EUBOF Newsletter - November 2023

EUBOF Newsletter - November 2023

We are pleased to present our monthly update of EUBOF activities.

This edition of the #EUBlockchain newsletter includes a brief roundup of upcoming workshops and publications.


The European Union (EU) is at risk of falling behind North America and Asia in the global race for the future digital economy, as demonstrated by its reliance on foreign digital service providers and the limited number of unicorns and start-ups compared to its competitors. This race is characterised by the development of innovative technological advancements that bring unique opportunities, principles, and embedded values. While we recognise the intrinsic value of technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and robotics, we believe that blockchain will serve as the trust layer for the convergence of all these technologies, allowing them to build upon each other and form the framework of the future digital economy.?This manifesto is our pledge to promote the use of blockchain technology for the greater benefit of all and to do so based on shared values around decentralisation, privacy, security, transparency, sustainability, and legal/regulatory compliance.

Blockchain is more than a technological advancement. It stands as a symbol of positive and transformative potential in an era of significant changes. Although initially focused on IT and finance, blockchain goes far beyond digital innovation in financial services: It is also about building a better internet, one that offers a solid framework for unparalleled transparency, trust, and citizen empowerment. In this sense, as we will show, blockchain is closely aligned with EU?aims and values. For example, it enables tools that make judicial and governance processes transparent, and supply chains faster and more ethical. Marginalised groups have access to services and a voice through digital identities, and the economy is strengthened with new and more inclusive financial applications. By fostering decentralised digital rights, blockchain helps strengthen human rights and ensures these values remain at the heart of the EU’s digital transformation.

Blockchain’s capacity to enhance data security, trust, and data immutability positions it as an ideal solution for interlinking diverse technologies and systems including data spaces, cross-platform applications, machine learning and AI models, IoT devices, supply chain networks, healthcare data, energy grids, carbon offsets, and digital identity solutions.?

Read & sign the Manifesto here.

CHAISE Statement of Support

CHAISE Statement of Support

Is your company future-proof for the #blockchainrevolution? Here are three emerging job profiles you should add to your team ??

Sign our Statement of Support to recognize the added value of these roles for the competitiveness of European companies:

Introducing 'DeFi Horizons: Convergence of Regulators, Industry, and Academia'

DeFi Horizons: Convergence of Regulators, Industry, and Academia

Our ground-breaking event held on June 12th, 2023, brought together IOTA, EUCI, EBA, EUBOF, Cornell University and members of the European Commission and the AMF, to raise awareness about the need to for different stakeholders such as industry players, regulators, and academia to join forces, to discuss the current status of DeFi, including its associated risks and potential regulatory approaches.

By facilitating these discussions, the event aimed to foster a well-informed ecosystem that can collectively navigate the evolving DeFi landscape. ?

As a result of this discussion, we prepared a?report that?captures valuable insights shared by industry leaders, regulators, and academics, shaping the future regulatory landscape.

Special thanks to Mariana de la Roche, IOTA Foundation & INATBA; Marina Markezic and Anja Blaj, EUCI; Erwin Voloder, EBA, and Tonia Damvakeraki, for the organization of the event and the consolidation of the report as well as their overall efforts to bring regulatory clarity to the blockchain ecosystem.

European Blockchain Sandbox announces the first cohort of 20 use cases

Since applications first opened for the first cohort of twenty use cases of the European Blockchain Sandbox, the Project team have observed significant interest from across the blockchain community in Europe and internationally.

By the deadline on 15th April 0:00 almost 90 applications were submitted which confirmed the keen interest by the blockchain ecosystem in the project as a step to build critical bridges between regulators and use-cases owners on a cross-sectoral basis and in a cross-border dialogue. Applications were received from throughout the EU/EEA representing a wide range of different blockchain and DLT applications and associated regulatory challenges.

