On Ethics and Ghostwriting: It's Your Story!
Gabriella Gafni
Managing Agent at GMG Ghostwriting Services, International Best-selling Ghostwriter
Some people believe that writing their story with a ghostwriter transgresses ethical and socially acceptable practices when, in fact, that could not be further from the truth. Transactions between ghostwriters and authors involve a cognitive and emotional symbiosis—a level of connection rarely found in business relationships. This is because ghostwriting is not merely transactional but social—an outgrowth of humanism—working to further a creative objective.
?There are, nonetheless, crucial preliminaries to the sign-on process that solidify the relationship and protect the parties (most significantly, a contract that memorializes the essential terms of the ghostwriter/author relationship, including fee obligations, intellectual property rights, and non-disclosure terms).
But at its core, the process involves open communication—a mutual getting-to-know-you experience that involves trust-building, confidential communications, and a profound understanding and respect between people. The authors divulge, and the ghostwriter formulates ideas, feelings, innovations, personal ruminations, and stories into compelling passages that appeal to various individuals and groups. The authors' sentiments and the written word must align to create a narrative reflective of the authors' voice, style, intent, purpose, and message.
?While there is nothing new under the sun, the ghostwriter endeavors to compose original, authentic, dynamic text unique to the authors and their individual experiences, views, and goals at every phase of the process. Stories may sometimes appear similar, but the ghostwriter's talent inheres in inflecting heart, pathos, and litheness into texts that are, generally, indistinguishable from others of their kind. We are all human, but no two fingerprint sets are identical.
There is no stigma attached to working with a ghostwriter and taking credit for the finished product, as that is the nature of the collaborative process.
?The ghostwriter relegates the ego to the latent recesses of the soul and also subordinates personal precepts and belief systems to that of the authors. In doing so, the ghostwriter serves as a conduit of expression and meaning, guiding the authors to the zenith of self-expression and creativity.
The process is intensely cathartic, heartfelt, fulfilling, and edifying. The process saves time and ensures accuracy and fluidity of thought and expression.
?Each of us has our own gifts. Questioning the ethics of ghostwriting is akin to doubting the efficacy and beauty of hiring a fine artist to paint your portrait. Ghostwriting is a skill unique to the creative who, at your bidding, gives life to the contents of your heart and soul. Take the leap! You won't regret it.
? Gabriella Gafni 2024. All rights reserved.