The Essential Guide To Windows And Doors
When we think about home improvement, one of the last things to come to mind is windows and doors.
Even when we do start exploring the options, often the cost of the quotes coming back is enough to make us wince and turn a blind eye for another few years.
When do you need to consider changing your windows and doors? What are the benefits? What are the options? This essential guide will explore and answer all of these questions. Jeffery and Wilkes are London’s leading house renovation specialists.
When should you consider changing your windows and doors?
All windows will have a shelf life, while some will last as long as 25 years, if you have any of the following things happen then it’s time to get your windows/doors checked as you might need new ones if you windows are:
- Rotting
- Leaking
- Cracking
- Chip holes
- Difficulty opening or closing
- A draft is coming in or poor sound proofing.
On some occasions, these may be able to be fixed instead of getting a complete new set of windows and doors. Perhaps you are not having any of those issues but want your home to look the best and the current style of the windows and doors are just not doing it for you.
What are the benefits of having new windows and doors?
There are several benefits of having new windows and doors and we have listed some of the main ones below
1. Energy efficiency – Poor windows and doors or even windows that are not double glazed will let the heating out of the house resulting in higher energy bills so whilst the decision not to change your windows/doors when you have received your quote you may think you are saving money but this could be a false economy
2. Sound Proof – There is nothing better than waking up in the morning to peaceful and quiet surroundings. Having new windows and doors can help you achieve this
3. Security – Thieves are on the increase in the UK and the older your windows and doors are, the less security they may be able to provide. Having new windows and doors installed with security in mind can really add a layer of protection to your property
4. Add value to your home – If potential buyers know that you have had new windows and doors recently installed, they will likely be energy efficient and their bills will be lower which will appeal to the buyer.
5. The look – New windows and doors will give your home and instant uplift in look and really makes a home look much more modern and fresh
How much for replacement windows and doors?
Windows and doors will probably cost more than you even expect, prices will vary but to give you an approximate estimate in London you will be looking around ï¿¡500 per window (UPVC) and ï¿¡1200 for a door. French doors approx. ï¿¡1759 and bifold would start from ï¿¡4000
What are the best windows and doors?
There are pro’s and cons to the various windows and doors that are available. Watch our video here that discusses various options that are available and the pro’s and cons of them
What sort of company should you hire to change your windows and doors?
Hire a windows replacement contractor to replace your windows. Research the contractor and check their reviews first as there can be many issues with installing new windows and doors if you do not choose the correct person to do it.
Choose a contractor that is a member of a board like FENSA. If you hired a FENSA member then you will have a 10 year guarantee. If you need to pay a deposit to the contractor ensure you get a receipt.
Can you install the windows and doors yourself?
If you are a keen DIYer and really good at it, it is possible to do it yourself but it comes with many risks
You can’t just buy a window off the shelf and install it. Normally you will have to measure and have the windows made to size, on occasion this can go wrong and you end up with a window you cannot use!
Its not easy-When watching a window installer put in the windows it may look simple but they do it every day. Installing windows is not an easy task and can go wrong. You will need to get building control to approve the installation.
Do you have the right tools to install the windows? If you do not then how much will they cost you to purchase? Sometimes the initial cost benefits of doing it yourself can start dwindling away even from purchasing the correct tools. It can also be dangerous, installing windows on ladders or from risk of the glass breaking etc so precautions will need to be taken. If you have taken all this into consideration and perhaps installed windows previously then you could potentially save quite a bit of money doing it yourself.
New windows and doors can be energy efficient, add value, sound proof your home, increase value and look fantastic. They are costly though but well worth the investment. Choose your installer wisely though to avoid as many problems as possible.
If you have more questions regarding your home improvements and what to expect please feel free to visit our website or download our FREE e-book on creating your ideal home right HERE
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