ETF Insider - November edition out now!
Your ETF Insider November edition is here! This issue focuses on the mechanics of ETF investing. In particular, ETF Stream has conducted analysis on the profitability of the UCITS ETF market which makes for stark reading for many ETF issuers.
According to data from ETFbook, just 50% of European-listed ETFs are in the green when accounting for costs such as custody, listing venue fees and index licensing (p.14).
Is this something investors should be concerned about? Absolutely. In a market where asset gathering is crucial due to pressure on fees, many smaller players could be forced to close their UCITS ETF businesses, leading to competition issues and a lack of innovation.
This occurred just last month, for example, when Roundhill Investments shut its only European-listed ETF and more could certainly follow suit. As a result, this makes the ETF launch process absolutely vital, as ETF Stream’s news editor Theo Andrew investigates (p.22).
Also in this issue:
Also?inside are the usual segments such as ETF of the Month (p.14), Education Corner (p.13), Fund Fights (p.15) and Expert Investors, where ETF Stream interviews fund selectors on the role of ETFs within their asset allocation (p.12).
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