#EST24: my reflections
Michael Whitehead
Chief of Staff | Special Adviser | Consultant | Lately The Assistant Private Secretary to The former Prince of Wales (now HM The King)
After 11 days, six cities, and more than 1,500 miles, #EST24 concluded when we flew back to the #UK. It was an invaluable and insightful trip with so many key takeaways; not least, the value of my coursemates' immense collective experience and unique perspectives. We're so lucky to enjoy such a rich exchange of views. Thank you, team!
In #Brussels, I was struck by how much pioneering work the European Union is doing on a raft of pressing global issues. For example, in the fields of science, technology, trade, diplomacy, and sustainability. Whether we like it or not, to quote David Cameron, we live "in a much more competitive world". A world that is fractured and fractious. A world of contested multipolarity. Furthermore, to quote Grant Shapps, "An axis of authoritarian states led by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea have escalated and fuelled conflicts and tensions."
That's one bloc. North America is another. And Europe is a third. The reality is that, since #Brexit occurred eight years ago, the #UK has been entirely preoccupied with its own introspection and petty tribalism while the world has been changing all around us. The tectonic plates have shifted. Yet, we've spent the time tearing ourselves apart from within. Now the music has stopped, the blunt reality is that we've not really got a foot in any camp and we're increasingly isolated in a world facing a myriad of existential threats. Like a bloody divorce, we sort of presumed that our break-up with the #EU would have harmed it as much as it's harmed us; we've been the petty partner secretly hoping that our ex would not succeed. But they've kept the house and only had to disassemble the flag pole! We, on the other hand, seem to have found ourselves homeless at a time when storms are looming...
In #TheHague, while the wheels of global justice may grind slowly, there was a real sense of what's right and wrong. It's a place of opportunity and reasonability, where countries gather to foster peace through justice, rather than through war and conflict. The city has a great vibe - the #Dutch have a fantastic outlook on life anyway! - and I was so impressed by the plethora of international organizations that, despite the complex nature of our interconnected global village, all seem to work harmoniously in pursuit of peace and security. It's super impressive, despite the enormity of the challenge and gravity of their work.
In #Geneva, it's hard not to be in awe of the United Nations and its subordinate organizations. It's so easy to read a graphic newspaper headline, say, viz the situation in Gaza, and to immediately feel that those affected have been let down by the international community. But, in reality, it wasn't the United Nations that pulled the trigger or fired the ordnance that caused untold suffering. These are horrendously complex - wicked - problems frustrated by realpolitik. The likes of United Nations OCHA do their very best to alleviate suffering and to provide what little relief they can to those caught up in the horrors of war, and I was really struck by the untold sense of guilt and despair felt by so many humanitarians. The likes of whom are doing their damnedest behind the scenes amidst impossible odds, and the guilt they feel is truly awful. In this regard, I must take the opportunity to single out and applaud the amazing rachael cummings who is currently leading Save the Children UK 's response in Rafah. Bravo, Rachael, I'm in awe of what you and your team are doing there. Stay safe.
The fact is, the world is changing before our very eyes; megatrends such as diffused power and shifting geopolitics; rapid technological advancements; climate change and resource scarcity; population growth; and migration, are all converging to create a perfect storm. And multilateralism is now more important than ever before. At times, it may feel like a waste of time, but very often these diplomatic processes lead to remarkable breakthroughs. And the reality is, 'you can't blame the ship for the storm': the United Nations as with so many of our multilateral organizations is 'flawed but indispensable'. Or, to quote Churchill: "to jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war."
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