Essential oils Extraction - Use

Essential oils Extraction - Use

There are different ways to extract essential oils.

- Steam Distillation: Lavender, Roses, Cedar, Chamomile

- Cold Pressing or Extrusion: Citrus plants

- Extraction with lipid-based solvent or with CO2: Jasmine (very delicate flowers), Calendula.

Perfumery and cosmetic laboratories use state-of-the-art technology to avoid contamination of the essential organic oil. The finer the perfume, the greater the amount of 100% natural organic essential oil it will contain. There are alcohol-based perfumes and oil-based perfumes.

Uses in day-to-day

Among the most frequent uses that we can give to essential oils we have:

- Steam inhalation

- Spa/Aromatic Baths

- Massage with blends

in diffuser

- Room Spray

- Lip balm, Skin lotion.

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