Eternal Time Discussion

Eternal Time Discussion

We are all travelling through time, except we falsely measure time as days, 24 hour days. The 24 hour day is time tied to this planet earth as it's rate of spin. Add up 365 of these rotations and you have supposedly traveled in time a whole year as we refer to this as earth's time continuum. To time travel outside this, " continuum" one traditionally has to leave the earth and travel in space at a very fast speed, then catch back up to the earth again at a future time from when you left. You may find everything on earth has changed because you arrived in the future, which is possible. Classic time travel into the past one would need to travel away from earth faster than the speed of light thus when you returned you would catch back up to the earth's location in space/time from the past as referenced from the time you left. Now we have another method which is time traveling through a wormhole created within this very, space/time fabric, to other locations in past, or future times, thus time tunneling. Then we humans have this notion of time as someone is said to be living in the past as another might be said to be living in the future, or ahead of his/her time. Then of course there is what we call the here and now, as humans we can truly go anywhere in time within our minds in an instant way faster than light is the speed of thought with pure imagination as the vehicle. To travel in time this way one could do this as simply as psychologically throwing away the calendar, or synthetic time piece then simply stepping outside of so called, recorded time.

Philip - Well he ain't gonna get there by going on about relativity and time, seeing in real physics time din't even exist, let along being able to be warped by someone's weird imagination.

Harry - Also, I have a bunch of answers nobody knows the questions to ...

Rich - Isn't time the speed of light? The clock rate of how fast the spectral lines emanate outward from the plasma core to create matter. Light is a coaxial circuit according to Ken Wheeler.

Sol - Time is relative basically to how long it takes to get from one particular place in space to another, whereas in the case of the heated universe per-se, it has taken some 14 billion years to expand to its current place in space, but at absolute zero even time is frozen because nothing is moving, or expanding. The classic view of " Time" travel is somehow one could slip outside this continuum, and go backwards or forward in time.( Classic physics towards or away from the big bang event whatever that was a beginning ) As they say things always change over time, so in that way the only constant is change, and we may know the answers to all things by and by.

Rich- But time is a human construct. If we for example move up the ladder into say the realm of non form, where no body is required, I'm not sure, but I would say time may not even exist, you would live in a constant now state. One thing about time, I never get enough of it ha ha.

Sol - Well, yes Humans have tried to trap time with their devices, in an attempt to " Tell " time. This construct as you say is a human invention mainly by industrialist to get workers to the factory on time, or that trains run on time.. In all reality time is eternal and cannot be trapped, or divided into seconds, minutes, hours, days, whatever, while at the same time,time is relative and unique to each individual, as the concept, " MY TIME " or take time, applies. I personally view time like water, water is all around us in the sky, in the oceans, everywhere yet it is the water in your glass that you drink, just as time is what we make it, as we all use the energy from that water which is basically hydrogen that is also everywhere eternally in the universe.

Cod- " Baloney "

Sol- " Many cultures on earth have developed methods of so called " Keeping " time, yet the real question of, " What actually is time? " has never been answered and is still a mystery. The repetitive nature of days and months of which we have given names that repeat constantly, but for years we still just assign numbers in an attempt to clock time, but in all reality time has neither names or numbers. It it just there endless, eternal, forever. What ever it is for lack of a better name we call it time." 

Cod- " it's not a mystery. Time is a virtual coordinate system, not something real you can manipulate." 

Sol- " Manipulate Time Hummm! All things change with time so in effect isn't change manipulating time, as for sure time never stays the same, as if a cosmic freeze fame occurred. As long as the known universe is expanding we will experience time as we know it constantly changing. If I asked you, " What were the times like in the 1940s? " you would not say just a series of days, months, and a decade called the 40s.. You would talk about events instead, and if you time traveled back to the 40s and altered one of these events you would in effect be manipulating time, well same is true about the future. When Apple invented the iphone it in effect changed time at least on earth, inventing a new era or dispensation of time." 

Cod - " the universe is not expanding " 

Sol - " Back that up with proof? " 

Cod- " you're greatly confused about the burden of proof. The null hypothesis, in other words the hypothesis that requires no assumptions and that even a low-grade moron could come up with, is that the universe is not expanding. Prove that it is if you expect your beliefs to be taken seriously. Start by disproving the accepted definition of "universe", which is "all that is", which would include any space into which the universe could possibly "expand". Take this puerile creationist nonsense elsewhere." 

