Is it ethical turn helping others in profession .

Is it ethical turn helping others in profession .

January is typically full of pop psychological and coaching propaganda . Myself I went from very enthusiastic approach to this stuff to pragmatical or even sceptical view of this type of super positive and over optimistic talks . Let's face a reality . Hurray . After reading many the most popular books written by famous American mentors I just have found one which mention about pros of realistic thinking . I mean here book about different types of thinking by John .C . Maxwell He is the best in leadership .

What are a potential dangers which I want You to be aware ?And do we really need a coach in our live? Should be helping others be a business?

Let's start from realizing what it is coaching. As I said it previously . Recognizing something is the first step of finding solution.

From the psychological point we may describe coaching as a goal focused therapy. This trend is based on the desire of changing life. If You don't accept Your story close a chapter and write a new one .Simple . But what about propaganda of success according which we are strongly pressured to think that way. By showing examples of these who lead more fulfilled and happy life they try encourage You to follow this version perhaps Your version of life doesn't have any deeper and real meaning. Firstly before You let be affected by any suggestion think what do You actually want from Your life. Because You are Your life owner .

I will continue later on .....


