The Essence of my message re separation of Man and Woman {Divorce}
James Robertson ETI
The Almighty Creator seeks a DEEP personal relationship with YOU -- I can help you
This article is written primarily with regard to Believing men and women who have been in a life time sexual covenant, commonly called “marriage” but NOT exactly marriage.?The various bonds, etc that need to be broken on divorce are almost exactly the same in the case for fornication, in the case of a person who has come to belief and who has illegitimate sexual bonds, in the case of women with sexual bonds with women and in the case of men with sexual bonds with men and even men or women with animals.?Some of these will apply in the case of a relationship only with “heavy petting”.
So this is NOT just about divorce, it is about general cleaning up with regard to broken sexual unions.
Yah HATES divorce and treachery and …
There is widespread wrong teaching with regard to divorce in that people say "Yah hates divorce"
Yes, Yah DOES hate divorce but He also hates covenant breaking, treachery and joining His Spirit to unbelievers among other things just as much.
Thus Yah WILL permit divorce if your wife or husband has broken covenant with you and refuses to repent with a broken spirit and a contrite heart and enter into a new covenant and restore all you have lost.?He will also permit divorce in the case of treachery which is, in most cases covenant breaking.?In fact, where, on the basis of Christian teaching I originally believed that divorce was very hard to obtain I have now concluded that Father Yah is Merciful in granting divorce where there is a fundamental breakdown.?That does NOT alter the effect that it is highly traumatic and should be avoided as much as possible.
If you are married to an unbeliever Yah EXPECTS you to divorce them and repent of your sin and get your life right.?If you refuse to divorce the unbeliever then you must be aware that you will battle to grow with Yah because the anointing will drain out of you and the house will be divided so you will battle to prosper.?Note that if you are a woman you are commanded to submit to your man in EVERYTHING and that includes submitting to your unbelieving man in his pagan conduct -- you are advised to divorce in such circumstances.
Yah also hates:
·??????Dividing the house
·??????Irreconcilable differences – the two are at odds on a fundamental point and cannot agree
·??????Contention and strife
·??????Obstructing service to Yah
·??????Putting the other party before Yah – Idolatry
·??????Covenant breaking
·??????Contentiousness, fault finding and quarrelling
Yah hates divorce but there is much else that He hates as well and that constitutes a basis for divorce.?The only answer is a close relationship with Yah and being led by His Spirit.
That said, what in fact were Malachi and Yahooshua preaching against?
The brutal truth?
Serial monogamy such as is practised today!
Starting about the time of Malachi, there was an increasing tendency for men to choose to have only one woman because the cost of maintaining a household with several women was significant and also many women were no longer playing an active financial role in the home as held up as an example in Proverbs 31.
It had become fashionable to put-away {divorce} a woman for “any reason” whereas the only basis of putting-away, as discussed above is covenant breaking or treachery.
Under such circumstances putting-away a loyal woman is, in fact, an act of huge spiritual violence to the man and the woman because it ruptures the full spectrum of spiritual bonds that come into existence through a sexual union between a man and a woman as discussed a month or so ago.
Today, divorce frequently occurs for the same reasons.
The fact is that monogamy requires a huge amount from both the man and the woman, there is no potential to bring in an additional woman to compensate for gaps in the families capabilities and a woman must be a super-woman and the man a super-man.
Of course this does not happen in practice and therefore monogamy puts huge demands on both parties which in turn causes tensions and strife which results in degradation of the relationship ending in divorce.
As far as I can see there is NO easy answer to this.
Plural union of one man and several woman is simply not practical for the most part in our society today, the women are too indoctrinated against it and the men do not know how to handle it, it is a disaster so monogamy or fornication are de facto the only two options other than singleness, which is what many women are finding is the most palatable option.
In order to enter into a successful monogamous union it is vital that both parties are VERY selective about who they consider and that there is comprehensive discussion of priorities, expectations, etc BEFORE consummation.
Casual sex is NOT an option if you are a man or woman who fears Yah.
So, the true form of putting-away {divorce} that Malachi and Yahooshua preached against was serial monogamy as an alternative to a man covenanting with a number of women. ?Monogamy is the only form of union open to most men and women today and it should be entered into carefully and prayerfully BEFORE consummation.