Sol- " I never said that I personally accepted any of it as concrete proof, The jury is still out on all theories, as none actually exist within the dimensions human have with their limited equations, symbols, and thought experiments... etc..We all use words to construct ideas but nature on the other hand will always out strip us with her actual reality whatever that is.. btw I have no idea what " puerile creationist nonsense" is can you explain that a bit? " ( Heat causes to expand, so any thing that is above absolute zero is expanding as everywhere we have looked into the cosmos we detect this background radiation, as well all or most of the galaxies are red-shifting away from each other at enormous speeds so there is that as something must of thawed out all this space a long time ago to expand into. )

Cod- " the universe is not expanding." 

Sol - " Well if the so called, " Universe" is expanding or not expanding really doesn't matter in the big picture if all this stuff including us can actually exist ether way, so maybe the universe is alive and breathing in elements like hydrogen ( contracting ) and breathing out all the other elements ( expanding) but as you say always basically staying the same size.. Steady-state theory? " 

Cod - " concepts like "size" and "age" of the universe are meaningless " 

Sol-  " Yes that is like calculating the size of United States when it has grown over the many years as the states were added, and the age of 243 years only refers to a corporation, called USA not the actual continent which is millions if not billions of years old-- layers many layers and many dimensions for sure but yet each can be meaningful in the eyes of the beholder, from any unique vantage point, or view." 

Cod - " the universe is not constrained by political boundaries as are nations." 

Sol - " Indeed when a nuclear war, or a comet impact could reduce it all to ash in an instant just as super nova, or some other cosmic event could spell doom to whole galaxies such are the collisions we are now seeing in the heavens. " 

Step - " The "Earth" does not move, it is not in an orbit, it has been hung on nothing and shall remain in this unmovable state forever!

All the universe moves except the North Star and the earth!

There had to be a fictional International Date Line added to the Gregorian Calendar in order to keep all travelers on the same day of the Gregorian Calendar!

But, the International Date Line has caused a lot of confusion with Islanders who live in and about it! Those in the Hawaiian Chain of Islands has caused them much concern as to whether the day is Saturday on Sunday on the same day just 90 miles apart during the same daylight hours!

The concern is in the 6 day week that the businesses are open for business, and the two days people want off for church! While the one Island is off for Saturday the other is off for Sunday!

Really does it matter? Sure, all facts matter! " 

Sol - " A spacecraft that blasts a artificial satellite into geosynchronous equatorial orbit is a circular geosynchronous orbit 35,786 kilometres (22,236 miles) above Earth's equator and following the direction of Earth's rotation. An object in such an orbit has an orbital period equal to the Earth's rotational period, one sidereal day, and so to ground observers it appears motionless, in a fixed position in the sky. " 

Step -  " Ha ha ha ha.....I see they have you deceived! How do you think these stationary satellite dishes work any way?

They have to be fine tooled to pick up a clear picture! All because the earth does not move and neither does the satellite that it is picking up from some 17,000 miles in space!

The Sun and the Moon and the North Star are all natural Satellites of the Earth. The North Star does not Move.....and the Sun moves faster than the when the eclipses take place, such as the Solar eclipses.... it leaves a shadow on earth's surface that reveal the speed that the sun is passing the moon by, plus reveals that the earth is not spinning eastward at 900 hundred and some miles per hour as supposed but on the contrary is not moving at all and the shadow moves eastward at about 35 miles an hour! If the earth was moving eastward at 900 miles an hour.....the shadow would spin and move westward and 865 miles an hour!

But, it don't! Now there you have the scientific observation of reality! The Earth don't Move, never has, and never will!

Now in Joshua's day, the Sun and the Moon did stop for about 8 hours, until Joshua could win his war, and so he could rest and keep the 7th Day sabbath in peace! But the earth was not moving any way so it never affected reality of time! Because when the Moon and the Sun 

Sol- " Truth of the matter is just because one finds something written in a book by humans, ancient or modern doesn't mean that the thing, or event actually happened within our physical universe. Instead in most cases the opposite happened, as most books especially ancient were originally penned as mythology, where humans are given super powers over nature, and other godlike abilities."

Step- " You are exactly right, and what you are posting is just something you found in a book, or movie or some other human concept maybe just listening to a lecture of some man.

