If essential oils open me up, am I still protected?

If essential oils open me up, am I still protected?

... the difference between essential oils and medications!

Recently, a client in Germany reached out to me regarding an upper respiratory infection and the discomfort she felt while taking both an antibiotic and ingestible essential oil product.

Her specific complaint was increased belly pain with a history of histamine related digestive issues.

The essential oil supplement was actually a combination of rectified essential oils that isolated the three constituents 1,8 cineole (eucalyptol), alpha pinene and limonene. The purpose of this adulterated product is to break up mucus.

The neurohormone / neurotransmitter histamine is both protective and pathogenic. It’s the reason mucus develops with colds and flu as well as indicated in a number of cellular processes that can become any number of gastrointestinal disorders such as food allergies and sensitivities, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease, plus. The more chronic the stress response, the greater the degree of systemic discomfort which adds such concerns as: insomnia, feeling anxious, irritability, low energy, rashes / skin conditions, candida, etc.

Histamine is one of the primary neurochemicals released the moment the stress response kicks in.

Already troubled by histamine, when my client ingested this product to break up congestion, her distressed gut was further irritated because her body was releasing mucus but not eliminating it. (think about the nausea you may have felt with postnasal drip).

According to the Mayo Clinic, taking decongestants for longer than a couple days causes ‘bounce back’ congestion. Why? Because they’re designed to relieve not remove.

A few things that happen when the brain activates the stress mode:

Yet despite her best efforts, the upper respiratory congestion wasn’t clearing. Before running out to pick up something else, she took a moment to let me know how she was doing.

Contemporary beliefs have created a mindset that dumbs the system down.

  • more is better ~ do everything you know to do, often times doubling up on remedies
  • compartmentalized control ~ focused attention on specific issues

Although this is the way conventional medicine works, approaching a health concern like this inhibits the brain and body’s ability to work holistically. It’s not unlike putting your foot on the gas and never letting up!

In science, this is called the positive feedback loop which is to stimulate a specific action in order to achieve a desired outcome. Although this makes sense, it doesn’t invite rest. It’s full-on control which leaves you managing life through the stress response.

It’s a controlled form of protection that does not trust the body’s natural ability to self-regulate whether using medication or natural remedies. Yet, the reason you even developed a health concern is because your system was already in protection mode. What it needs is a break.

Rest and digest, also known as ‘wellness mode’ is attained when the negative feedback loop is encouraged.

If congestion is a concern, taking multiple products to relieve it gradually aggravates the stress response because ‘it’s’ no longer free to adjust to life accordingly due to the message you’re sending.

The body is not to be trusted.

This is a story humans made up MANY years ago. And as ‘they’ say. You get what you focus on. To believe the body is weak, defective and dysfunctional is to treat it as such. The result is a weak, defective and dysfunctional body that leaves you feeling completely unprotected.

As my client and I were chatting about her next purchase, I kindly reminded her that she had rosemary verbenone on hand as a single note, an oil she had just purchased for a digestive blend I formulated. I followed up by suggesting she mix it in a carrier and use it on her face and chest to ‘open her up’. No need to ingest.

You see, essential oils contain compounds that:

  • bind to olfactory receptors in the nose and skin which influence brain and systemic responses
  • ‘open’ the skin which increases absorbability

As it turns out, she also had another rosemary on hand. From what I could tell, it was chemotype (CT) camphor.

side note: rosemary has several varieties all with the same botanical name yet the chemistry differs.

Knowing she had this other variety, I encouraged her to combine the two for an added effect. However, the idea of opening her up raised another question due to an emotional circumstance she would be walking into this week.

‘If it opens me up, does this include energetically?’

The short answer is ‘No’. Therein lies the difference between essential oils and medication.

Although rosemary supports the digestive system, it offers much more because of the chemical synergy that scientists cannot replicate. This is something that has puzzled them for well over 100 years.

It’s known that camphor relieves congestion, yet camphor as a remedy continually stagnates the system. A full oil offers the system a chance to respond rather than react which increases its ability to protect you physically and energetically. And when combined with additional oils that take the whole system into consideration .. you’re in good hands!

Medications increase your susceptibility to all threats which prolongs the stress response, ultimately affecting your ability to feel emotionally strong.

Questions? Comment below and / or join me for my new live Q&A Monday through Friday starting November 11th (today). You can click here to join!


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