One use case of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, approved by the EBP, will participate in the lot for public entities and therefore 19 use cases had to be selected in accordance with a carefully curated selection process which was led by blockchain experts from WBNoDE and overseen by a panel of independent academics consisting of Professor Roman Beck (IT-University, Copenhagen), Professor Soulla Louca (University of Nicosia, Cyprus), and Professor Walter Blocher (Universities of Kassel and Vienna) applying our official Selection Criteria, which are available to view on the website.

Now that the selection phase has been completed, the Sandbox Team are pleased to present the aggregate results of the selection process for the first cohort of the European Blockchain Sandbox. Please be advised that eligible use-cases that have not been selected have the possibility to be wait-listed and are welcome to apply to the second and third cohort, in early 2024 and early 2025 respectively.

A selected use case can be operational in more countries. The selected use-cases are operational in all five EU/EEA regions, as per the objective of cross-geographic representation.
The selected use-cases are found in a variety of industry sectors, including many which are cross-sectoral.

What’s next?

Based on the selection of use cases the most relevant regulatory areas for the dialogues have been identified and the matching with relevant national and EU regulators is ongoing. Following the results of the matching process the selected projects for the first cohort of 20 use cases will be published and the dialogues will start in a safe and confidential environment. At the conclusion of these dialogues, a best practice report for the benefit of the wider Blockchain community will be published.

Building a Chain of Transformation: Join the BC100+ Manifesto and Drive Global Sustainable Impact

Building a Chain of Transformation: Join the BC100+ Manifesto and Drive Global Sustainable Impact

BC100+ is an initiative that brings together a variety of organizations across different sectors. The initiative’s main goal is to raise awareness about the potential of blockchain for social impact and sustainability. BC100+ explores the potential of blockchain technology to address systemic issues such as inequality, poverty, and climate change by rebuilding trust, empowering communities, asserting accountabilities, and re-distributing value on a global level. With its core features, blockchain technology could play a role in the acceleration of much-needed changes within our global food system, energy infrastructure, and biodiversity protection, among other issues. At the core, BC100+ intends to promote quality debate, raise awareness, and clarify the opportunities of blockchain’s role in realizing the UN Charter Values and the 2030 Agenda.

Members of the BC100+ Steering Committee are excited to announce the release of the BC100+ Manifesto, a defining document that sets forth the principles and vision for driving positive change through blockchain technology. With this milestone, the BC100+ initiative takes a momentous stride towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.

The Manifesto represents a commitment by the BC100+ signatories to leverage blockchain technology's transformative potential for social good. It outlines a comprehensive set of guiding principles that shape the actions and goals of the BC100+ initiative. The initiative accepts applications from a diverse range of organizations from three target groups: blockchain projects and experts, UN offices with blockchain projects, and SDG projects with or without blockchain applications. Successful applicants will be accepted based on their alignment with the BC100+ Manifesto's principles.

By becoming part of BC100+, organizations can be at the forefront of positive transformation through blockchain technology. They will gain access to a vibrant ecosystem of like-minded peers, forging new collaborations, and driving collective action towards shared sustainable development goals. Moreover, they will have the valuable opportunity to engage with other organizations, facilitating collaboration, organizing, and participating in various events and activities, sharing knowledge and expertise, and exploring potential partnerships and opportunities.

While BC100+ has exciting plans, the release of the Manifesto marks the first milestone of this system's leadership. It sets the stage for an era of innovation and collaboration, where blockchain technology can be harnessed to address some of the world's most pressing challenges, facilitating collaborative leadership to enable trust- building, learning and empowered action among stakeholders who share a common goal.


You are invited to read and sign the Manifesto!

The Blockchain Skills for Europe Alliance (CHAISE) invites organisations to support the project goals and outcomes via a Statement of Support

Source: CHAISE project

The CHAISE Statement of Support calls on Blockchain stakeholders from across Europe, such as IT companies, sector representatives, policy actors, social partners, standardisation organisations, national qualification agencies, VET and HE institutions, trainers/mentors, and field experts to:?

