ETG supports Sustain Africa – an Emergency Response and Resilience initiative to address fertilizer supply deficit in Africa

ETG supports Sustain Africa – an Emergency Response and Resilience initiative to address fertilizer supply deficit in Africa

ETG joined forces with international and continentally based commercial and social enterprises to form Sustain Africa, an initiative launched to address product supply deficit and the rising cost crises in Africa.

Against the backdrop of a global pandemic, slower global economic growth, devastating effects of climate change and the impact of the Russia / Ukraine situation, Africa’s Agriculture is facing a dire future.?The war in Ukraine disrupted fertilizer supply from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine and prices globally rallied to record highs.?Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership, supported by the International Fertilizer Association; donors Rabo Bank and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; and suppliers like ETG came together to develop a response program.?Under the banner Sustain Africa, the parties involved are in the process of recruiting more partners to support the initiative.

The first step under Sustain Africa is to address short supply of Fertilizer in Uganda.?Uganda has been heavily impacted by supply chain constraints due to COVID 19, with small holder farmers most affected by the situation.?ETG will supply a total of 8000mt fertilizer to Uganda under this initiative and will proceed with support to the farming community through our dedicated field officers and agronomists.?The program will cover several countries in East and West Africa

Since establishment, ETG has passionately worked towards creating sustainable value across Africa, with the upliftment of farming communities core to our efforts.??We believe that the correct application of quality input products is the first step towards food security. ?ETG Agri Inputs, ETG’s Fertilizer, Inputs and Agro Chemicals business, developed several solutions as part of their strategic intent to address this, including training initiatives conducted by Agronomists; the development of a mobile app, ETG One-Stop-Solution, that cover topics like crop protection, climate information and agronomy support; and distribution centers located in proximity to farmgate.?As members of Sustain Africa, ETG has pledged the supply of Fertilizer at discounted levels, with the discounted amount being ?USD5 Million.

We are proud to be part of an initiative that creates positive impact across Africa and look forward to welcoming more companies as partners under Sustain Africa.



