Ethical hacking
Ethical hacking is the way to find out the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system or computer network. It is a way to describe the procedure of hacking in an ethical way for any network.??The?ethical hacker?has the?good?purpose?to?do it.?Actually it?has?become?the general perception in our mind for hacker that he will be bad, fanatic, criminal and unethical. Basically some of the hacker has?even done very?badly?with some organisations?like they have?stolen?very?important?information?of?their?customers.?In?some?of?the?government organisations they have damaged very confidential information like social security numbers and?other?sensitive?information.?That?is?the?reason?hackers?are?not?having?very?good reputation. To avoid such conditions many organisation have hired many ethical hackers to keep a track on their system and computer network. Ethical hackers are supposing to test and check vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the present system. There is one another face of the coin which tells that without hackers the vulnerabilities and holes of software would remain undiscovered [1]. In this paper I have tried to explain the good and bad face of hacker and even of ethical hackers also and what re the different impact on the different areas of our society. A study shows that almost 90% attacks happen on the inside which shows that easy it is to invade into the system or network for insiders.?I have tried to explore the ethics behind the ethical hacking and the problems lie with this particular?field?of?information?technology?where?security?is?concerned.?Though?ethical hacking has become a very upcoming technological subject from the last few years, now the doubt remains?the true?intentions of?the hacker.?Hackers in this?context have had?a?very measurable impact on society. There are several?fields?in?computing where hackers made measurable impact on society. In this paper I have tried to look into different ways how we can make ethical hacking safe and ethical.