signal/vibes to the mischevious illwishers of Pakistan inthe neighbouring states &foreign (western) countries,that PM Imran Khan is the major cause of trouble (Nation is not with him on Foreign Policy issue & establishment is unhappy on his visit to Russia after which Vladfimir Putin has started invasion of Ukrain, somehow or the other?Indeed it is a very clumsy /clandestine ploy which has fallen apart half way like Indian Missile fired on Pakistan landing at Mian Channu??What a blunder was it which backfired over the all intriguers badly and prematurely, it rather gave huge backing/confidence to Pakistan's civilmilitary leadership of current regime?
- Unforunately sactions have been proven not very affective & currently division of Europe/Asian geopolitics is being felt now, it seems Ukraine has gone helpless& overconfidently Zelensky ruined his people in love of EU /NATO.
- Putin has played a mysterious stragy and was never seemed unnerved ,he instead let the west suffer rather than pushing Puttin to the wall?
- OIC Summit on 22/24March is oing to highly result oriented and likely to fetch face saving for all sides who form part of Ukrain crisis provided US ought to look patiently into Pakistan's stance (Kashmir & Indian obnoxiously violation of HR) as well as Imran Khan narrative, more sympathetically & immediately?
- Of course America will not desire to get the world tattred the pressure of political push and pull.Anything serious is not likely.Danger of serious economic /energy /fuel /food crisis in Asia/ME/Europe/Africa are not going to be too strong as a rsuolt of Russian invasion of Ukraine? This could be easly avoided only if president Zelensky makes up his mind to go for compromise ?
- No dreadful chances of leak of Nuclear Radiation or any Nuclear blast is likely in near future?
- It is remaining a dilemma for the west &US as to how to spit out or engulf the sizzling potato of NATO expansion before an extremely hostile Putin in his terrible moods?Who cares to learn from the past blunders?
Cornering Pakistan or pestering Imran Khan and backing so-called most corrupt old poiticians & mafia’s heads operating from abroad, to raise no confidence motion and hit stability/credibility,security of Pakistan /Imran Khan & ruin the ecnomic growth of Pakistan at this critical juncture of history.It definitely seems highly improbable and it is the dirtiest move to defame Pakistan but this would certainly fire back very awkwardly. Since the World knows ImranKhan is the most trustworthy, competent and highly prudent statesman who has delivered in the past and has the tallest stature to resolve Ukraine Crisis with selected statesmen?
- Antagonizing Putin more and more with all kind of threats,Sanctions, actions and ill-fated rhetoric’s to eliminate Putin or wipe out Russia from the world's map?
- Doing the least to stop division of Europe, Asia and pushing Africa towards sheer neglect and chaos.
- Hoping falsely that China may usurp Taiwan very soon as a sequel to Ukraine Crisis? Highly mysterious joke?
- Ignoring threat of DAESH /ISIS /CHECHEN FIGHTERS in Ukraine?
- Ignoring the fast and clandestine spread of Crypto Currency Blockchaing and the underground system of its manipulators.
- Ignoring the most imminent threats of massive Cyber Warfare and use of invisible Smart Weapons in Ukrain or heaven forbid WW-III in Europe?
- Ignoring the dwindling chances of public calm&peace in Europe/Asia, Fragile States and Russia?
- Ignoring the consequences of willful or by chance or accidental involvement of NATO directly or indirectly in Ukraine Conflict.
- FORGETTING TO AVOID INDULGENCE OF MUSLIM FREEDOM FIGHTERS IN UKRAIN? World must be very careful not to commit this horrible blunder?
- NO TIME LEFT? Every minute death is looming over the heads. Frozen death is most horrible human carnage in case the global energy corridors are shut from the Russian side.
- Ignoring that the World has not yet recovered from psychological impair caused by the Pandemic and its serious aftermaths, so it was not the time to claim NATO expansion in the garb of smart headed Zelensky who in turn is hurling expression on US /NTO/EU to DO MORE & MORE & EVEN MORE???????
- Ignoring that Russian & US withdrawal from Afghanistan was made possible because of only one country i.e. Pakistan with Afghan Mujahidin with the goodwill of USA?Both dsuperpowers came to change the fate of Afghanistan and got badly bruised as a result. Why so because they confronted Muslim fighters?
2. Had Imran Khan not provided face saving to US and NATO in Afghanistan the World Map would have been entirely bloody by today. So why not trying him again as the most sagacious and outstanding peace lover? What are the tool that Imran Khan has in his hands:-
- He knows China, Russia, USA and the west as best as no one else could imagine?
- He was educate trained groomed and married in west, played lot of romance and cricket in the west.
- He has the magic to spin terrorist /religious extremist on fingers with the help of his knack for feeling their pulse in the best manner (Islam-Phobia etc,etc).
- He has the most competent Deeper State and strongest control over his Military Assets and establishment.
- He has delivered success of Pakistan most apt and reoriented Foreign Policy?
- He has almost taken Pakistan out of Economic Crisis & looking forward to the prosperity of the South Asian region.
- He has the best relations with the west, Arab States & Iran. He is not at all anti US nor his regime promotes such hatred.
- He is heading for opening CPEC dividends to CARs corridors & trade routes for the global investors/market
- He is an iconic figure, his pectoral charisma, his elegance, his appealing words & his global peace themes inspires the global community beyond imagination (Climate Change , Clean Environments, Promotion of Digital Technology/ use of EVM. raising Tourism /Sports, Eradication of Poverty, free health initiatives, cheaper education policy, resolving Water Crisis, Intuitional Reforms/ Accountability Drive/ heavy tax collection/Swelling Revenue reserves/ Promotion of FDI/ Revival of Banking System/Billions Tree Drive/Elimination of Polio to great extent/Growing trust of overseas Pakistani/ Neutral Stance in Foreign Policy are few to mention)
3 .All the ill willed leadership must swallow their false pride and depletion of ego & provide a chance to the competent &trustworthy people for the Ukraine peace. World therfore must give an opportunity to PAKISTAN, CHINA,QATAR&TURKEY, ISRAEL & FRANCE WHO APPEAR TO BE THE LAST HOPE TO RESOLVE UKRAINE CRISIS FOR SURE SINCE THEY ARE NOT DEVIL ADVOCATES & SERIOUSLY DESIRE PEACE OVER THE GLOBE?