eTukTuk the clean energy automotive

eTukTuk the clean energy automotive

You will agree with me that the most utilized transportation System is by land and tricycle (Auto-rickshaw) tops one of the most explored by developing nations as primarily means of transportation affordable by people of any caliber. Taking India for example, India is one of the most populated country in the world having a total population rated to be approximately 1.4 billion. This figure climbs up to peer up with China as most populated country in the world with heavy usage of Auto-rickshaw as means of conveying people.

In as much as this is good and easily accessible source of transportation the pollution we get from fuel exhaust is rather detrimental to human and to the ecosystem at large. The rate of carbon emit into the atmosphere increases on a daily basis without active measures to suppress this imbalance. We inhale this high level of polluted air as if it’s normal and expose our infants to the same fate. Cases has been reported of air pollution rising from fuel exhausts causing different complicated health conditions to healthy, sick and health challenged beings. E.g. asthmatic patient, Tuberculosis patient, HIV/AIDs just a mention a few.

It is time to go green, it’s time to gradually reduced the amount of Carbonmonoxide arising from fuel exhaust in the atmosphere, it is time to say yes to eTukTuk.

What is eTukTuk?

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eTukTuk is a fast rising project that aims to purify the world by reducing the rate of emission vehicle through production of Electric vehicles and Electric vehicle charging network that will be shared by billions with Blockchain technology incentive. Website>>

How does the Blockchain technology come in?

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eTukTuk is the first automotive project on Cardano Blockchain . The Blockchain technology has been with us for a while now and has proven to be reliable, consistent and quite easy to access anywhere at any point in time with less friction. eTukTuk is leveraging on this to make user experience quite comforting through eTukTuk token ($TUK) i.e. the currency for spending and settlement of payment in eTukTuk ecosystem. The Blockchain technology will help limit the barrier experienced in the conventional world, likewise the token will be a good source of investment.

Strategies to make this work

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? Drivers will pay using TUK to have their vehicle recharged. A source of revenue.

? Every time transaction is processed Territory partners and power stakers earn TUK

? As this goes on ties binding us to expensive fossil fuel will gradually depreciate

? Expansion to reach out to all regions will kick in as the community enlarges.

About TUK token

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TUK is the driving energy to make all these come into reality. It will Power eTukTuk network to install innovative, sufficient and efficient changing stations gradually across the globe. The advantage investors have here is the fact that rewards lay down the road as the network expands over time, eradicating carbon emissions off this planet. This is in fact a two way win actually. All you need to do is buy TUK. To buy TUK click>>> (Your first automotive token on Cardano network)

Reasons for Cardano network

? Energy efficient

? Possibility of interacting with custom assets in a native way without compulsory smart contacts.

? Proof of stake consensus rather than Poof of work.

? Determinate fees and Transaction processing

? Elated speed and cheaper cost of transaction and so on.

Token allocation and distribution

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A diagrammatic pie chat representation of token distribution.

eTukTuk products and services

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? Electric vehicle supply (EVSE) – Supply of charging equipment that cover a wide range of compatibility with EV. This will both serve eTukTuk and others to increase revenue

? Supply of Zero-Emission vehicles (ZEVs) – Zero-Emission vehicles are necessary to accomplish this. ZEVs with fewer than 200 components will be made available domestically. Gallery>>

? Driver and passenger’s App - For easy and seamless experience between Driver and passengers. A-two-face App will de developed to initiate secure payment for services

? Territory partners - To every region where EVSE and ZEVs will be located, Infrastructure partners to install and operate essential services for smooth running and delivery of operation vehicles , power and charging stations will be deployed.

? Power Staking and the sharing economy - If you really want benefit bountifully from the success of this project , this is the way. By staking into the network through TUK, you are guaranteed to benefit from the success of the ecosystem via the reward system, you are actually like a shareholder when you do this.

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For ambassadorship please Click.


This might be the first time you will come across something this innovative, I am as elated as you are right now when I did too. I’m sure this content is convincing enough to see beyond. Visit the eTukTuk blog as often as you can for updates and progression on how far the Project team is propelling this project with your support. More Useful links are below.


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Author – jerryco



