Eth-Noh-Tec upcoming performances in your area!
Eth-Noh-Tec has a full schedule coming up! Join us!
Davis Storytelling Festival 4/22 starting with a workshop by us 'Tell It! Move It!' At 9:30am with performances beginning at noon until 4pm. We are one of the featured tellers. Google Davis Storytelling Festival.
Then, Red Altar, my multi-media kinetic story theater piece is being performed 3 times at the end of the month: at the San Benito High School in Hollister 4/29 at 2pm FREE, and at Montalvo in Saratoga 4/30 at 9:30am and 11:30am - tickets available only for 9:30 show, 11:30 sold out. Also same workshop at 4pm at Montalvo same day. for tickets.
Red Altar is the story of 6 Chinese teenagers whose junk boat crashed into Carmel Bay in 1850 and started the fishing industry in the Monterey Bay Area despite legal discrimination and racist violence. Following 3 generations reinventing themselves at every turn, they were able to succeed. "The Chinese must go?" No. We're still here. But, it's not over!
Red Altar has been performed 8 times throughout the country to 8 standing ovations. On 5/5 T 8pm, The first half of Red Altar will be performed along with other stories and guests followed by dialogue between the audience and artists. The evening is called RegenerAsian and is part of the United States of Asian American festival..5/5 at 8pm at Eth-Noh-Tec Creative Space. Tickets available at Brown Bag/regenerasian.
Please join us for some meaningful, fun, and dialogue ASIAN style!
#asianperformance, #storytelling, #ethnohtec, #montalvoarts, #sanbenitoartscouncil, #davisstorytellingfestival
AAPI United Ambassador
6 年Let me know when you're in LA Nancy Wang!