Essential Do's & Don'ts for Query Letters
I'm preparing to submit query letters for my novel/nonfiction book. It feels daunting and I'm a bit overwhelmed. Are there some quick do's and don'ts you can give to help me avoid some common mistakes?
The short answer is...yes...there are definite do's and don'ts with query letters.
They are simple and will keep you on the straight and narrow when submitting.
Query letters should be written by you, the writer. No AI or "hired-hand" can do it better than you.
Whoever you hire or whatever AI software you choose to employ may not understand how to write the components of a winning query letter, how to identify agents who are seeking a book like yours, how to research agents to craft individual query letters for each of them, and/or—most important—how to submit to each individual agent as they each have different submission procedures.
The relationship you want to build with an agent starts with you.
It is about you learning more about each agent, identifying which ones you want to submit to who have something on their website or elsewhere on the internet that gives you an indication that they are seeking something like what you wrote, and making sure each query letter is tailored to each individual agent.
Following directions for each submission is also an important indication of your attention to detail and delivering what was requested by each agent so they can learn more about your project.
Here are some quick do's and don'ts when it comes to preparing query letters:
Submitting a query letter to a literary agent is the beginning of your relationship with each of them.
Send them your best work in your query letter. Be authentic. Share your story with them in it. Make the case as to why they would be interested in your project because they said or stated something that makes you believe that. Show that you've done your homework and learned what you can about them.
Don't "phone it in" or "phony it in". Agents have gotten very hip to AI content and are not interested in writing that does involve a human. It is getting easier and easier for them to identify.
Don't stop your relationship with an agent before you have started it by relying on a shortcut, copying someone else's letter, using an AI software package, or not paying attention to the details of each agent.
If you choose to present your project for consideration to a literary agent, treat them with the respect you intend to give in the relationship you want to build and have with them by crafting the best query letter you can for each of them individually so they get the sense that you have taken the time to do your research, your homework, and gotten to know them and what they say they want?before you submit.
Aren't sure how to prepare your query letter and submit your project to literary agents?
Schedule an Office Hours Appointment so I can help you better so I can help you better understand how to write a winning query letter and submit your manuscript or screenplay to the right agents!
Identify the right literary agents to submit your project to.
Prepare a winning query letter to submit to each individual agent.
Submit with clarity and confidence.
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