Separation of a Man and Woman in Sexual Life Covenant {Divorce}
Once a man and woman have become one-flesh a very specific set of prayers and measures are required to separate them.?This article discusses these in some detail and is based on a series of articles written in 2012.
To better understand what happens when a man and woman engage in sexual intercourse (most applies to women with women and men with men) see the article on the Virgins Covenant at
See also “The Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman in Sexual Union” at
These articles discuss all the spiritual connections that occur when a man and woman enter into a sexual relationship – these apply whether the relationship is a formal “marriage” or simply a sexual relationship ranging from a casual “one night stand” to a long term live in relationship which is effectively “marriage” in Yah’s sight provided that the woman is in a position to enter into a covenant relationship because she is free of all ties to any men in her past.
All of the items discussed come into effect anyway whether she is free to enter into covenant or not but if she is NOT free to covenant curses will come into effect as well which require repentance before prayers to cut the curses are offered.?Some of the other consequences of such a relationship will necessarily be of effect.
In considering what follows it is recommended that you review the two articles cited above in order to understand how these things come into effect.
In particular it is vital to understand that a SINGLE act of sexual intercourse with orgasm by only one of the parties but particularly ejaculation in the vagina of the female by the male, will bring virtually all of these factors into existence.?The spiritual state change is INSTANTANEOUS and therefore most, if not all, of the prayers below are required.
To recap, a woman is legally in covenant union {marriage} before the Court of Heaven if she was truly a virgin at time of consummation (first penetration with male ejaculation), or a true widow, or truly separated {divorced} in the Court of Heaven and legally.?Under any other circumstances the union is harlotry and must be repented of.?Pray, “Father Yah {LORD} I come to you in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} and I confess my sin of adultery and harlotry, I repent and I ask you to forgive me and to lead me in cutting off all consequences of my sin.?In particular, I ask you to cut off all curses that have come into play as a consequence of my adultery.”
If you have a covenant relationship that is legal in the sight of the Court of Heaven, that is the woman was a true virgin, true widow or truly divorced then you need to establish whether there is a legal basis for termination of the covenant {divorce}.
In general such a termination will NOT be given lightly and there will have to be clear-cut breach of the terms of the covenant, either Yah’s default covenant terms or the terms that were verbally agreed or agreed in writing BEFORE consummation.?Once consummation with male ejaculation in the vagina has taken place promises made after that point are NOT marriage covenant promises and breaking of such promises does NOT constitute a basis for divorce.
It is particularly important to note that a hasty sexual act WITHOUT detailed negotiation and discussion and agreement results in Yah’s default terms coming into play which may be very difficult to comply with in practice.?Further, anything that was tacitly in play at the moment of consummation will also form part of the covenant.?This can be a very messy situation with major misalignment of expectations.?For example if the man had another sexual relationship at the time of consummation he is legally entitled to continue that relationship.?Likewise the other way round.
Where breach DOES occur Yah requires that we repeatedly notify the other party of breach and that we do everything we reasonably can do to work with them to remedy the breach.?In general a minimum of three notifications of breach are required and, wherever possible, these notifications should be in writing with clear statement of intention to divorce if the situation is not remedied.
Earthly Divorce is Necessary
Note that a divorce in a human court carries limited weight in the Court of Heaven.?The Court of Heaven has its own legal protocols and its own rules in terms of when a judgment for divorce will be handed down and how it will be executed.?However, IF the Court of Heaven HAS granted a divorce then, in the case of a legal earthly marriage a legal divorce is ALSO required.?Sex with a woman who has been through ALL the processes set out below but who still has a legal marriage in the Earthly Courts still constitutes adultery in the Court of Heaven and carries a death penalty.
It is up to any individual seeking divorce in the Court of Heaven to satisfy themselves that they have been granted that divorce by the Court BEFORE they action divorce in the earthly realm.
In some cases, such as the woman going with another man, the divorce is relatively clear cut although even then there should be formal calling to repentance and calling to return to the marital bed.
In other cases where there were terms to the marriage agreement that have been broken in the opinion of one of the parties they must petition Yah for clear guidance and clear signs until they are entirely satisfied that Yah has granted the divorce.
