The Eternal & Unchanging Word of God in the OT & NT Easily Debunks Christianity, Judaism & Islam and Identifies His One True Chosen People
Jorge Mata Torres
Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas
If you've ever wondered why Christianity, Judaism & Islam contradict each other though they all claim to follow the same God, it's because they don't, never have, and never will. They are all fictitious doctrines of men. No one in the Bible you read about ever kept any of these religions - they didn't exist when the OT and NT were written. If you think it doesn't matter to God, you clearly know nothing about Him. It's not your fault. You've been programmed by your religion to believe in a god that is not at all the God of Abraham, reject His eternal and unchanging Word, and accept blasphemous, heretical dogma spewed by false prophets and false teachers as the Word of God He never once proclaimed nor would ever accept.
Here's something for you to chew on: those who kept the Lord's eternal and unchanging Word in the OT and NT are mentioned residing in the Kingdom of Heaven: ALL the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, biblical Israel and their remnant today. The number of followers of Christianity, Judaism & Islam combined mentioned in the Bible residing in the Kingdom of Heaven: ZERO. NADA. ZILCH. In fact, there's not even a remote hint anyone from any religion (tradition of men) will be there. There's a dark secret they are keeping from you that explains why no follower of any religion will ever step foot in the Kingdom of God.
Cognitive dissonance, Semmelweis reflex - these are the common symptoms people experience when they can't deal with facts and the truth regardless how irrefutable they are and beneficial they can be for them. Scripture tells us apathy and scoffers would abound in the Last Days. So be it.
For the few called to God, THE FAITH awaits you.
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