An Eternal response to a mother's tough questions

An Eternal response to a mother's tough questions

Her real name was Kristen, but everyone called her Alex. She died in an accident in 2007 when she was 17 years old. This letter is an abridged version of the one she wrote to her mother last week after the reversal of Roe vs. Wade. This letter begins where her earthly life ends.?


Everyone here knows that you and dad wanted more time with me than God gave you. I observed you at my funeral and stared as you and dad tried to pick up the pieces. I heard some of the tough questions you asked God that day.?

How could He take a woman's only child??

Why did He not hear prayers to protect me when I got in the car and drove home the night of my accident??

Why was it my time to leave this Earth when I had not yet graduated high school, let alone got a job, married, and had children??

I heard other people whisper, "what is she going to do now? Alex was her life!"

God decided that today is your lucky day. A part of your prayers shall be answered. I wish you could see the look of peace on my face as I write this. Although I don't look the same as I used to, you don't either! When you get here, you will recognize me; that is one of His promises.?

Everyone up here knows that you wanted me to have a meaningful career. In light of what happened in the US Supreme Court last week, God said I can tell you all about my job. After all, so much of what you did for me was to ready me for my career. Although none of us have titles in a sense that I can convey to you, I can at least tell you what I do and whom I do it with and for.?

Mom, I work with those who were not given a chance to be born. Do you remember how it says in His word that there will be healing of nations in Heaven? All of us who work with them call them the "nation of the unborn."?There are tens of millions of them, and it takes many of us to heal and care for them. Working with these little ones, specifically, the unborn girls, is my identity.?

These little ones spent 100% of their Earth time inside their mother's wombs, and they were super confused when they arrived. They had no memories to replay or stories of failures to share with anyone. Most of them only ask, "what did I do wrong?" when they see there are here without ever seeing the outside world. Mom, my eternal career is that of mentor and caregiver to these children.?

They make all of us smile with their innocent questions. Often, I get to answer their first question, "What is that?" when they see His light or the trees full of fruit that they can pick and eat. I have held more than one of these little girls as they bypass the traditional first food of breast milk and take their first taste of heavenly fruit. Often, I am the one to feed some of them for the first time! I can't tell you the joy this brings to both of us. I get to hold them and look them in the eyes as their face lightens with the first use of their perfect taste buds. I get to answer their imagination's calling when they hear His musicians for the first time, and they ask me, "what is that, and why does it make me feel so good?" For example, one of my first little girls asked me, "What does that mean?" when they heard their first guitar solo.?

There is even one thing better than what I just described. There are a few of us whom He allows to assist Him as one of the greatest mysteries of Heaven is revealed, and I also get an up-close-and-personal view. The mothers of these little people sometimes arrive much later than the children. Once they pass through the throne of judgment, the Father always brings these women to Him, sits them in his lap, and tells them, "Your pain is no more."?

Then, the Heavenly rock concert starts! He doesn't give them any time (or me, for that matter), and He asks them, "would you like to meet your daughter now?"?That is my prompt to bring the little one to the newly arrived mom and introduce the two of them. I hear their breath upon the first touch and watch the joy pass at this first union. Sure, there are many reunions up here, but reunions are minor compared to these first unions.?

For their part, the mothers are hysterical. Some try to defend themselves after holding their child for the first time, saying things to defend their choices on Earth. We all get to hear, "I was so scared!" or "I am so sorry that I was so selfish," when they try to defend their actions from the past life. Do you know what the kids say, literally 100% of the time?

"Mommy, I just love you." It isn't just God who forgives in Eternity. The unborn can do it, too!

God uses all things in all places to bring glory, including abortion. There are no words to seeing mother and daughter connected for the first time. Even though the first union doesn't happen on Earth as He intends, it still happens. It is still powerful. It still changes women, no matter how they try to avoid being that little one's mother on Earth.

When the Father told me that it was my responsibility to make the first introductions, I asked Him how I should do that. I could not fathom how he could select a girl who died at 17 with no brothers or sisters to administer this gift. The answer he gave me is the message I want you to remember. It is a credit to you.

"Little One, you already learned those skills with your family on Earth. I tell you, use your sense of humor. Use your servant's heart. Be prepared to answer endless questions. You know how to keep the focus off of you. Just do more of that. Do not concern yourself with protocol or preparation. I picked you to do this job at the beginning of time and put you in place on Earth to ready you for this moment. And you are ready!"

I know you still keep in contact with some of my friends, so as a passing comment, I work the same shift with a girl from Spain. She reminds me a lot of Jordan. Tell Jordan that I miss her and whisper to her that I have seen what is going to become of Brooks! Wow! Just wow!

For now, though, sleep well and stand tall! I have 17 more years than anyone I work with. Your daughter is making a difference in eternity, and I thank you so much for what you did to nurture His eternal design for me. I love you across all places and timelines. See you soon, Mom.



This is one of ten parts to a book that you can listen to on Audible. Click the link to learn more.


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