Note that if you proceed with a worldly divorce WITHOUT the consent of the Court of Heaven you are guilty of a grievous sin and that is in itself a form of adultery (spiritual treachery) as expounded by Yahooshua.
It is important to understand that the word translated adultery in the English is porneia in the Greek and corresponds to fornication which is effectively spiritual treachery – so a divorce can be granted on the grounds of spiritual treachery or betrayal NOT only sexual unfaithfulness by the woman.
A fundamental breach of the marital contract constitutes porneia or treachery.
In seeking guidance from Yah with regard to the possibility of divorce it is vital to come to Him with the correct heart attitude and be willing to be corrected and told to work harder at resolving the problem.
It is also important to seek clear confirmation – the nature of this will depend greatly on the point at which you are in your relationship with Him.
If you are a young believer with very little relationship with Him you can ask for repeated signs and guidance whereas if you have been walking with Him for years, know His ways and know His voice you will be expected to hear clearly and exercise your own discretion in reaching a decision.
Signs are given primarily for the less mature or for the mature in making radical changes in direction.?Refer the article “Essential principles in seeking a valid sign from the Almighty” at:
A suitable prayer might be “Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, my relationship with … has fundamentally broken down and they have fundamentally broken covenant with me on the following grounds (list your complaints), I believe that this constitutes a basis for divorce but I do NOT want to divorce if it is against your will.?Accordingly I ask you for clear signs that you agree that the relationship has fundamentally broken down AND that you will grant me a divorce in the Court of Heaven” … pray whatever else you might have on your heart.
Note that if you have a sloppy covenant or no covenant agreement at all you have very limited basis for divorce.
By no covenant agreement I mean that you met and had sex and did not have any discussion about a long term relationship or terms.?The covenant that came into effect at the moment that he ejaculated in her vagina is therefore according exclusively to Yah’s standard covenant terms:
1.??????????Woman you are to be a helpmeet, that is a helper, meet, suitable, conformed to your man;
2.??????????Man you are to be head to and cover your woman;
3.??????????Man love your woman as Yahooshua did and gave his life for the body of believers;
4.??????????Woman be subject to your man in everything as Yahooshua was subject to the authorities in his time who falsely accused him, beat him and put him to death;
5.??????????Man teach your woman at home;
6.??????????Woman engage in commerce and industry together with your man or alongside your man or in conjunction with your man to the mutual benefit of your house.
These terms are subject to variation IF you have a formal agreement or if other terms had been tacitly agreed before consummation.?Such a formal agreement can totally reverse the standards of Yah’s covenant and make the man subject to the woman if that is what you choose or make neither subject to the other or anything else that takes your fancy.?Know only that those terms will form the basis of any pleading for divorce in the Court of Heaven so be willing to stand by them.
By sloppy terms I mean the pretty words that many couples concoct for their wedding day, sometimes based on nice words from their Shepherd {Pastor}, sometimes from some book they have read or a nice, pretty sounding email someone sent them.?Whatever you recited in church or in front of the magistrate, subject only to the man not having ejaculated in the woman’s vagina prior to that moment, will be binding in the Court of Heaven.?Such sloppy vows can totally nullify Yah’s default terms AND create a situation in which it is almost impossible for the Court of Heaven to find grounds for divorce.?In such cases you can only appeal for mercy or live the rest of your life in bondage to your sloppy promises.
The preferred state of affairs is that you clearly discuss the terms of your covenant WELL BEFORE you consummate, preferably put them in writing, give both parties time to consider them and discuss them and ensure that there is formal acceptance of those terms prior to consummation.?In that case whatever documents, be they emails, SMS’s (mobile phone text messages) or formal written documents or simply explicitly discussed terms that were accepted prior to consummation WILL form the basis of any petition for divorce whether the acceptance was verbal or written – remember that ALL words are recorded in the Court of Heaven and whether you remember what you said or did or not the Court has total recall of every single word you spoke and wrote and will hold you accountable – remember that it is written “by your words you shall be judged”.
Such a formal agreement may open up broader terms for divorce.
