Etopia Calendar Callbacks!

Etopia Calendar Callbacks!

  1. We celebrate breaking ground in Ashley
  2. We are welcome onto the Off-Site Homes Alliance
  3. We achieve an impressive new fire rating
  4. We check out the Big 5 and get our Jeddah production facility up and running

1. We break ground in Ashley, East Cambridgeshire, then stand back in awe as we admire our spotless site!

One of the key benefits of our MMC system are site cleanliness which leads to better health and safety. This is just scratching the surface. Get in touch with Nicola Clayton to discuss other ways our system can benefit your next build.

2. We are looking forward to helping the members of the Off-Site Homes Alliance (OSHA) deliver affordable, net zero ready homes that exceed the Future Homes Standard.

If you would like to know more about?Etopia, please contact?Nicola Clayton?to visit our live site in Cambridgeshire - hurry before it's too late!

3. The team were in Belfast at an?Efectis?test centre (Efectis UK/Ireland), conducting numerous fire tests on our panel system.

The test as seen in the photo is a loaded party wall make-up, tested to BS EN 1365-1. The panels were heated up to 1000? C. The clock in the corner is measuring the time. On this test you can see we went beyond 1 hour and 29 minutes without failure.

To discuss out fire safety performance contact Alexander Fink .

4. "And just like that... Behold the light at the end of the tunnel."

"After 2,5 years of hard hard work, we are now commissioning?ETOPIA INTERNATIONAL's state-of-the-art building technology production line at our?MIM - Maaden International Industries for Metal Co. Ltd?factory here in Jeddah." Says Ricardo B. Costa .

It's been a fast-paced and exciting start to the year for Etopia. Please continue to follow us on Linked In, have a?browse of our website, or book a call with?Nicola Clayton?or?Alexander Fink?discuss business opportunities.

From everyone at?Etopia?we wish you success, happiness, and good heath for the month ahead.




