EU deforestation backflip: Conservatives cheer, green groups rage | Deutsche Bank Adds Ocean Protection Requirements into Financing Policies

EU deforestation backflip: Conservatives cheer, green groups rage | Deutsche Bank Adds Ocean Protection Requirements into Financing Policies

EU deforestation backflip: Conservatives cheer, green groups rage?

A much-debated deforestation law has been postponed by the European Commission, sparking outrage from environmentalists but relief from affected businesses. The EU executive bowed to pressure from businesses when it announced a 12-month postponement of a new law designed to prevent deforestation. Read more.

Deutsche Bank Adds Ocean Protection Requirements into Financing Policies

Deutsche Bank announced a series of finance and due diligence commitments aimed at strengthening its ocean protection policies, including the implementation of a freeze on direct financing of deep-sea mining projects. Read more.

Case study: How Itaú Unibanco works with its clients and customers to encourage sustainable practices

October 8, 2024 – Itaú Unibanco is a publicly listed financial institution, organized under Brazilian law. Its shares are traded on the Brazilian stock exchange (B3) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Itaú Unibanco operates in 18 countries and territories across the Americas, Europe, and Asia, with its main activities focused on Corporate and Investment Banking, Asset Management, Private Banking, and Retail operations. Itaú Unibanco is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) and is, accordingly, working with its clients and customers to encourage sustainable practices and enable sustainable economic activities.?Read more.

Case study: How SIX creates economic value for its stakeholders

October 7, 2024 – SIX is Europe’s third-largest exchange group, providing and operating stable and efficient infrastructure for the Swiss and Spanish financial centres, ensuring access to the capital markets and the flow of information and money between financial market players.?At the core of SIX’s sustainability agenda is creating long-term value for its clients and all its stakeholders, and positive impacts for the communities it serves. Read more.


78% of the world’s 250 largest companies report in accordance with the GRI Standards

SustainCase was primarily created to demonstrate, through case studies, the importance of dealing with a company’s most important impacts in a structured way, with use of the GRI Standards. To show how today’s best-run companies are achieving economic, social and environmental success – and how you can too.

Research by well-recognised institutions is clearly proving that?responsible companies can look to the future with optimism.

7 GRI sustainability disclosures get you started

Any size business can start taking sustainability action

GRI, IEMA, CPD Certified Sustainability courses (2-5 days): Live Online or Classroom? (venue: London School of Economics)

  • Exclusive FBRH template to begin reporting from day one
  • Identify your most important impacts on the Environment, Economy and People
  • Formulate in group exercises your plan for action. Begin taking solid, focused, all-round sustainability action ASAP.?
  • Benchmarking methodology to set you on a path of continuous improvement

See upcoming training dates.


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