#EU and #OIC Europe and Islam World #TimeforStrongOIC

EU and OIC

#EU and #OIC Europe and Islam World #TimeforStrongOIC

#Complicatedhistory #ComplicatedReality well build #BetterFutureEUandOIC #strongerOIC

Meet #OIC www.oic-oci.org/ Challenges we have plenty #Syria #IsraelPalestina #Iraq #MiddleEast #StableMiddleEast #ExSyria #HostileIran #HostileRussia #TurkeyinDecline #MedMigration #SunniShiteDivide #RadicalIslam #TotalitarianTheocracy #Kashmir

#IslamModernity #IslamCapitalism #IslamHumanPropertyRight #IslamDevelopmentGap

#PetrolPoweredIslam #PetrolOligarchies #PoorIslamPeriphery #WesternWorldAndIslam

So much past, today future challenges, many ahead, so where to start? #Neighbours we will be forever! #WestNorthAmericaEurope #SouthAndEastofWestIslamWorld #YingYang

So, let us get better organised, manage relations, structure, strategy for #BetterWorld

Let us discuss region by region. Some state with mainly Islam population in Europe

#EuropeanAlbania #EuropeanBosnia #EuropeanKosovo in #EU37 #NATO42

#Turkey in #NATO #EUCustomsUnion #EuropegforLira as part #NewDealEUTurkey?

#EAPAzerbaijan #EAPEnlargement to include #Turkey #CentralAsia5 #Mongolia #EAP13

#TradeCustomsMarketCurrencyIntergrationEAP13by2030 #SuccesTurkeyafter1995EUCU

#SouthernPartnership #UnionforMed #TurnintoSouthernPartnershiplikeEAP #SAPMED

For all Southern Neighbourhood & Union for Med members news #SAP for MED &


Isolate #HostileIran #HostileRussia #HostileSyriaAssad – include them when time comes

#OIC strong partner of #EU for achieving such an outcome. But can #EU serve role model OIC? OIC not trade, but political cooperation project similar to #OSCE? CoE? Success?

Has #OIC enough common political cohesion for a #UNSecurityCouncilSeatVetoPower

#UNReform is required. Can #OICSG represent #IslamicWorld? Shall #Turkey #Pakistan #Iran #SaudiArabia #Egypt #Kazakhstan as single state speak for Islam World? Or the ArabLeague for all Islam? Best #OICreformed for all Islam step by step. #OIC at UN

Better more visible voice of #Islam in #UN #WesternWorldOrder would reduce basis

#RadicalIslam claiming #WorldOrder biased against #Islam so gradullay improving

#CaseforModernIslam #CaseforIslamDemocracy #CaseforIslamCapitalism #ModernIslam

#MajorIslamEconomiesinOECD but kindly #EndBrics #EndOpec & join #OECD #G20

#BRICS #OPEC biased against #PoorIslamPeriphery paying expensive energy to #OPEC

#WTOEnlargement #AlgeriajoinWTO #LebbanonjoinWTO #TurkmenistanjoinWTO

#AzerbaijanjoinWTO #UzbekistanJoinWTO #OICAccreditedtoWTO #WTO

#IOCFuture now based in #Jeddah, the gate to Mecca. Good for #InterGovernmentalCouncil

#IOCpolitcialintergration #EUstyle #OICParliamentIstanbul #OICCommissionAlexandria

#OICCouncilJeddah #OICCourtKarachi is such a future possible? #StrongOICinUNO  

#EU has overcome #GermanFrenchMillenium of hostility, 300 years of Catholic/Protestant #CivilWar, #IdeologicalWarsof20Centruty19141991 so can #SunniShiteDivide be overcome as well with #ReasonableInstitutionalFramework? Well, we better try. #PeacebyOIC

#OIC in line with #OAS #EU #Commonwealth #ASEANplus #AfricanUnion #UNReform

Will #USA #India #China #FreeFederalRussia #PostPutin2030 support such a #IOC2030

#10BigFederationsUNO #OIC2030 one of the pillars of such a #UN2030 why not?

From these 10 candidates #HostileRussia as fragile, aggressive challenger in decline

#IOC is most unlikey candidate for such a responsibility but with #EU support why not?

We intervened a lot in #IslamWorld why not this time help #IOC2030 similar like #AU

#StrongOIC could help as well with the key conflicts zones #KashmirIndiaPakistanConflict #IsraelPalestina #LibyaDivision #SyriaCivilWar #IraqCrisis #KurdishQuestion #SudanIssue #JemenWar Sure, all #West responsible! And indeed #colonialcrimes did major damage still today, but…We are not #West of 19century nor #postWW2West. We can not, will not solve the issues simple from NewYork or Washington nor London or Brussels. Historic explainations valide, true #West needs to apologise #Europeannarrative include wrong acts, decisions from #SykesPicot to many wars. But does this ensure better world tomorrow? Better #OIC will help from #2StateSettlementIsraelPalestina the best possible setttlement.

#NewStatesfromtodaysLibyaIraqSyriaSudan all not working well at all. Better to have new smaller, better working state! And what about the #Kurdswithoutstate?  #FairforKurds?

To improve any of the issues the idea of #WesternInvention in #IslamWorld wont fly anymore #west did #Iraqtwice #Libya #Afghanistan did not do #Syria2013 so what to do? Go or not? #Currently no appetite more #West intervention #MiddleEast so more responsible #OIC #NoeasySolutionpossible #MorepowerfulResponsibleOIC key for settlement openissues #West can help with #Taxpayersfund #institutions #polictialsupport but to expect major  #Westernintervention to end war in Syria and enforce new states, breakup #SyriaIraqLibya #HostileRussia like #Comet #Persiflage currently doing #colonialcrimes

#Does anybody in #IslamWorld #OIC #RussianJustice #RussiaAllySwordofDictators

#RussianMuslimMinority #ChinaMuslimMinority how they they live in #PaxRuskiMir #EnforcingPeaceIslamWorld requiresOIC #TimeStrongOIC start with #ExSyria

#RequiresPoliticalLegitimistedIslamicWorldInstitutions which #West can only assist

#TimeforStrongOIC with #EU support -included #UNReform #OICEUPartnership