The following sections discuss how to deal with the spiritual components that come into being in a sexual union between a man and a woman in a consummated sexual relationship as discussed in the articles cited above:
1.?Soul ties (friendship ties) and memories
Soul ties can be cut by a simple prayer “Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and ask you to cut all soul ties that exist between me and … and I ask you to seal and heal all points of spiritual connection”.?Technically you could pray “I speak to all soul ties between me and … and I sever them now in the name of Yahooshua and I speak to all points of spiritual connection and tell you to be sealed and healed in the name of Yahooshua”, I prefer to petition Yah in matters such as this.
Soul ties are straightforward.
Memories are a different matter.?They comprise a chemical pattern imprinted in your brain and a corresponding pattern in your spirit.?You can try and force yourself to forget those memories in your own strength but that will likely result in depression, forgetfulness and other negative consequences.
Alternatively you can pray “Father Yah, I ask you in the name of Yahooshua, to seal up all memories that I have with regard to …”
You will still have to work at it, memories will tend to surface at times, Demons and Satanic Messengers {Angels} will bring back memories to try and distract you and trip you up, etc – any time that happens pray the above prayer again and shift gear to think about other things trusting that Yah has heard your prayer.
2. Sexual attraction / desire – chemistry
Sexual attraction and desire may remain even after the relationship has irrevocably broken down as a consequence of broken covenant terms.
It will certainly remain strong until most of the items covered in this document have been dealt with, so you might pray about this early on but will probably have to pray it at intervals as you work through the following prayers and even after you have worked through everything may need to pray again from time to time.?Much in the same way as dealing with memories.
You can pray “Father Yah, I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to cut off all sexual attraction and desire between me and …?I ask you also to seal up all sexual memories and attraction that cannot be cut off so that I will no longer think of … sexually and no longer desire them.”?This is particularly important in the case of adulterous relationships.
Note that having prayed such prayers it is advisable to avoid contact with that person if at all possible.?At some level the underlying desire will tend to draw you back together.
Note that sexual desire, sexual attraction and sexual chemistry can get one into a lot of trouble.?It is quite possible to develop sexual desire for someone who is entirely unsuitable as a covenant partner.?You can pray “Father, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to close down my sexual desire until it is time to consummate a covenant with the person you show me and we have taken all necessary measures to ensure that we are fully conversant with the expectations of the other person and they have done the same and that we are certain that it is the right time for consummation to occur.”
Refer notes further down, if you are a woman serving Yah finding a man is very difficult, if you are a man, although there are many women many are not suitable.
3. Spirit to spirit adhesion
Spirit to spirit adhesion can be cut by praying “Father Yah, I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to cut off all spirit to spirit connection between myself and …”
4.General cleansing and cutting of spiritual ties
There are a number of powerful symbolic “prophetic” acts that you?can undertake to bring about cleansing, these are discussed below.
Shaving to cut spiritual ties
As a further measure I recommend that at the right time -- after you have worked through this entire document for the first time AND preferably after you are no longer in constant contact with the person as in they are no longer living in the same dwelling as you – that you symbolically shave your entire body to cut off all spiritual connections.?This is a powerful spiritual “prophetic” act in any case for general spiritual cleansing even when it is not associated with divorce.
Take a safety razor – you do NOT need to physically shave, simply move the razor lightly over your entire body and pray as you do so “Father, Yah, as I pass this razor over my body I pray that you will cut off all spiritual ties and cleanse me of all spiritual contamination that has resulted from events in my life to date.?I ask you to leave intact ONLY those spiritual elements that are according to your will and pleasing in your sight” -- pray appropriately with regard to each part of your body and “shave” systematically.?If you are really serious you might actually physically shave with the exception of your eyebrows and, in the case of a woman, you would also NOT shave your head.
You might do this in conjunction with a three day fast – shave on the first day at the start and again at the end of the fast.
If you have come out of Satanism or been in contact with someone who is involved in Satanism this prayer and symbolic action become much more important.
In extreme cases you might shave most or all of your body.?In general I would recommend that you do NOT shave your head and your eyebrows.?In the case of a woman DEFINITELY do NOT shave your head because it is written that the hair of the woman is her crowning glory but in the case of a man it is quite customary for him to shave his head as an act of penance and to seek cleansing – it depends on how serious you are about getting cleansed of all spiritual defilement.
