`Essentials to be Successful`
Colin Thompson
Managing Partner Cavendish/Author/International Speaker/Mentor/Partner
EAN: 2940185791400
Make it Happen
Radically improve your performance through new knowledge
Rising to any challenge with Breakthrough Strategic Thinking
Identifying a clear direction that leads to your success
You become a successful business person
Gain a new direction in developing your reputation
? . . . . and much MORE!
Why just want it...when you can HAVE IT. Why just imagine it... when you can SEE IT. Why just attract it...when you can CREATE IT.
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going on their journey to success."?
-????????????????????? Colin Thompson
GO BEYOND the Law of Attraction to the LAW OF SUCCESS..
Look at Essentials to be Successful and step into a world where opportunities manifest spontaneously. Where you align with the universe automatically. Where you do not have to wait for the things you want to come to you - THEY'RE ALREADY HERE!
This is not a metaphor. You will look around and literally see the actual, concrete, material things you want. They'll be right there in front of you. Close enough for you to reach out and grab with your own two hands. Also, nothing will ever be the same for you again. Impossible? Only because you do not know how to make it happen. Yet. That's about to change. If you'll stay with me for a minute, I'll prove to you that a transformation that profound and that fast is not only possible. Under certain conditions, it is INEVITABLE. I will not ask you to suspend your disbelief. This is an appeal to your logic and reason. I will not ask you to accept any outlandish ideas. Only the notion that there are some extremely powerful forces at work in the universe. Also, that you are one of them. ?As I said, stay with me. I promise you'll be glad - no, make that ecstatic - that you did.
Get Ready to Ignite the Most Potent Force of All
A few years ago, I was part of a little something called Accelerate with Impact - the book that awakened the world to the Law of Attraction and Accelerate with Impact your success in life. That experience changed my life. I've watched it change many of other lives. It was, and still is, the most incredible thing I've ever been connected with. ?But after a while, a question began nagging at me. I couldn't get it out of my head:
"Is the Law of Attraction and Accelerate with Impact your success in life as powerful as it gets... or is there something even BIGGER?"
The Law of Attraction and Accelerate with Impact your success in life. states that your unconscious desires and beliefs pull things into your life. Which means that those things already exist, right? ?What you want is "out there" somewhere. The only thing between it and you is distance. You start moving your desires across that distance when you correctly apply the Law of Attraction and Accelerate with Impact your success in life.. that's fantastic. But what if you could shorten that distance?
Better yet... what if you could eliminate it altogether and:
Align with the universe automatically... instead of working to make it happen
Manifest your desires spontaneously... instead of thinking about it
Get what you want immediately... instead of waiting for it to show up
“Success is the ability, first to recognise opportunity, second, to form plans and strategies that leverage opportunity and third to develop the necessary skill needed to execute those strategies for success”
-?????? Colin Thompson
I knew it could be done. All the mechanics were in place in the universe. I just did not know how. To find the answer, I had to crisscross the globe, go places I'd never heard of, and seek out the wisdom of masters so hard to find, I began to doubt they really existed. It wasn't easy. But it was so, so worth it. Turns out, my suspicions were right...
There Is Something Bigger. MUCH Bigger.
ANOTHER law. One I've never heard anyone talk about anywhere before. This law doesn't take the place of the Law opposite. It will not work without it. ?But when you combine the two, you activate........`Essentials to be Successful`
“The Capacity to Learn is a Total Gift, the Ability to Learn is a Great Skill, the Willingness to Learn is a Choice for Your Future”
-?????? Colin Thompson
`Essentials to be Successful -? Make it Happen`
EAN: 2940185791400
Sharing successful information from many sources for your success.