Estopa: back to my teenage years
Idoia Andueza Begué
Professional communicator with C2 level of English. Translator and English Teacher
Did you attend the 25th anniversary of Estopa? Half of Pamplona was there, or at least half of the population in their thirties and forties. I had the pleasure of going, and it was amazing. Are you a fan of this band? If so, don’t miss the opportunity to see these brothers from Catalonia, who are doing a big tour around Spain. But what can you expect from this tour?
Frankly, it’s quite normal to wonder whether you should go to one of these concerts or not, as most of us no longer listen to their music nor are we up to date with their career. However, bear in mind that the 25th anniversary is a nostalgia gig, so if you’re an old fan, you’ll definitely enjoy yourself.
In fact, from the very beginning, the Catalan brothers bring back their old songs, one by one, transporting you back to your teenage years. You’ll be delighted by classic hits like La Raja de tu Falda and A la Orilla del Río, among others. To be honest, even though it’s been ages since I followed them, I recognised ninety per cent of their setlist. Nevertheless, it’s a pity they didn’t perform the song dedicated to the film Planta Cuarta. I was really looking forward to that one and felt somewhat disappointed.
As for the organisation, I feel compelled to point out the terrible job done by Navarra Arena. To start with, being on the ground level was an absolute nightmare due to the increased capacity of the sports hall, allowing them to sell more tickets. There were too many people, and the heat and overcrowding were often overwhelming. In fact, some people suffered from dizziness and had to be assisted. Moreover, if you wanted to get a drink, you had to wait an average of thirty or forty minutes, which is unacceptable, given the low number of staff at the bar.
All in all, I had a great time at the concert, and after the show, I was pleasantly surprised by the DJ hired by the bar at Navarra Arena, who played 90s music. However, the number of spectators was excessive, and I still don’t understand how the bar was organised. It was undoubtedly a total failure. I can’t imagine what would have happened if there had been an emergency.
So, tell me, how was your experience at the concert?