Ethiopia’s ambition is mutual development: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Ethiopia’s ambition is mutual development: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

By Abdurezak Mohammed

Since 2011, Ethiopians are building a colossal hydroelectric dam – the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) – which will not serve only Ethiopia, but also Sudan and Egypt as well, on the Blue Nile River.

But, for past years, GERD project has caused wrangles, especially between Ethiopia and Egypt, as Cairo qualms a negative impact of the dam on its annual flow of water.

Recently, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has urged Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt to peacefully resolve their differences on the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) and to achieve a mutually beneficial agreement.

Several negotiations between the three countries have taken place to solve the disputes peacefully. The tripartite negotiations had been suspended for months for the reason that Ethiopia rejected to sign a US brokered agreement. But now, the negotiation is resumed and the countries agreed to hold talks regularly.

The main purpose of the construction of the Dam is to get our citizens out of poverty and to improve their lives, said Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed responding to questions raised by MPs.

Last Monday, Members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives raised many questions about current issues of the country and got explanations by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed.

He said that in Ethiopia over fifty million people who are equal to the population size of the Sudan or the people of Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somali altogether, are still living in darkness and use unsafe water. “But, over 98% of Egyptians get clean water and electric supply.”

When the construction of the dam is completed, according to him, it will serve Egypt, Sudan, and other African countries. It can also generate huge sum of forex by selling electricity.

He reaffirmed Ethiopia’s stance to cooperate in good faith with the downstream countries and as there has been no intent to cause harm to downstream countries. “Ethiopia’s desire is to develop together.”

According to him, the government is doing all the best in the technical, diplomatic, resource mobilization, and other related jobs to complete the construction of the project.

After the Ethiopian reform, the GERD retrieved from being lost, he said, adding that the electromechanical works of the dam began almost from zero.

Relatively, in this year Ethiopia faced challenges in diplomacy backlash regarding the construction of the Dam, he noted. However, there have been slight improvements lately and this shows that the building of the dam goes in a good way, he added.

The construction of the dam delayed for six years. Because of this, Ethiopia has lost 1 bln USD in each year – totally 6 bln USD, he reported.

Meanwhile, he also gave an explanation to MPs regarding Ethio-Sudan boundary issues.

He said that there are groups that want Ethiopia to get into fight with our neighboring country, Sudan.

The Sudanese have done many good things for us. For example, they sheltered us when Italy invaded Ethiopia. And also, they gave a shelter during the red terror killings during derg regime.

He said that Ethiopians and Sudanese peoples are one by blood. Even, the word “Sudan” in Arabic language and the word “Ethiopia” in Greece language have the same meaning.

According to him, there are questions raised by the Sudanese regarding boundary issues. “Now, we are in talks with the Sudanese counterpart to solve these issues peacefully. The questions are solvable through discussion, not by war.”


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