If you have pins and other Satanic objects or Satanic tattoos or even any tattoos at all I strongly recommend that you do this irrespective of your situation with the man or woman in your life with regard to ALL areas of your body where there are pins, tattoos or other similar Demonic objects – pray, “Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and ask you to cut off ALL assignments, associations and connections associated with these pins, tattoos, …, etc as I pass this razor over them” – pray in more detail as appropriate to each tattoo, area of pin embedment, etc.
Triple immersion
Following this you might immerse three times totally but I would recommend that you work through all the items in this document before you do this – or do it several times.
In considering triple immersion it is important to recognize that immersion is a ROUTINE rite prescribed repeatedly in Leviticus (“bathe” = immersion in a body of clean water (a Mikvah)) and that in the so-called New Testament there are two immersions, the immersion of Yahoochanan the immerser (John the Baptist) following repentance from sin and the immersion administered by Shaul {Paul} and others associated with entry into the kingdom and immersion in the Spirit of Yah evidenced by the gift of speaking in unknown tongues in several instances.
There are other documents on the ETI websites which discuss triple immersion.?It was given to me by Yah in 2001.
You can immerse with someone with the appropriate anointing to pray with you and immerse you or immerse with you or you can do it on your own.?You can immerse in a bath tub but strictly speaking you should immerse in a body of water of sufficient extent that you can immerse your ENTIRE body at once i.e. a river, lake, swimming pool or similar.
The first immersion is for cleansing from sin, pray “Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you that as I go under the water that you cleanse me from the consequences of all my sin and wash away all contamination” – hold your nose and submerge completely, take your time, some people actually feel a spiritual cleansing taking place when they do this, others experience other things, I once had a large Demonic sphinx fly off the property at the end of the swimming pool as four of us immersed together.
The second immersion is for a deeper infilling of Yah’s Spirit (assuming you have had an infilling previously else this can be done for a first infilling), pray “Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask that as I go under the water for the second time you will fill me with your Spirit” (if you have never been filled with His Spirit) or “fill me with your Spirit to an even greater extent” (if you are already Spirit filled) – I once did this with a Satanist killer that Yah had just used me to bring to repentance and he said afterwards that despite the fact that it was a freezing cold day and the swimming pool was bitterly cold he felt an amazing warmth spread over his entire body.
The third immersion is to draw you deeper into the Kingdom of Yah, pray “Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask that as I go under the water for the third time that you will immerse me deeper into your Kingdom” – when I immersed the Satanist I mentioned above for the third time he had a vision of the gates of Heaven opening for him.?When I did this for the first time with a group of three others Yahooshua appeared in the spirit and walked down into the water with us with his arms outstretched towards us.
I have undertaken symbolic shaving followed by triple immersion on a number of occasions since the incidents referred to above and have done this with others on a few other occasions, the experience, particularly the first time, is frequently powerful.?This is very important if you are coming out of defiled relationships or a defiled marriage.
You may need to pass the razor symbolically over your tongue if things have been said by you that should NOT have been said.
If you have been involved in a defiled sexual relationship it is particularly important that you pass the razor over your entire sexual area and you might want to consider physically shaving your pubic area praying as you do “Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and as I shave myself I ask you to cleanse my pubic area of all spiritual contamination resulting from my relationship with …” -- name all names that are relevant.
5. Contractual ties – promises, vows, oaths, covenant
Some aspects of covenant promises and vows were discussed in the introduction.
It is important to understand that every promise, vow or oath creates a spiritual link between the parties making that promise.?This link has substance in the spirit realm and in the spirit realm it looks like a physical link.
Depending on the nature of the promise, vow or oath and the severity of it and the extent to which reliance has been placed on it the breaking of that promise, vow or oath will have greater or smaller spiritual consequences.
If it is a lightly given and lightly received promise then the breaking of it will have little consequence in the spirit realm.?However, if it is a major promise that has been restated repeatedly and particularly if the party receiving the promise has invested heavily in doing things in their lives based on trust in that promise the spiritual consequences of a broken promise, vow or oath can be huge.
I was once in a situation in which a promise was broken, the woman concerned took off her engagement ring given by me and threw it against the wall – I distinctly heard something break in the spirit BEFORE the ring hit the wall and at that instant something inside me broke and we were NEVER able to heal that relationship despite several attempts at reconciliation.