  • acknowledge the emerging occupational profiles in the Blockchain field and the defined skills and knowledge requirements, and
  • contribute to the advancement of the project’s objectives to reinforce education in digital competences, based on the principles of common interest, reciprocity, and complementarity.

Check out this?page?to find out more:

  • about the Blockchain Occupational Profiles as defined by CHAISE
  • the CHAISE Blockchain VET Programme.

The Statement of Support is available?here?and you can sign it off, by completing the form available?here.

Blockchain, Sports, Gaming, and the Next Generation of Entertainment: A Fireside Chat with Industry Leaders

Blockchain, Sports, Gaming, and the Next Generation of Entertainment: A Fireside Chat with Industry Leaders

Registration is available here.

Join this event for an engaging Fireside Chat as Sebastien Borget, COO & Co-Founder of The Sandbox and Alexandre Dreyfus, CEO of Chiliz and, two prominent superstar C-level executives from the gaming and sports worlds respectively, delve into the exciting intersection of blockchain technology and the future of entertainment.

In this exclusive conversation, these visionary leaders will explore the latest trends, innovations, and opportunities that blockchain technology offers to the entertainment industry. The session will provide insights into how blockchain is shaping the future of gaming, sports, and fan engagement, with a particular focus on their respective projects and platforms.

This promises to be a very exciting conversation so don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from two of the industry’s most influential leaders!

Green - Digital Innovation days at the Slovenian House (ex-EXPO Pavilion) at Dubai EXPO City, in the Sustainability area of COP28

UN Climate Conference COP28

COP28 in Dubai 2023 is a unique opportunity to showcase, how tech innovation can contribute to mitigate climate change while supporting business, environmental and social action towards a greener and more sustainable future.

For Slovenia, the main advanced technologies focus in the context of COP28 Dubai are: energy efficiency and transition to carbon neutrality, circular economy and circular construction, sustainable mobility and smart transport, and cities of the future.

In order to showcase Slovenian solution providers and technology leaders and in order to build the necessary international alliances for impact, the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, Slovenia, is organizing three days of intensive program, in partnership with MCH Global, Dubai World Trade Center / Future Blockchain Summit, Climate Chain Coalition, IAAI GloCha and in cooperation with Slovenian Enterprise Fund, SPIRIT Slovenia, AV Living Lab and AWS Dubai.

The program will take place from December 5-7, 2023, and highlights green-tech, social-tech and gov-tech solutions on the way to NetZero. The overall themes of each day will be: ?

  • 5th December: Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Sources and Circular Economy
  • 6th December; Sustainable mobility and Cities of the Future
  • 7th December: Water and cross border data and digital innovation infrastructures with a particular focus on advanced digital technologies (AI, Cloud computing, Big Data, blockchain technology).

For more information and for getting the agenda please click here.

Digital Euro Conference 2024 - February 29, 2024

Digital Euro Conference 2024 - February 29, 2024

The Digital Euro Association (DEA) is now hosting the second Digital Euro Conference (DEC24) in a hybrid format (in Frankfurt and online) on February 29, 2024.

The DEC allows attendees to explore the latest developments in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Stablecoins, and Tokenized Commercial Bank Money and gain valuable insights into how these innovative technologies are shaping the future of money. Hear from industry leaders, experts, and policymakers as they discuss the impact of these technologies on the economy and society.?

The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum community can benefit from a 20% discount ( use code: EUBOF20) for on-site tickets. An exclusive link with the discount code already applied can be found here and is applicable for tickets bought until the end of November.

