Essential Details about VAT in the UAE 2024
Introduction to VAT in UAE
Value Added Tax (VAT) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was introduced on 1 January 2018 at a standard rate of 5%, marking a significant shift in the country’s tax system. VAT is governed by Federal Decree-Law No. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax, which outlines the principles, procedures and obligations in respect of VAT in the UAE.
VAT Registration UAE
A business must register for VAT in the UAE if its taxable supplies and imports exceed the mandatory VAT registration threshold of AED375,000 (c. USD100,000). A business can also choose to register for VAT voluntarily if:
All businesses in the UAE need to record their financial transactions and ensure that their financial records are accurate and up to date. This will provide them with certainty as to if and when they have exceeded the annual turnover requirement for VAT registration.
After registering for VAT, a business is:
A business must report the amount of VAT charged to its customers and the amount of VAT it has paid on a regular basis. If the business has charged more VAT than the VAT it has paid, then the business has to pay the difference to the government. If the business has paid more VAT on its expenses than it has charged on VAT to its customers, then the excess VAT paid can be reclaimed from the tax authorities.
Deadlines for VAT Registration in the UAE
Businesses that meet or exceed the mandatory VAT registration threshold are required to apply for VAT registration within 30 days from the date on which the threshold was exceeded.
The UAE VAT Law imposes strict penalties for businesses that fail to register for VAT within the stipulated time frame. These penalties can include a fixed fine of AED 10,000, in addition to other administrative fines.
VAT Return Submission in the UAE
VAT-registered businesses in the UAE are required to submit VAT returns to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). A VAT return is a formal statement that provides a summary of the VAT a business has charged on its sales (output tax) and the VAT it has paid on its purchases (input tax).
Frequency and Deadlines
Application of VAT to Goods and Services in the UAE
In the UAE, the Value Added Tax (VAT) system categorises goods and services under three main VAT rates or treatments. It is essential that businesses understand these categories and apply VAT correctly to comply with the law, as follows:
VAT on transactions between UAE Mainland, Free Zones and Designated Zones
Key points related to VAT implications:
1. Trade between Mainland Companies and Designated Zone Companies
2. Trade between Companies within Designated Zones
3. Trade between Designated Zones and Non-Designated Free Zones
4. Trade between Non-Designated Free Zones
VAT Deregistration in UAE
VAT deregistration is the process by which a business cancels its VAT registration with the FTA. This can occur for several reasons, and it is important for businesses to understand when and how they must deregister to avoid penalties.
1. Mandatory VAT Deregistration – A business must apply for VAT deregistration within 20 business days in the following situations:
Failure to apply for deregistration when required can result in a penalty of up to AED 10,000.
2. Voluntary VAT Deregistration – A business may also choose to voluntarily deregister for VAT if its taxable supplies and imports fall below the mandatory registration threshold of AED375,000 but remain above the voluntary registration threshold of AED187,500. The application for voluntary deregistration is at the discretion of the business but must still be approved by the FTA.
The introduction of VAT in the UAE has brought about significant changes in how businesses operate, particularly in respect of compliance and financial planning. Understanding the thresholds for registration, the applicable VAT rates and the implication of non-compliance is essential if businesses are to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operations. The differences in VAT treatment between Mainland, Free Zones and Designated Zones highlight the complexity of the VAT system in the UAE and the importance of seeking professional advice to navigate these regulations effectively.
Sovereign PPG’s team of VAT accountants can assist clients with all VAT-related matters, from VAT registration and deregistration through to preparing and submitting your VAT returns to FTA.
If you need VAT advice and guidance, Sovereign PPG can also support you. Whether you want to talk through the benefits and requirements for becoming VAT registered, the different VAT schemes available, or you want to understand how VAT is applied to services or products in the UAE Mainland, its Free Zones and abroad, we can help.
Sovereign PPG can remove the administrative burden and stress of filing your VAT returns in the UAE so you can be confident that they have been submitted on time every time, and your business remains in full compliance with the UAE’s VAT regime all the time. Contact Ali Nawaz Abbasi at [email protected].