AN ESSENCE OF SELF-MANAGEMENT - Through Attitudinal & Perceptual Change- (Part-1)
-by Ramesh Sangare, President & CEO, HRDC Group, Pune, Nagpur Hyderabad (India)
Life is not the simple straight line but full of ups and downs, breaks and joints, and at times topsy-turvy. And that makes us wonder all of us, at sometimes or the other, what is Life all about? Essentially, we are all the products of Attitudes, which have been formed right beginning of our life.
Industrial world is extremely dynamic, as the purpose of Industry is socio-economic progress of the society around it. The hardware of engineering, technology, machines are the tools to create products, services and deliver to the people around, but the most important factors are the Men and Women behind these Machines, called workers, operators, foremen, associates, managers, executives etc., whose actual work affects the productivity and progress, day in and day out! In order to perform and deliver on any job, the factors that are needed are the Knowledge, Technical & Soft Skills, Physical Fitness, reasonable IQ, Resources at hand, Support Systems run by the management, but the most important factor is an ATTITUDE and THE PERCEPTION of the SITUATION AROUND, which shape the BEHAVIOURS finally affecting the Performance and Productivity!
Though, it is said philosophically many times by all the knowledgeable people around the world from most of the cultures that all the Human beings are equal and same, but the reality is different. No two personalities are same, and that is the Nature’s biggest wonder! And the reality is that we normally take people for granted, which is, sometimes OK and sometimes not OK! The Human being feels, emotes, thinks, judges, decides, acts, or avoids differently and not necessarily in the same way always.
Why? – Backbone of Perceptions are ATTUTUDES!
Because, we do not or may not look at various things in the same way and may react in different ways. This unique behavioral aspect of human personality is precisely called- “PERCEPTIONS”, which is backed by “ATTITUDES”! Perception is an integral part of the human personalities, thus many people, many views, many actions, many reactions leading to either expected good outcome or totally unexpected unwanted and bad outcome. Perceptions are normally known as the OPINIONS, unexpressed, expressed or with totally confusing signals of behavior! But the fact and questions remain, as to understand whether all the opinions, are correct and relevant or incorrect and totally irrelevant.
That is why we will try to understand genesis of Perceptions and how to deal with the differences of Perceptions and how to bridge the Gaps, so that the expected is achieved.
What is Perception?
This is an ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the Senses, leading to the formation of opinions the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted. It is in fact an intuitive understanding and insight primarily resulting out of sensory response. Sensory response are as follows- Vision, Sound, Smell, Taste and Proprioception
?We look at the person and suddenly without our knowledge make our opinion about her or him at the very first sight, subconsciously. It could be positive, negative or neutral! This is the basic process of precipitation of perception. Over the period of time, we normally repeat the process umpteen number of times and then it is formed into opinion, habit leading to action. The same thing happens when we look at the situations and perceive instantly, and internally emote, think and react to it either favorably, against it or express no opinion and any action. The study of how will people behave is the most enigmatic of all the sciences in the world, as it deals with the people, coming from wide range of upbringing, education, socio-economic-religious-political-familial backgrounds, exposures, experiences, life-threatening conditions, extremely hilarious and lovable moments and treatments received in social setups etc. The list is indeed long!
Are the perceptions changeable?
Yes, it has been found that most of the normal human beings are changeable to smaller or greater degrees, depending upon the needs and intensity of causes for change, with exceptions of the very small microscopic fraction of human society, who are victims of abnormal teachings and treatments received from over powering forces and personalities for a longer period of times leading to abnormalities, radicalization turning these personalities into mercenaries, killers, terrorists etc. All other human beings are changeable. The change comes from the change in Perceptions. And the changes in perception comes essentially from the CHANGES IN ATTUTUDE!
Thanks. (Changing Attitude in the Part2)??
Ramesh Sangare, President & CEO, HRDC Group
Date: 7th May 2024