In another incidence a woman broke a very strong promise that I had been invested in for nearly a year, had told people about our plans, had spent perhaps a hundred hours working to give effect to the agreement and then, when without warning the promise was unilaterally broken -- I was devastated to a point where I experienced massive spiritual, emotional and physical trauma such that I nearly physically collapsed and my anointing drained off of me.?For several weeks I struggled to survive and it was over a month before I got to the point where was strong enough to work my customary hours, have significantly reduced medication and feel anointed sufficiently to start writing again with any degree of confidence and energy.
When such a promise, vow or oath is broken, unless there is massive and very severe repentance and particularly if that promise, vow or oath is part of promises made BEFORE consummation the spiritual damage that will be caused will be very difficult to recover from and will almost certainly do irrecoverable damage to the relationship.?Where such a promise, vow or oath was part of the basis on which the decision to marry was based the breaking of it will frequently constitute the basis for a divorce decision in the Court of Heaven UNLESS the party on the receiving end of the treachery did something else to break trust first.?For more on Treachery see
In such a case you will need to deal with resentment, unforgiveness, etc before you can be fully healed.?See the article “Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing” at
Given that there may be major on-going consequences it may take time for you to reach a position of full forgiveness.
You can, however, commence praying and pray repeatedly “Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to heal me of the hurt that this treachery has caused, I ask you to heal my spirit, my soul, my emotions and my body.”?Note that in the case of major betrayal the consequences may at some level be irreversible and only partial healing may occur – for example massive trauma can result in accelerated physical and mental ageing which is irreversible.
Restoring trust after such a situation is very difficult and may prove impossible unless the guilty party shows extreme remorse and intense repentance and works hard to restore the relationship to its former status – if the other party is unrepentant then it is my understanding that provided the promise, vow or oath that has been broken was made before consummation AND was a fundamental consideration in choosing to consummate such treachery constitutes a basis for divorce.?If treachery relates to something that was not part of the marriage covenant it may require much more onerous consideration before it constitutes a basis for divorce.
6. Yah’s default covenant terms
When a man and a woman who have had intercourse where the woman was free to enter into covenant in order to divorce, the aggrieved party must petition to be released from the terms of the covenant UNLESS the formal marriage agreement cut across and nullified some or all of Yah’s default terms.
The man should pray “Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to release me from all responsibility for …, I ask you to release me from being her covering, I ask you to release me from having to teach her, I ask you to release me from being responsible to her sin in obedience to me and I ask you to release me in every other way possible of my obligations to her in terms of your standard covenant terms.?Father, I ask you to sever the covenant totally on my side and on hers and to cancel all covenant vows, promises and oaths associated with the union.”
The woman should pray “Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to release me from all responsibility to …, I ask you to release me from being under his covering, I ask you to release me from having to submit to him and learn from him, I ask you to release me from having to align myself with him and from being engaged in commerce and industry together with him or alongside him to the mutual benefit of our joint house and I ask you to release me in every other way possible of my obligations to him in terms of your standard covenant terms.?Father, I ask you to sever the covenant totally at my side and at his and to cancel out all covenant vows, promises and oaths associated with the union.”
Note that where a promise was made in conjunction with taking so-called Communion – the Covenant bread and wine – the party breaking covenant may be subject to a death sentence in the Court of Heaven, possibly in this life but certainly in the life to come (or time in Hell) unless they come to deep repentance.
Note that trust is like a promise, vow or oath, it is a spiritual phenomenon which once broken is very difficult to repair – pray “Father Yah I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to teach me to trust … again” IF you are trying to heal the relationship, coupled with “Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and ask you to heal the hurts caused by this treachery and ask you to help me rebuild the relationship”.
7. One-flesh bond
As stated previously the one-flesh bond is a spiritual connection between the spirits of the man and woman that comes into existence the moment one of them experiences orgasm and releases a spurt of their spirit in such a way that that spurt can connect with and bind to the other person.
A one-flesh bond can be formed by using the hand or mouth or other part of the body to bring the other person to orgasm as well as during conventional sexual intercourse with vaginal penetration.
It can even be formed in a very limited and weak fashion by focusing on a photograph while masturbating to climax or even while thinking of a person while masturbating to climax – this is designed to allow a man and woman in sexual covenant to connect spiritually when they are separated but it will work with all forms of pornography and fornication.?Note that pornography is orders of magnitude less of an issue that actual physical sexual contact.
