The Essence of my message regarding the Poverty of Believers

I was recently requested to write a piece about how Believers in financial lack could get out of that situation.?That is the aim of this article.?Following are the points to consider, as always this article is only relevant to committed Believers:


1.?????Father WANTS Believers to PROSPER

If you are a truly committed believer and you are in lack, then this article is for you.?It is vital to understand that it is Father’s will for YOU to prosper and be in health.?If you are NOT prospering then there is something wrong and it is within your power to rectify the situation.?This article outlines the things you need to take into account.


2.?????Satan WANTS believers in Poverty

As a committed believer it is vital to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm WANT you in Poverty and therefore ineffective in the service of Yah, the Almighty Creator.?So?your battle against poverty is a battle against the Satanic and Demonic Realm that is attacking you.


3.?????Poverty is a consequence of curses, sin or error

In all cases Poverty is a consequence of curses, sin or error including error regarding your sexual relationships.


4.?????We will prosper through the sweat of our brows

It is also vital to understand that you will prosper through the SWEAT OF YOUR BROW – Bible – Genesis 3:19.?So you are going to have to work hard except on the Sabbath (Saturday).?I work extremely hard Monday to Friday, about 16 hours a day in order to generate the income that allows me to keep the websites up, the mailing lists active, the Radio Show live, etc.


YOU will also have to work hard.?If you are sitting home and praying for a break-through then you need to think again and go out and get work and, in doing this, you need to realize that the vast majority of people who can give you work are unbelievers so you need to pray for wisdom, understanding and favour and clean up your life so there is NO sin that the Forces of Darkness can use to obstruct financial provision.


Just because you have a ministry that takes up much of your time does NOT mean that you do not have to go out and get a job or do something else to generate income.


5.?????Begging from those who ARE ministering is an offence in the sight of?Yah

I fairly regularly receive begging emails from people who have come to my website.?They seem to think that because I have a website I should somehow provide for them as well.?I need to stress that my ministry is to listen, publish and teach and NOT to use my hard earned cash to provide for people whose life is NOT right with Father.?So as a general rule, unless I am deeply moved to help someone I do NOT provide finance to these people. ?Fundamentally they should be giving to me if they are learning from me.


6.?????Single Believing men will battle to survive

As a general principle, only in extreme cases should a Believing man be single, there are far fewer Believing men than Believing women and therefore every Believing man should be covering at least one Believing woman.?If a Believing man is joined to an unbelieving woman then the house is divided, one is serving Yah and the other is serving Satan.?The man should either convert the Unbelieving woman or divorce her.


7.?????Single Believing Women can ask Father to be their Husband

There are about seven times more Believing women than Believing men in the body of true believers.?A Believing woman should NOT marry an Unbelieving man and if she IS joined to such a man she should either convert him or divorce him.


It is vital for a single Believing woman to understand that once she has dealt with all the issues in this article she can ask Father to be her husband, cover her and provide for her.?She will still have to be industrious and hard working in some endeavour through which Father can provide the blessing.


8.?????Tithing to a Ministry in Error is futile

If you are tithing to a Ministry that is teaching error, for example still using the blasphemous names “The LORD”, “God”,. “Jesus”, “Christ”, teaching that “Jesus is God”, “The Bible is the Word of God” and “Jesus is the Word of God” then you are sowing in sterile ground and yoking yourself to the Satanic and Demonic Realm.?STOP giving to such a ministry and GET OUT of that ministry OR convert them to the truth.


9.?????Tithe to those who truly teach truth

IF you are truly receiving teaching that is true and valuable then you should tithe or at least give to that Ministry and Yah will reward that.


10.?A divided house WILL FALL

A house divided against itself will fall – Bible Mark 3:25 and Luke 11:17.?If the woman and the man are in strife or division then the house will fall, the Forces of Darkness will attack your finances.?If either man or woman is sexually joined to another outside of the family through legacy sexual one-flesh bonds then the house is divided and will fall.?ALL extraneous one-flesh bonds must be cut and all other ties also cut off.?See


If a man is one with a woman who is not living with him and he took her virginity then there is a blood covenant and he should bring her under his covering and under his roof.?He must at least make the offer and if she refuses then he must divorce her.?If she accepts then other women in his life must accept her.


If the woman a man calls “wife” was NOT a virgin when he first took her then she is NOT his wife, she is a harlot and she should return to the man who took her virginity or at least request that he take her back.?If he refuses she can divorce him and marry the man she presently calls “husband”.


All these ties much be cleaned up and cut off before prosperity will come.


As a general rule, if all the other issues in this article are dealt with and a man and woman are in poverty it is because either the man treats his wife badly or she treats her husband badly.?Man and woman are commanded to treat each other well and with love.?If a man comes from a social context where men treat women badly then you need to get rid of this wrong thinking and treat your wife gently and with tenderness.


11.?A United House will Prosper

If the man and his woman or women are in perfect unity THEN the house will prosper, the more women there are in Harmony the greater the prosperity.?However, in this age it is almost impossible for more than one woman to be in harmony with one man so as a general rule one should limit oneself to a monogamous situation.?Fundamentally a fully united house with all the other issues dealt with WILL prosper.


12.?Cut off ALL extraneous sexual bonds

As touched on above it is VITAL to cut off ALL extraneous sexual bonds.?So if a man or woman has had multiple sexual partners previously they will have significant spiritual work to clean up before they can prosper.?See the article cited above for the relevant prayers and also the article on drawing close presented later.


13.?Cut off ALL curses

If there are curses, either modern curses or legacy blood-line curses operating these can cripple a person or family financially.?All curses must be cut off, see subsequent section for the relevant prayers.?If there is someone constantly cursing you then you need to ask Father to return the curses in the magnitude He deems appropriate so that they cease – see prayers at


14.?Particular note re curses on African People

If you are descended from African people or are African yourself, whether you are living in Africa or elsewhere you are subject to a particularly virulent range of curses and may also be subject to modern curses by Witchdoctors.?In particular most African people are subject to the Curse of Canaan – Bible Genesis 9:25 “And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”?This curse may be effective in certain other cases as well but is primarily of effect in people of African descent.?Note that it is straightforward to cut off curses, see below.?You must be living ABOVE SIN! – see


15.?Processes for Cleaning up

The document “Seven Components of Drawing Close to?Yah” at contains a substantial section on “Cleansing” that should be read and applied in order to deal with the curses, etc referred to above.?If all the rituals and processes outlined in this document, all the prayers given, all the fasting applied, all the worship implemented you will come to a place where you are in right standing with the Almighty Creator and He is able to prosper you.


16.?Walk in Emunah {Faith}

In all the above it is vital to walk in Emunah {Faith}, see



The journey of a Believer to Prosperity with Yah IS a journey, it is the SAME journey of growing close to Yah that we should all be undertaking anyway.


I encourage you to take the above to heart and act on it energetically.


Warm regards and blessings,



Dr James A Robertson

Spokesman and Emissary

End Time Issue Ministries

09 September 2021


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