World Metaverse Summit and Awards

Accelerating New Entertainment & User Experience Era

6 & 7 December 2023, Dubai, UAE

World Metaverse Summit and Awards | Accelerating New Entertainment & User Experience Era | 6 & 7 December 2023, Dubai, UAE

Metaverse is increasingly being perceived as being an integral part of Web 3.0 and has a potential to generate an expected value of $5 trillion by 2030 and is potentially the biggest new growth opportunity for several sectors in the coming decade that include consumer packaged goods, retail, financial services, technology, manufacturing, and healthcare. The Dubai Metaverse Strategy aims to turn Dubai into one of the world’s top 10 metaverse economies as well as a global hub for the metaverse community & technology. The strategy aims to build on Dubai’s achievement of attracting more than 1,000 companies in the fields of blockchain and metaverse. It also promotes Dubai’s ambitions to support more than 40,000 virtual jobs by 2030. This would further boost Dubai’s economy and support the UAE government’s vision of increasing the number of blockchain companies by five times the present number. Moreover, metaverse technologies & innovations promise the next level of interaction in the virtual and physical worlds, providing innovative new opportunities and business models. In fact, it is expected that by 2026, 25% of people will spend at least one hour a day in a metaverse universe, either for work, shopping, education, social media and/or entertainment.

In July 2023 European Commission adopted a new?strategy on Web 4.0 and virtual worlds (Metaverse) to steer the next technological transition?and ensure an open, secure, trustworthy, fair and inclusive digital environment for EU citizens, businesses and public administrations. The internet is evolving at an extremely fast pace. ?Beyond the currently developing third generation of the internet, Web 3.0, whose main features are openness, decentralisation, and user full empowerment, the next generation, Web 4.0, will allow an integration between digital and real objects and environments, and enhanced interactions between humans and machines. Digitalisation as one of its key drivers and Web 4.0 as a major technological transition bringing a seamlessly interconnected, intelligent, and immersive world. Metaverse will impact the way people live together, bringing both opportunities and risks that need to be addressed. In July 2023 European Commission adopted a new?strategy on Web 4.0 and virtual worlds (Metaverse) to steer the next technological transition?and ensure an open, secure, trustworthy, fair, and inclusive digital environment for EU citizens, businesses, and public administrations.

The internet is evolving at an extremely fast pace. Beyond the currently developing third generation of the internet, Web 3.0, whose main features are openness, decentralisation, and user full empowerment, the next generation, Web 4.0, will allow an integration between digital and real objects and environments, and enhanced interactions between humans and machines. Digitalisation as one of its key drivers and Web 4.0 as a major technological transition bringing a seamlessly interconnected, intelligent, and immersive world. Metaverse will impact the way people live together, bringing both opportunities and risks that need to be addressed. The new strategy aims for a Web 4.0 and Metaverse reflecting EU values and principles, where people's rights fully apply and where European businesses can thrive.

World Metaverse Summit & Awards will be an exclusive 2-day event with thought leadership speeches, interactive sessions, panel discussions, AR/VR installations, show off new technology breakthroughs and more. The event will be held in December 2023 in Dubai organized and hosted by Nispana Global and World Metaverse Council (WMC). The event will host premier national & international speakers, government officials, regulatory bodies, major associations, technology solutions providers, exhibitors, start-ups and investors to provide unparalleled opportunity to cross share the knowledge, experiences and show off products. Both national and international speakers & solution providers will be showcasing the latest embedded innovations and technologies, to build more sustainable futures.

Attendees will benefit from the expansion of "Knowledge Transfer" in the Metaverse industry and acquire the rewards of unparalleled exposure to key decision makers, industry pioneers, government authorities, and peer group interactions from countries worldwide.

Register Now:

Second edition of INATBA Awards - 30th of January 2024

Second edition of INATBA Awards - 30th of January 2024

For its second edition, INATBA Awards has introduced 3 new categories for its most prized projects. Applicants now have the possibility to also apply for?Public Sector Innovation,?Multiverse?and?Crypto Assets.

