EU or not EU? That is the question!
Linda Bazant - AI, Corporate Governance/Compliance, GDPR
Consultancy in Artificial Intelligence AI Compliance, Corporate Governance, Export/Import Regulations, GDPR, Trainer, Speaker
The EU Referendum Debate – How will the outcome of the referendum affect your business? Even if you are not directly exporting to the EU, you may well find that some of your customers and suppliers are, which could have an impact on your business. Our panel on this programme debated the issues for Remain and Leave as they affect today’s SMEs and Entrepreneurs.
With just 1 day to go before the EU referendum, the latest polls show owners of small and medium-sized businesses are “evenly split” about whether Britain should leave the European Union.
On this edition of Business Connections Live we were joined by Louise Punter, CEO of Surrey Chambers of Commerce,(Neutral), Antonio Falco, Sales & Marketing Consultant (Leave) Stuart Miller, Managing Director of Warwick Legal Network (legal ramifications) and a phone in from John Bridge OBE, Chief Executive of Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce (Remain).
? The affects of the EU Referendum on SMEs
? Why it may affect your business even if you are not an exporter
? Unpicking of the regulatory process if we vote leave.
? What the benefits are of a leave vote
? What the benefits are of a remain vote.
Final quotes from our debaters:
Louise Punter, CEO, Surrey Chambers of Commerce. "Whatever happens [on Thursday], we need to pick it up and run with it. We've got to move forward ASAP."
Stuart Miller, MD, Warwick Legal Network. "...This is about our place in the world. 1.5 million UK jobs depend on the stability of UK trade..... we have a lot more clout through the EU ... I would urge you to vote remain.."
Antonio Falco Sales & Marketing Consultant. "I'm voting to leave because I believe in freedom, democracy and the right to self determination.. #ibelieveintheuk ...But whether we're in or out, focus on your business, do the best you can and work hard."
John Bridge OBE, Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce."Our members will develop their strategy based on the result of the vote, but the majority believe that this will be easier to achieve if the UK remains in the EU and I support that view."
Steve Hyland - Show Presenter. "Many other debates we've seen on TV over the past few weeks have nearly come to blows but my guests today have kept this debate, civilised and well balanced. My thanks to all our guests today".
See you on the other side on Friday!!!!
Business Connections Live broadcasts a free to watch business programme from our Shepperton studio LIVE every Monday at mid-day