An Essential Tool for Business Survival
Coach Kelvin Waga
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Public Relations is a dynamic business communication tool that can transform the performance of a company, whether it is one man band or a multinational.
Yet many people running both small and medium sized business probably never give PR much thought and may not even have a clear idea of what is involved, having long written it off as something that only large companies can afford.
One reason for this is that PR has an Image problem of its own: it is viewed as a mysterious, very clever marketing tool that cost a lot. T seems mysterious because nobody seems to be able to define it well; clever because it can produce spectacular results with apparently little effort and costly because most PR people seems prosperous.
In fact PR is very simple, and it is the cheapest way of promoting your business or products- provided the job is done properly. Unfortunately, vast amount of money is wasted on bad PR: forest of poorly written and misdirected press release end up being spiked in editors’ rubbish bin, most PR photography is completely unusable and far too many press events flop.
Many companies spend several thousand shillings on PR and achieve very little, nearly always because the basic PR task are mishandled, either by company themselves or by their professional PR agencies
What can PR do for you?
· It can make a substantial contribution to your sales.
· It can open up entirely new markets.
· It can help you identify new products and suppliers
· It can motivate your staff
· It can be used to recruit new staff.
· It can be used to develop a specific image for your company in any market you choose