The?INATBA Awards for the Most Exciting Project?will pay tribute to outstanding accomplishments in the following categories:

  1. ReFi?– Recognizing projects driving innovation in the realm of Regenerative Finance (ReFi).
  2. DeFi?– Celebrating projects that demonstrate groundbreaking advancements in Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
  3. Sustainable Innovation?– Honoring projects that champion sustainability and environmental responsibility through blockchain.
  4. Learning and Awareness?– Acknowledging initiatives fostering education and awareness about blockchain technologies.
  5. Corporate Innovation?– Commending corporate efforts to innovate and excel using blockchain solutions.
  6. Public Sector Innovation*?– Highlighting projects initiated by public and supranational entities that leverage blockchain technology.
  7. Multiverse*?– Showcasing projects in the metaverse, sports, arts, gaming, fashion, and beyond.
  8. Crypto Assets*?– Recognizing exceptional contributions by companies involved in crypto asset-related activities.

“We are thrilled to announce the launch of a second edition of the now landmark INATBA Awards, after the success of its debut at the beginning of this year. Seeing so many revolutionary projects on the use of Blockchain technology unfold and make their contribution to the development of this industry during the first edition of the Awards motivates us to keep cultivating an environment of excellency among the key players on the Blockchain market”, stated Ricardo Sim?es, Executive Director of INATBA."

Stringent Selection Process and Nomination Criteria for the Second Edition

At the second edition, just like the first, the projects applicant to the Awards will have to follow a rigorous selection process, based on a number of eligibility criteria to ensure the applicability and tangible positive impact of the blockchain or distributed ledger technologies used as their core components, on industries, communities, or society at large.

Up to 5 nominees per category will be selected from the submitted applications by the INATBA Awards Committee.

Key Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: Sunday, 26 November 2023
  • Nominations Released: Monday, 11 December 2023
  • Voting Deadline: Sunday, 14 January 2024
  • Winners Announced: 30 January 2024 at the INATBA Awards Gala.

For more information, please visit:

Latest and Upcoming EUBOF Publications

Our latest report on Decentralised Social Media was published at the end of October. This report provides an overview of how Social media has evolved from the use of static internet protocols (Web 1.0) to metaverse and decentralised platforms (Web 3.0). ‘Traditional’ social media platforms centralise the authority around decisions, leading to concerns about censorship, content discovery, and revenue generation. Decentralised social media aims to shift content sharing and discovery, empowering users with greater control, ultimately leading to the freedom of speech and expression. The report helps further to dig into:

  • current landscape of decentralised social media
  • introduction to Fediverse and ActivityPub protocol as central concepts
  • types of decentralised platforms and technological underpinning
  • key differences with the social media of our times
  • advantages and challenges

You can read and download the report here.

Check out our most recent Trend Report, providing insights on the latest development at the technological, market and regulatory aspects with regards to blockchain technology. The report is available for download here.

Our previous Trends Report tried to shed light on the Ethereum Merge. The report provides the fundamentals for understanding the Ethereum platform and its consensus mechanism; it explains the facts behind the merge and then analyses the energy consumption before and after the Merge, explaining the reasons and detailing potential drawbacks. In its third chapter, the report explores the impacts beyond energy consumption – looking into aspects of performance, scalability and security.

Read or download the report and find out more!

We have scheduled the following thematic reports to be published soon:

  • ?‘The current state of interoperability between blockchain networks’ – The report will attempt to explain what blockchain interoperability is, how it works and why it is important; it will also present the different approaches. In the report, we will further present the different types of interoperability, including sidechains, atomic SWAP protocols and cross-chain automated market makers, token bridges, native payments, contract calls, and programmable token bridges. Finally, the report will discuss the future of blockchain interoperability.
  • The Open Metaverse – The Metaverse Unchained”: this report delves into defining the basic differences between the notion of “Metaverse” and “Open Metaverse” by explaining the core values, and the key differences, focusing also on challenges and opportunities. Additionally, the report explores key regulatory considerations – with special focus on EU regulations.
  • Traceability of products & product passports: a blockchain-based perspective’ – The aim of this report is to examine how the digital product passport (DPP) aims to create a system that can store and share all relevant information throughout a product’s life cycle. This would provide industry stakeholders, businesses, public authorities, and consumers with a better understanding of the materials used in the product as well as their embodied environmental impact.

