Establish Connection to GitHub in Fabric Workspace

Establish Connection to GitHub in Fabric Workspace

In the previous article, I walked you through the steps to enable the new GitHub in the Fabric Admin Portal. This follow-up article guides you through the steps to establish connection to GitHub account and repository.


Ensure you've enabled the GitHub in the Fabric admin portal before proceeding to this stage

To establish the connection

Login to your GitHub account

First, we need to create repo for the incoming Fabric item. To do that:

  • Click your image at the top left
  • Select Your repositories

  • Provide name for the new repo. Fabric is provide for this demo
  • Publish privately or publicly
  • Add README file is needed

  • Scroll-down and click Create repository

Next, we need to fetch the Personal Token Access required to successfully establish connection in the Fabric workspace. To get the personal access token:

  • Click on your icon at the top right corner and select Setting

  • On the left hand pane, click Personal access tokens
  • Select Token (classic)
  • Click Generate new token
  • Select Generate new token (classic)

  • Optionally provide Note for the token
  • Specify expiration date for the token. In this demo, 30 days is used which is the default
  • Select the scope of the token. Check repo

  • Scroll down and click Generate token

  • The personal access tokens is visible. Copy the token

  • Go to your Fabric workspace and click on workspace settings
  • Click on Git Integration and select GitHub
  • Click on Add Account

  • In the Add account dialogue box, provide the Display Name
  • Paste the Personal access tokens
  • Click Add

  • Go back to the github and copy the URL of the newly create repo

  • Paste the repo URL in the Repository URL box in Fabric.
  • Select the main branch from the Branch dropdown

Voila. The source control is visible in the GitHub Fabric workspace. We can proceed to create Fabric items like Notebook to implement source control and CICD


