Eteach ECT Community 27th March
Welcome to this fortnight's Eteach ECT Community newsletter. In this issue you will find opportunities to teach in Australia, information about how to get into tutoring and expert tips for parent consultation meetings. We also take a look at Pobble's fantastic creative writing resources. Remember to join our Facebook group for more tips and advice.
Teaching in Australia
You may have seen on the news recently that there is a big drive from the Australian government to recruit teachers from the UK. With an education system that has many similarities to the UK and an attractive range of benefits, including competitive salaries, lots of opportunities for career development and the chance to live and work in the relaxed, sunny Aussie environment, many teachers have decided to make the move to Oz.
There is an especially high demand for secondary teachers but enthusiastic and passionate primary teachers are also needed in various locations across the country. Eteach have a number of roles that will be advertised on our jobs board in the coming days, and we will happily support you through every step of the process - from applying for vacancies, obtaining visas and other relevant documentation and simply providing advice from our experts about taking the first steps to teach overseas.
If Australia seems like the right choice for you, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Chantal at [email protected] or check out our current vacancies here:
How to survive parent consultation meetings
It's that time of year when parent consultation meetings are beginning to take place, and if this is your first time providing feedback to parents in this sort of setting, it can be nerve-wracking. Don't fret - we have some useful tips from our teaching experts to help you out.
Remember the individual
Remember in your world a child is one in a class or year group, but to a parent or carer, that child is their everything. Your life as a teacher will be made that much easier if you have parents on side. It’s about them knowing that you have their child’s best interest at heart and them knowing that you truly do KNOW their child
Constant dialogue - no surprises
Parents evenings are not a platform for dropping nuclear bombs of information on parents. It is a simple exercise of updating them of progress and targets moving forward. It is also a lovely opportunity to discuss their child’s emotional wellbeing and how they are progressing as a person and maturing and growing and becoming their best selves. If there are significant concerns academically or emotionally or socially or ANYTHING – make sure you have had those conversations beforehand. You need to build a rapport and relationships with the parents as much as you do with the children in your care.
Involve the children
Have your children get involved in preparing for parents evening too by writing down their own personal goals, targets and room for improvements. This also ensures that conversations have happened at home between them and already everyone is more informed by the time you get to parents evening.
Be prepared!
Probably the most important piece of advice. Make sure you have notes on each child ready in advance, so that the limited time you have available in your scheduled slots will be productive, positive and on good terms.
Interested in tutoring?
Have you ever considered tutoring as a career option or as a supplementary income alongside teaching? More and more teachers are choosing to tutor, whether it be privately for individual families, in schools as part of intervention sessions or for pupils seeking alternative provision.
Tutoring isn't just extra lessons for learners sitting exams; it can take many forms: one-to-one, group tutoring, online sessions. Tutoring can provide an additional layer of support to those in mainstream schools or can provide a solution for those who need to be home-schooled or cannot attend school full-time.
Did you know that Eteach has our very own tutoring division? Education Boutique offers complete tutoring solutions and we are always on the look out for talented tutors. There are a number of roles available in a variety of settings, including exciting opportunities overseas. If you are interested in putting your teaching skills to good use by tutoring, email [email protected] to arrange an informal chat with one of our friendly consultants.
Inspire young writers...
Pobble is an AMAZING tool for creative writing in schools. You can sign up for free and access their daily writing prompts and weekly writes, complete with questions and activities (which can all be converted into whiteboard-friendly presentations). You can also access examples of children's writing to use as WAGOLLs (What A Good One Looks Like) in class. If you decide to sign up for a paid membership, you can access hundreds of different writing prompts and upload your own pupils' writing to celebrate successes. They also offer a handy moderation tool, where you can complete online moderation with other schools. School or individual memberships are available, with full training on offer to make the most of the services. We simply love Pobble and cannot recommend it enough!
Ramadan Mubarak!
The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is upon us and we would like to wish Ramadan Kareem to those who are observing.
If you have students in your class who are fasting, remember to be aware that they might need an alternative space to base themselves at during lunchtimes, and ensure they are able to avoid any strenuous physical activity if they need to. Pupils may also appear tired after breaking their fast late at night. Remember that not everybody is expected to fast, so don't make assumptions and be supportive of any staff or students who are abstaining during this special month.
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