Other upcoming reports to be published by the end of the year and early 2024 will include:

  • Blockchain for Intellectual Property Management
  • EU Blockchain Ecosystem Developments – 2023

More updates coming up soon!

Previous Events

Online workshop on Decentralised social media, by the EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum

Decentralised social media

On the 18th of October the EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum organised an online workshop to discuss the potential impact of decentralised social media to the future of social media and communication channels in general. Our team of experts provided an overview of their key findings while working on a thematic report on the topic.

The recording of the event is available here:

European Blockchain Convention: 24-26 October, Barcelona

European Blockchain Convention: 24-26 October, Barcelona

The 9th version of the European Blockchain Convention took place on October 24-27, 2023 in the vibrant city of Barcelona.

A roster of 300 founders, CEOs, and industry experts are scheduled to give talks at the event, including: Algorand Foundation, FC Barcelona, AXA Investment Managers, Galaxy Digital, Nansen, Fireblocks, European Commission, BNP Paribas, Volkswagen Group among others.

The EUBOF & EBSI VECTOR 2-day event was organised in the frame of the EU Blockchain Week 2023, on the 6 & 7 of October in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The EUBOF & EBSI VECTOR 2-day event was organised in the frame of the EU Blockchain Week 2023

On the 6 & 7 of October, the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum alongside the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, the University of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana Technology Park organised a 2-day event in the beautiful city of Ljubljana, in the frame of the EU Blockchain Week 2023! The event hosted insightful and interesting panels with world acknowledged experts and policy makers.? We had two days full of exciting and contentful discussions, knowledge sharing and insightful presentations. Some of the most interesting and useful takeaways following the two days’ discussions include:

  • the development of blockchain ecosystem together with the development of the infrastructure and services should go hand in hand with the regulatory framework;
  • there is a strong connection between blockchain and sustainability?#SDGs
  • if Web2 means strong competition,?#Web3?means strong cooperation.
  • we cannot finance advanced project in traditional way, the need for sustainable finance is evident here as well!

Thank you for your participation to our keynote speakers, moderators, and panelists and to the great audience that engaged to the discussions both physically and online!

INATBA Digital Blockchain Week 2023 (19-21 September)

INATBA Digital Blockchain Week 2023

INATBA Digital Blockchain Week second edition,?took place online from September 19th to 21st in association with the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum ,?offering attendees a unique opportunity to engage with?industry leaders and experts.

The event included:?

  • a series of?panel discussions around six distinct tracks, each focused on a specific aspect of blockchain technology. From sustainability to digital assets, Web3 to policy and regulation, business to identity and security, these tracks offer a comprehensive exploration of the blockchain landscape.?
  • inspiring Keynotes and Interactive Sessions: Dive into thought-provoking keynotes that ignite your imagination and provide glimpses of blockchain’s future.
  • exclusive Access to INATBA Working Groups: During INATBA Digital Blockchain Week, special calls from our core working groups will welcome non-members. These groups cooperate to help drive blockchain policies, standards, and innovation, offering a unique chance for outsiders to engage and gain insights into how INATBA is shaping the industry’s future.

Previous EUBOF Publications

The reports below were published recently.