What I posted is actual observation of the Shadow of the Suns eclipse seen and observed on the earth by personal observation!

Another for instance is naturally observed in the night sky is the North Star which does not move, and has been a faithful guide for many sailor out to see!

All the Natural Observances prove the Earth does not move, and neither does the North Star!

Science so called books try to offer their theories of the earths moving some 1,000 miles and hour to the east, and some 69,000 miles an hour to go around the Sun which has no observatory evidence whatsoever, but, that is what you are believing, but not me! "

Sol - " The jet pilots are always having to compensate for the spinning earth depending on the direction they are flying. This is a real time situation that is not found in any book. "

Step - " Now that is a bunch of baloney! lol I have talked to many a pilot and there is no evidence to verify that at all!

The only thing the pilots have to compensate for is high winds at the altitude they fly! "

Sol - " Watch this - The Earth's spin can be detected using aircraft navigational equipment. In fact, pilots need to calibrate the navigation equipment before each flight, and part of this procedure the aircraft's laser gyroscopes detect the earth’s rotation and uses this information to determine the aircraft's latitude very accurately.

100% Proof that Earth Spins! Aircraft Laser Gyroscopes

Step- " There you go using some ones writing to try to prove what you believe! Now let me explain to you! If the earth is moving like the sciencetis say then a commercial aircraft would have to fly at over 1600 miles per hour going east because the earth is already moving at 900 hundred miles an hour going east! And these Commercial aircraft are only flying at 600 to 700 miles per hour! You and your book learning! Now you have me really laughing! "

Sol - " Everything is spinning including the atmosphere all together of which we are all inside of, but at various speeds depending on your position from the equator so nothing is independent of this therefore you are just flying within this already spinning planet from place to place not outside this motion, like if on another planet but like an insect buzzing all around inside your car that is actually going 85 MPH down the freeway. The insect doesn't have to go faster than 85 to get to any surface inside the car.." 

Step- " So you admit there is no way to observe this motion of the earth while we are standing here? Therefore it is all a theory that you are talking about! And no Captains preparing for flight have to even worry about adjusting to fly EAst or West, that was just a Gag, because in this "envelope" no motion can be detected?

So, you nor anyone has any absolute proof of movement of this earth, but they have convinced you without any evidence!

But, if you would consider the Observation of scientific evidence that I have would see with your own eyes ...the physical evidence that the earth is not moving!

Now let me explain it to you again:

#1. The "Shadow" from outer Space comes from beyond your "theory of there being and envelope " that you theorized to being in.....and brings you home to the physical evidence of observation with your own eyes.....that the Earth is not is the celestial bodies of the Sun and the Moon and the Stars that are moving except the North Star!

#2. Now, every time there is a "Solar Eclipse" , the shadow of that Eclipse of the Sun passing behind the Moon is the physical evidence that can be observed to be moving Eastward at about 35 miles an hour on the face of the earth. This evidence comes from outside of the envelope that is like sitting in a car doing 85 miles an hour and bees flying around in side, as tho it were sitting still! The "Sun and the Moon and the Stars are outside of the envelope looking in"! Thus the "Shadow of the Eclipse" proves that the Earth is not moving, but the Sun is passing the Moon causing the shadow to go eastward.....and not westward as it would if the earth were moving Eastward!

#3. NOw let us go over this again: The Sun and the Moon are like a Street light on the other side of a tree, when your car passes and 85 miles an hour the shadow from the street light goes the opposite way you are traveling!

#4. I suggest you sit this one out until you have time to get your mind in gear and do some research into reality of what can be observed and realize that there is no "envelope" we are living in but a real live world of reality...... rather than believe the lying Scientists who have deceived the whole world without any physical evidence just a lot of Bull and Baloney!

Sol - " Seems you are convinced that earth is an only stationary object in the whole universe, and everything else evolves around the earth. Have you ever considered how much gravity that would take for such an object to have that kind of influence on all other objects.. The idea of a stationary earth has been disproved in so many ways it is amazing such ideas as you persist still exist..Nevertheless I can feel the earth rotate , I can feel it flying thru space at enormous speeds. I do not need any scientist or anyone else to tell me anything other that what I feel. The International Space Station also proves this every few minutes with another sunrise. But if you are content to sit on your stationary planet going nowhere have at it.

Solar Eclipse 101 | National Geographic

Step - " And, the whole world is deceived! So don't worry you are not the only one! " 


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