A.???Worthy audience?Turkish President Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iran’s President Ibrahim Raisi held a summit on Syrian Conflict in the Iranian capital on Tuesday (19 July) to resolve differences. Russia, Turkey and Iran have in recent years held talks as part of the so-called “Astana peace process “to end more than 11 years of conflict in the Middle East zone.Erdogan has said in recent months that he will soon launch a military operation targeting Kurdish fighters that Turkey considers “terrorists” in the cities of Tal Rifaat and Manbij. In the backdrop of War in Ukraine, Political Deadlock and worse Financial Chaos in Pakistan what kind of geostrategic and geopolitical TURMOIL IS BREWING IN CENTRAL ASIA, SOUTH ASIA,SOUTH CHINA SEA & EUROPE may be seen in a brief as follows :-

1.?????US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visit is expected in Pakistan soon. So to say who the hell would be deemed as a Sober head of Govt /a Mature Foreign Minister of Pakistan by then, since the Cipher Issue is not yet dead and IMF has turned face on the other side, obviously waiting for political stability or regime change? Shall we again behave like cartoonish /unmoved & keep making mockery of the most believed incompetent, unruly & corrupt Pakistani Politicians & forget about US recent gesture of optimism for change of regime /guards or future of Pakistan? We believe "absolutely not" days are over?WHERE IS IMRAN KHAN LOST? WAKE UP PTI /PAKISTAN ,WE NEED NOT TO ANNOY THOSE WHO SHOULD MATTER MOST IN THE POWER CORRIDORS (USA ,OUR SECURUTY ESTABLISHMENT & JUDICIARY)

2.?????Pakistan is about to land in great Political Turmoil& Financial Chaos as per the ALL indicators blinking RED /negaive for improvement, what seems ominous is terrible civil war alongside a horrible pulic mass agitaion/unrest, famine or obvious undernourishment & bloodshed? The crisis of US $ appreiation upto Rs. 250 in open black market, most of the banks are also involed in issue of earning Billions through Letter of Credit? What a regime of Shahbaz uncouths,Callibry Queen,Budgeting Devil Miftah Ismail and forlorn Ishaq DAR patronized by Nawaz Sharif ? Yet the most powerful circles are showing maturity and patience as well as providing wait and see leverage?

3.?????China-India latest talks failed badly. Chinese builtup further reinforced /escalated on the souther and eastern indian border?China silently gained almost everything after Covid 19 that anysuer power or the world could ever imagine?

4.?????After outlasting and kicking out dynasty rule of the Dictators, the Lawmakers in Sri Lanka?elected Ranil Wickremesinghe as the country’s President recently, replacing Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who was pushed out of office last week by protesters who blamed him for the country’s economic collapse.What a contrast ECP wants 90 days for General Elections in Pakistn? China is likely to this Sri lankan vacuum soon with a unique style ? Whereas some areas of India, most part of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and neighboring countries facing huge floods & famine?

5.?????Britain & Italy are in search of new PM Besides Europe /US is confronted with terrible heat wave & wild fire ,the worst of its kind in the history of West .Some?of the western countries are confronted with huge floods and tornedos too?The milieu of svere climatic change in west is derastically impacting psychological and genetical fibre of the dwellers?There is likely possibility of mass migration of the people locally or globally in search of pleasant weather and better job?

6.?????As a result of NATO /US likely intrusion in Taiwan China intend a blunting but slow operation in Taiwan.We assume this would be very damaging to the regional peace and global economy?

7.?????Ukraine war seems unending and ramifications are horrendous? Ensuing OIL Crisis has changed the world geo-economic fa?ade looks pitted/poked and rusty. In near future more killing resulting more unrest ,anarchy&confusion will highten many folds obviously?

8.?????Middle Eeast visit of US President Joe Biden was a bit fruitless, nothing significant resulted OPEC ,Arab League & GCC Plus have become more conscious of USA & Israel rapprochement against Iran & have consensus on not to increase production of oil anymore,whereas Iranian rataliation/new role is soon expected to unveil the truth,it may be the addition of another nuclear power on world map ?

9.?????In Iran both Putin and Raisi voiced their support for the Astana format as effective in reducing violence and raising hopes for a diplomatic solution in Syria.They expressed opposition to foreign intervention and the theft of the country’s oil and resources, a jab aimed at the United States as per the western and Khalig Media?

10.? CHINA was not part of all of the development in Iran against USA likewise Pakistan and Afghanistan remained an outcaste for obvious reasons for the first time in the history?Is this the negation of the past "Absolutely Not"blunder?If so well done all sane persons "JAB KASHTI DOBNE LAGTI HE TO BOJH UTARA KARTE HEN? WARRIS DRAMA WALA MUNCH NAHI TE KUCH NAHI KEH KAR GHARQ NAHI HOTE"

11.? It is likely that Secretary Blinken will also call on /visit COAS and discuss bilateral issues on security and Pakistan /regional stability would be reviewed. What assurance do we have to see that lame duck PM Shahbaz Sharif will not call us beggars and Zardari would not sow more seeds of dissension through Bilawal and make USA get more cautious to pull its hand of…………& abandon call of coexistance / friendship?

B.??Worthy readers what is happening in our neighbor is mind boggling and the scenarion at home is so disgusting and hopeless that one feels like becoming a suicidal killer or a Sri Lankan tiger. What is needed is not irrationality but sanity. Pakistan is a Nuclear State and has the best Military Might and a wonderful COAS who beyond doubt is the linchpin of regional harmony & global subtlety yet not a politician? Though Khan may not agree with this but the fact is Khan is the best of all if he prefers STATE over POLITICS? We all need to forget about elections, first & foremost is survival in the hope of some hopeful future and keeping belly filled moderately ? If not possible, in depair & anguish, public most likely would revolt like Sri Lanka and change the environments of distrust,lust for power & snatch justice & human rights from the cruel leadership, to live peacefully & stay away from unjust, failed &criminal political leadership of bandits who have no regret for drowning Karachi followed by rest of Pakistan?

C.???What a shame no apex leaders visited Karachi except General Javed Qamar Bajwa? What a pity Imran Khan Priority visit to Karachi has not materialised by now? Let us pray people show some more patience &spare the criminals after Punjab CM elections? PLEASE BE AWARE & REMAIN A WITNESS THAT MAFIA WILL NOT LET IMRAN KHAN SURVIVE like Zia &Benazir (heaven forbid) .This time not to blame USA but killer services providers most likely would be hired by Zardari,Rana Sana Ullah, Moohsin Dawar,Nawaz Sharif or similar other mafia Gurus. Imran Khan must watch out and not to speak that truth which is irrelevant and not required?Last but not least BILAWAL is a youngster who believes in his mother saying as Divine Will i.e. "DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST REVENGE" from whom? yes what he thinks is revenge from people of Pakistan for voting for PTI and from PMLN for leting Punjab go to Pervez Elahi? What a pity?


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