Essential Linux Commands
Susheel Kumar
Web Developer, App Developer, Software Developer, React, Node Js, Angular IO, Laravel
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? ls: Lists the contents of the current directory.
? pwd: Prints the full path of the current working directory.
? cd: Changes the current working directory.
? mkdir: Creates a new directory.
? rmdir: Removes an empty directory.
? touch: Creates a new empty file.
? cp: Copies files or directories.
? mv: Moves or renames files or directories.
? rm: Removes files or directories.
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? ps: Lists currently running processes.
? top: Dynamically displays active processes in real-time.
? htop: An interactive process viewer offering more detailed information.
? kill: Terminates a specified process.
? killall: Terminates all instances of a process by name.
? pgrep: Searches for processes by name and prints their PIDs.
? pkill: Terminates processes by name or other criteria.
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? passwd: Changes a user's password.
? useradd: Adds a new user to the system.
? userdel: Removes a user from the system.
? groups: Displays the groups a user belongs to.
? usermod: Modifies user account properties.
? id: Displays user and group ID information.
? groupadd: Creates a new group.
? groupdel: Deletes a group.
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? uname: Displays basic system information, such as the operating system name and kernel version.
? df: Reports disk space usage of file systems.
? du: Estimates file and directory space usage.
? free: Displays memory usage information.
? lscpu: Displays CPU architecture information.
? lshw: Lists detailed hardware information
.? lsblk: Lists information about block devices.
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? ifconfig: Displays and configures network interfaces.
? ip: Shows and manipulates routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels.
? ping: Tests the reachability of a network host.
? netstat: Displays network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.
? ss: Another utility for investigating sockets.
? traceroute: Displays the route and transit delays of packets.
? ssh: Securely logs into remote machines.
? nc: A versatile tool for network communication, often dubbed the "Swiss army knife" for TCP/IP.
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? apt-get, apt: Package management tools for Debian-based systems.
? yum, dnf: Package management tools for RPM-based systems.
? rpm: Package manager for RPM packages (Red Hat Package Manager).
? dpkg: Package manager for Debian packages.
? snap: Universal Linux package system.
? zypper: Package manager for openSUSE.
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? cat: Displays the contents of a file.
? less: Views the contents of a file with navigation capabilities.
? more: Another file viewer with basic navigation.
? vim: A powerful text editor with extensive features.
? nano: A simple and user-friendly text editor for the terminal.