  • Report on PoW Energy Consumption in the E.U. Proof-of-work (PoW), a technique for achieving consensus in blockchain networks, has attracted the interest of regulators, policymakers, and the public because of its energy intensity. The case of Bitcoin in particular, which consumes electricity comparable to a small country, has also raised environmental concerns. The EU has been perceived by the public as a minor contributor to PoW activity and energy consumption, yet no studies exist to support or refute this assumption. In this report, we investigate the energy consumed by Bitcoin mining in the EU by looking at secondary resources. Using the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index, we consolidate panel data on the Bitcoin hashrate (which measures the ‘intensity’ of PoW) for EU Member States between 2019 and 2022, as well as for the years 2020 and 2021. Specifically, we examine the mining activities of each Member State for each month, as well as across each year, and we present various comparisons. At the same time, we use the energy consumption databases of the open knowledge repository to connect hashrate at national and EU level to the respective level of electricity consumption.
  • Report on Blockchain Applications in the Automotive Sector. Beyond the world of cryptocurrency, blockchain is finding its way into the automotive sector. Blockchain might serve innovations in communication and data transaction security, component origin, and location tracking, and opens up access to an entirely new world of products and services. However, its use in the automotive industry is still at an early stage, and there is a long journey to where and how the technology can be used best. This report focuses on the research regarding the particular market characteristics and needs, the potential role of blockchain in the automotive industry, and the positioning of use cases.
  • Report on Smart Contracts. A smart contract is an event-driven programme that runs on a decentralised, distributed shared and replicated ledger, which can take custody and instruct the transfer of assets on that ledger. In this report, we examine concepts and definitions, the mechanisms behind a smart contract, and use cases. The report examines both benefits and vulnerabilities and reviews the legal considerations and paradigms from regulations across Europe.
  • Report on Blockchain and Transparency in the Supply Chains. The supply chain is a complex sector, with implications for everyday life, and applies to a range of products. Generally, the supply chain is an environment where multiple stakeholders coordinate in order to bring products to consumers, and it is not a stable environment. Philosophies change to include newly found requirements and needs, as in the case of the shift from ‘just in time’ to ‘just in case’.
  • Report on the Metaverse. The term ‘metaverse’ has recently concentrated the interest of businesspeople and regulators with its reputed transformative potential. As we will demonstrate, defining the metaverse is challenging – many have attempted to describe it, with varying degrees of success. Above all, the metaverse is currently an aspiration shaped by subjective experiences and desires. However, this does not mean that tangible characteristics cannot be attributed to it, nor that it lacks a substantial impact. The purpose of this report is to provide a grounded understanding of the metaverse and its potential. At the same time, given that the metaverse is still evolving, we hope to point in the direction providing the most societal benefits and warn of potential roadblocks.
  • Report on the EU Blockchain Ecosystem Development, version 2022. The EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum?has published the most recent report capturing the current state of technological, market and regulatory developments in each of the 27 EU Member States, plus Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The report provides country-level factsheets summarising the state of affairs in each country.
  • Report on Decentralised Finance (DeFI): the aim of this report is to define and present the main principles of DeFi. It also gives details about the size of the DeFi market and the concepts of decentralised lending and borrowing, as well as decentralised exchanges and other notable DeFi concepts.
  • Report on Blockchain Applications in the Energy Sector: the report provides an overview of blockchain technology in the energy sector. On the basis of interviews with experts, it also examines standardisation activities, use cases in the sector, the status of R&D and innovation, and regulatory challenges and barriers, as well as insights directly from the industry. It also provides policy and regulatory recommendations for the future development of blockchain applications in the energy sector.
  • June Trends Report: the report includes latest trends and developments in blockchain, examining markets, technological developments, and updates on the global legal and regulatory framework.

Other News

Map of Blockchain Education and Training Initiatives

Source: EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum

We are proud to present our new website feature, a map of existing blockchain training and educational initiatives in Europe and the rest of the world!

We invite all organisations offering such training or educational programmes to provide information about their initiatives by completing a?simple online form. All entries will be reviewed by our team in terms of relevance and completeness of information and will then be made available on the?map.

Users will be able to find training and education opportunities, based on specific criteria, including country, language, type of courses offered, type of certification, etc.

For more information visit our website.

Blockchain Initiatives and Projects on a Map

Source: EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum

Are you aware of any blockchain initiatives or projects in your country? Are you organising an initiative or project related to blockchain?

If so, we want to know about it! To put your project on the map, simply fill in this form. Initiatives include start-ups, not-for-profit organisations, academic research, open-source projects, consortium, government or corporate initiatives, foundations and more.?

For more information visit our website.


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