Establishment Elite Institutions Are Introspective; Analytically and Morally Incompetent

Nowhere has this been more apparent than in their addressing of the problems of the profoundly disadvantaged in dysfunctional indigenous remote communities.


After wasting billions over decades, the last decade saw a proposal emerge from a government sponsored process, the tangible elements of which were not materially different from the past failed attempts.


The meetings that produced it had very different agendas, and the powers they intended be conferred upon the activist participants controlling the implementation were very much greater, but little or no meaningful analysis (let alone solutions) that related to the profoundly disadvantaged in dysfunctional indigenous remote communities were considered, let alone proposed.


The hard Left Labor Government inheriting this recommendation, promised a Referendum to effect the change to the Constitution to begin the process of the progressive implementation of the “Uluru Statement From The Heart in full” – reconciliation, truth, sovereignty and reparations.


There was no linkage between their ‘conversations’ and the real nature and cause of the dysfunction in remote indigenous communities – the abuse and rape of women and children; who was doing it, and what caused their violent actions. In fact, evidence has emerged of the activists suppressing this content in their ‘conversations’.


No change management professional, would suggest such a strategy development process was likely to produce anything other than more of the same – billions of waste and the continuation of routine criminal abuse of indigenous children and women in remote communities.


The whole focus of the activist generated, government driven ‘solution’, ‘The Voice’, was a shift to very much greater power being placed in the hand of activists in perpetuity. The Constitution was to be changed to give this group of activists direct influence of the Legislature and Executive Government – influence unable to be challenged by any government resourced opposing voices.


For the first time in Australia’s history, a political party wanted to give preferential legislative representation over the majority of Australians. No longer would we all have equal representation, the most basic principle for which our forebears fought and died.


That these heads of our largest community, religious, professional, corporate and government institutions, the Corporate and Government Establishment failed to appreciate the importance of that fundamental democratic value to every Australian, is terrifying.


Clearly they see themselves as a privileged affluent educated elite, have separated themselves from mainstream Australia, and have lost sight of what is most highly valued by them. They prosper, primarily within, and because of the highly structured, regulated and protected framework of the professions, corporate oligopolies and government. Very few operate in small to medium-sized productive businesses in competitive markets with limited resources requiring the application of effective management principles, if not disciplines. ???


With their self image, they feel a need to be perceived as having a strong social conscience. They saw, throwing their support behind ‘The Voice’ as an opportunity to foster that image.


They saw a bit of virtue-signaling in pretending to care about indigenous people, will give them back a measure of credibility.


Their inexperience and ignorance of change management, of being accountable to deliver measurable outcomes in initially poorly understood, dysfunctional and/or complex/changing dynamics caused them to fail to appreciate ‘The Voice’ was highly unlikely to produce any change for the disadvantaged – just more of the same for the privileged activists. ?


The Establishment Elite have shown themselves to be isolated, analytically and morally incompetent.


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