Essential Trustee July 2022

Essential Trustee July 2022

On 24 February 2022, the much anticipated Charities Act 2022 received Royal Assent and became law. The Act is not yet effective, so none of the changes are yet in force. However, once fully implemented (which is expected by autumn 2023) the Act will make significant changes to key legal requirements affecting charities.

This latest newsletter provides practical guidance on what to expect and how the changes are likely to affect those in their role in the management and administration of charities.

The Act makes a large number of technical changes to the law, and we have chosen to focus on those areas that we consider will be of key interest to charity trustees in the management and administration of charities in practice:

Finally, for further guidance, visit our Birketts YouTube Channel to watch our brief, bitesize webinar on the Charities Act 2022.


