Establishing the Space for Ultimate Creative Expression
When discussing establishing a space for the ultimate creative expression, I'm referring to a field within, and not externally. Everything you see in your immediate environment is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of you. So when making space to be creative, it's key that you start that journey from an inward perspective.
Creativity is inspired. The pinnacle of creation is the Creator; and as you bring something from eternity into the now, you become co-creator of birthing that vision into a space where the external world can see and behold. To bring it from eternity is to call it forth from a "state to which time has no application." Now is a "consequence of fact" or the result of conception, which occurs when you unite with Source.
Source is the vast, absolute, boundless, immeasurable, and perpetual space. It is the inspirational and unseen force behind the vision that you embody and ultimately manifest, when you completely give yourself over to the creative process.
The epitome of creativity is rooted in your connection with Source. Source is the light that shines in the dark womb of space waiting for you to become an open and willing vessel who is ready to receive and carry the seed of an eternal idea, to nurture and cultivate that intention, and then ultimately give birth to it. Increase your capacity to achieve an optimum creative experience by practicing the following four principles.
- Quiet the Mind and Open Your Heart - Allow the mind to get quiet and release the need to solve all the world problems in one day. Just let go and allow your mind to settle down. Water is helpful with this. While quieting your mind, open your heart to divine love. Love is the creative force of everything in existence.
- Breathe - Breathe slowly, deeply, fully inhaling and exhaling from your nose. Get enough oxygen into your body and to your brain so that you can think more clearly. It can be intoxicating if you are not careful because every breath you take in, is additional energy that you are absorbing into your physical being of which must be distributed throughout the body properly.
- Meditate - Similar to quieting the mind, meditation helps you to achieve an altered state of being so that you can connect with your spirit man or woman, achieve mental clarity, and an emotionally calm and peaceful state. Meditation is also a way to calm the mind.
- Just Flow - Be like water. If you examine how water moves, it continues to flow regardless of what obstacle stands in its way. It finds a path regardless and anything that stands in the way of water and its flow, eventually is worn away and destroyed. Be like water and continue moving even in the face of opposition.