Establishing Connection with our Clients

Establishing Connection with our Clients

At HI Flying, exceptional client service constitutes a core value for the business, and we always aim to become a trusted partner of our clients, rather than viewing ourselves just as a Air Ambulance Provider. We have been able to differentiate ourselves from the competition through strong relationships, and our level of service is one of the very reasons clients continue to work with us.

Client Interaction

Have we purchased a product because we liked the way it was advertised? How about if it was recommended by a close friend? Have we ever purchased an item you can have typically passed up because it was on sale for a limited time?

In case the answer is yes, then we have been influenced! While this might make us feel slightly dirty and used, the truth is that no purchase decision happens in a space. We're not robots who operate on pure, cold logic. There are various factors that contribute to how we make decisions and the key to building a successful company is understanding how best to leverage them.

Noted psychologist and business author Dr. Robert Cialdini has already done research on this. In his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Dr. Cialdini wrote about the six key principles of influence. whilst the book was first written more than 3 decades ago, his insights remain incredibly valuable today.

Provide all clients with your best service, regardless of whether they are a Large corporate company or a small business. Happy clients give the best referrals.


It's a strange quirk of human nature that whenever we're given something, we frequently feel indebted to the person or company who gives that something - however small or big it may be. It doesn't have to be something fancy either. Even the smallest item or favor can compel a reciprocal action. In marketing, this principle is what drives free samples. One example comes from Warby Parker, that has been very successful in disrupting the traditional eyewear industry by allowing clients to order and try on up to five pairs of glasses for free.

You've to be cautious when using this strategy because it may get pricey, but the higher rate of conversion can more than makeup for it. If you don't have a physical product to give away, consider other stuff you can offer to benefit from the reciprocity principle. Free info or consultations can be equally valuable. Things such as white papers, e-books, along with other kinds of educational content spur the reciprocity principle (let alone collect e-mail info so that you can re-market to customers).

Emails are impersonal. Consider a phone call, Skype or an in-person meeting to put a face (or voice) to a name

Commitment and Consistency

If you've ever known a flip-flopper, you might not believe this principle. However, it's a scientifically proven fact that whenever someone commits to an idea, they're more prone to honor that commitment in the future. In marketing, this could manifest in a lot of ways, but an easy example is in how you structure an on-line form.

Imagine that you're attempting to get a client to sign up for your electronic mailing list. If they see a long form, they might decide they don't have sufficient time and move on. Instead, break the form up into smaller parts and lead with a compelling question to get their commitment. Something as simple as a checkbox that says, "Yes, I want to understand more about Insert Product" can dramatically improve conversion.

Social Proof

While we prize individuality, the truth is most people can be surprisingly sheeplike. Look no further than the social proof principle, which says that when someone is uncertain about a decision, they will likely go along with the crowd.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. If we use customer testimonials in our marketing, we are already using the social proof principle. Another popular marketing technique that leverages the social proof principle is to feature a celebrity spokesperson or an industry authority.

Since most small business owners probably can't afford a fancy celebrity, another way to use social proof is to feature user reviews or highlight the relative popularity of a product or services.

Relationships take time. Resist indulging in disingenuous schmoozing, as it can be a severe put-off. Instead, take the time to get to know your client, and share a little bit of yourself


Similar to social proof, the authority principle is focused on indecisive customers and is meant to inspire confidence and credibility. We're socially conditioned to trust authority figures or people whom we perceive as experts, so featuring people like this is an effective way to influence our clients.

To leverage the authority principle means more than just placing expert testimonials all over our marketing material. If we set high expectations for our customers, we will have to live up to them. In other words, we will have to walk the walk, and a huge part of that is designing an engaging website or a talk or presentation.

Often, your website is the first point of contact for a new customer, so it should be a strong reflection of your brand that shows you know what you're talking about.

As you grow your business and your client relationships, there will be times that you’ll have to make a decision on when to adjust or expand your core offerings to cater to the needs of a client.


People are more likely to buy products from people or brands that they like. While this principle may seem like a no-brainer, it's often overlooked. From your brand's tone of voice to the images you use on your website, it's important to consider whether you're connecting with your audience in a manner that makes them feel good about your brand.

You can leverage the liking principle in your social media outreach. Maintaining a friendly, conversational tone is key to building goodwill and showing that you have your customers' best interests in mind. Highlighting any social causes you support is another useful technique for being more likable.

When a client emails you, acknowledge the receipt of the email as quickly as possible, even if you do not have the answer they are looking for.


This final principle is all about supply and demand. When people feel like they may miss out on something, they're more likely to take action. A perfect example of this principle in action is a limited time sale or a limited run product. Of course, it's important to remember that your customers won't care if your products or services are on a special, once-in-a-lifetime sale if they don't find any value from them.

With time, practice and some experimentation, you can become a master influencer using a combination of these techniques in your marketing. But in the words of Spider-Man, "with great power, comes great responsibility." Great marketing can only go so far. The surest way to increase your sales and grow your business is to deliver a meaningful experience for our customers.

More information - HI Flying - Air Ambulance International -


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