EU regulation for AI: let's find the balance
In April 2021 the European Commission proposed the first EU regulation for AI and on June 14, 2023 the final session took its place.?
Not a secret that the resolution quickly became a subject of discussions and we’d like to present our own vision.?
What’s the point of EU regulation act?
Let’s talk a little bit about the act itself and its main principles.
The main idea: All AI systems should be classified and analyzed according to the level of risk for the users.
The main goal: To be sure that AI systems used in education, business, healthcare and entertainment are safe, transparent and non-discriminatory.?
For example, AI tools that encourage dangerous behavior through direct manipulating or systems of social scoring (a person's economic and social status) and surveillance are considered as unacceptable.
What’s the problem?
First of all, the commission has already received numerous letters from more than 200 entrepreneurs, engineers and others who work or about to work with artificial intelligence. These are the letters of protest referring to the situation, that if the act will be finally passed, the European companies won’t be able to compete with the US companies.?
“Such regulation could lead to highly innovative companies moving their activities abroad and investors withdrawing their money from AI development in Europe. The result would be a critical productivity gap between the two sides of the Atlantic.”?
We see the situation from our own perspective. On the one hand, this act is the first legal document referring to AI technology in human history. It demonstrates that AI and its perspectives are considered as serious as possible.?
The act itself will prevent inappropriate and illegal use of AI, making the people’s interaction with it safer. We see it as a standard form of security, as standard as hundreds of digital technologies regulation documents that have been already existing for decades.?
It is, however, a problem for some organizations, both private and public, as they’ll have to reconsider their AI usage policies. Most of the questions are referring to those criteria on which the EU commission bases its decisions. It’s commonly believed that some of them ‘should be rethought’.?
The necessity of EU regulation for AI is still a stumbling block for many European companies and we accept the fact that the problem is far from the situation of a mutual consent. It is, however, undoubtedly that the businesses all around the Europe will have to rethink their AI usage policy.
If you’re conscious about the complience of the new rules, you may always contact our AI and ML specialists and find out about how we consider all the requirements.?