Estimation of Initial and Final Setting Time of Cement
We all know cement is a binder, a substance used for construction that bonds with other materials that set and binds them together. For initiating the process of binding, cement is first mixed with water, then the hydration process starts and in due course, the cement paste is formed.
In this article, a brief description is given about the initial setting time and the final setting time of cement. However, in the construction industry cement contractors and suppliers will often discuss about the initial and final setting time of cement. But this setting time of cement, always depends upon the quality of cement procured during construction.
It is known to everyone that cement does not set too quickly or too slowly. Therefore, one should understand if the initial setting time is too fast, the cement will start to set while it is being transported, and before getting poured. Again if the final setting time takes too long, the concrete structure will not have the durability and strength to support the weight of additional construction.
In this context, we should also note that the setting time should not be confused with the cement hardening time. The setting of cement can be explained as when the cement paste starts to reach consistency by losing its workability and plasticity whereas the hardening of cement simply means the solidifying and strengthening of materials.
Initial Setting Time of Cement
Initial Setting Time of Cement can be simply explained as the time in between the addition of water in cement and when the reaction happens and the cement starts losing its plasticity. This is the perfect moment where you can mold the cement and give it the desired shape.
This particular initial setting time is very important to know for cement contractors and also suppliers as it ascertains how much time is needed for transportation, placing, and compaction of concrete.