#EthicsMatters: Important Deadline January 15th
Jorge Luis Lopez, Esq.
Governmental Affairs Attorney | Published Author | TV & Radio Expert Analyst
Dear Friends, Clients & Colleagues,
As always, I hope this note finds you all well.
As a new year dawns, familiar questions are raised.
None more vitally important than the ethics and regulations on County government lobbying and lobbyist registrations.
This #EthicsMatters brief focuses on these specific questions -- just in time for the 2016 Annual Lobbyist Registration due -- THIS FRIDAY January 15.
so, who is a lobbyists and therefore needs to register?
2016 Lobbyist Registration...
- Who?
The Miami Dade County Code defines lobbyists as "any person firm or corporation seeking to influence any action, decision or recommendation of County Personnel" inclduing the Board of county Commissioners.
Any individuals retained to influence County decisions and any Principal or employee whose scope of work includes lobbying activities MUST register with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners.
- What?
The Miami-Dade County Code requires that individuals retained as a lobbyists register with the Clerk of the Board within five days of being retained by a client or before engaging in any lobbying activity.
Any existing registrations must be renewed at the beginning of each year.
- Where?
Lobbyists can now register or renew their registrations online.
- When?
Registration renewals MUST be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by FRIDAY JANUARY 15, 2016.
- How?
The Miami-Dade County Code requires that all lobbyists take a Lobbyist Ethics Course approved by the Commission on Ethics and Public Trust within 60 days of their lobbyist registration. A certificate of completion must be sent to the Clerk of the Board.
The Commission on Ethics requires that lobbyists complete a Refresher Course every two years following their initial registration.
Need More Info?
If you need more information, or would like further instruction, feel free to check in with our in-house Ethics & Compliance Specialist, Mayra del Rio, Esq. via email or at 305-444-6102.
As always, we hope this information is helpful.
Warmest Regards,
Jorge Luis Lopez, Esq.
Governmental Affairs Counsel