If one-flesh bonds have been formed in adulterous situations, in other words between a man and a woman who are NOT free to enter into life covenant then those bonds are the consequence of sin and require sincere repentance BEFORE you can request that they are cut.?One flesh bonds will also form between people of the same gender and also with animals.
In considering the one-flesh bond it is vital to understand that this is a bond given by Yah, it is NOT Demonic or satanic and we, as human beings, do NOT have the authority to break it – so prayers like “I speak to this one flesh bond in the name of Yahooshua and I cut you now” are erroneous, presumptuous , foolish and powerless – you do NOT have the authority and therefore the prayer is of no effect.
In the case of reckless one-flesh bonds resulting from masturbation in conjunction with pornography, inappropriate fantasies, inappropriate photographs and inappropriate sexual connections such as with prostitutes, heavy petting and sex with women who are not free to marry the prayer is basically the same “Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I repent of my sin of … (name all that applies) and I ask for your mercy with regard to the one-flesh bonds that have come into existence and ask you to cut them at my end and at the other end and to heal my spirit and the spirit of the other person/s of the wounds caused by cutting the one-flesh bond/s”.?
In the case of a strong one-flesh bond it may be advisable to get another anointed Believer to pray with you in agreement.
In the above prayer I am taking it as a given that the person praying the prayer has the legal right in the Court of Heaven to pray that prayer – in other words that the one-flesh bond/s were illegal or that divorce HAS been granted.
In the case of divorce where the one-flesh bond is legal it is vital to FIRST establish if the divorce has been granted as discussed in the introduction so there is first a prayer to ask for permission to divorce.
Letter of Divorce
There is then a letter of divorce – note that technically Deuteronomy 24 only makes provision for the man to divorce the woman, not the other way round, although it is possible for Yah to cause an unsuitable man to divorce his woman.?Where a woman is legally joined to a man who is treating her badly she needs special mercy from Yah in order to receive a divorce and this is NOT always given, particularly if the default covenant terms are in place – remember that 1 Peter 3:1 says that women should submit to their man in the same way that Yahooshua submitted to them that falsely accused, beat him, tortured him and murdered him so in the Court of Heaven the grounds for divorce for a woman are limited to an appeal for Mercy.
A woman who is being badly treated should do everything she can to comply with her covenant terms and Yah’s default covenant terms while at the same time asking Yah to help her to cope and asking Yah to deal with the situation in whatever manner he sees fit.?Sometimes, a consequence of such a prayer prayed in submission to Yah’s commandments will result in the death of the man.?In other situations he may come to repentance and a knowledge of Yah and submission to Yah, as it is written that the man “may be won without a word”.
True Virgin
A woman who is truly a virgin, widow or formally divorced in the Court of Heaven AND Earthly Court should NOT join herself to a man unless she is absolutely certain he is the right man AND is prepared to submit to him in everything – this includes his wrong behaviour, his drinking, his whoring, his false doctrine, his beatings, his … -- whatever he does that you do not like, even if he goes into Satanism you have to submit to him unless Yah clearly takes you out.?So do NOT marry until you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN he is the right man.
There are many Christians today who will tell you that this is NOT the case, I have it clearly that Yah says it IS the case.?Do NOT divorce on another person’s say so UNLESS they confirm their opinion in writing and INDEMNIFY you against judgment if their opinion is incorrect – unless they are willing to spend a season in Hell for giving you their opinion and persuading you to follow their opinion do NOT follow their opinion – my name on the bottom of this article indicates that I take responsibility for what is written here and I regularly ask Yah to judge me severely and correct me harshly if I am out of line – notwithstanding this you should take responsibility for what you pray and act in accordance with your own conviction – YOU will be judged for ALL your actions, those who lead you astray will ALSO be judged but that will NOT indemnify you from judgment UNLESS they actively state that they are willing to stand by the consequences of their counsel to you.
In the case of a man and woman who are legally joined in the sight of the Court of Heaven there is NO recourse UNLESS covenant is broken and then ONLY the person who has been wronged has the right to pray.
If you have betrayed your spouse and been kicked out of the house YOU do NOT have the authority to pray for the one-flesh bond to be broken, ONLY the aggrieved party has the right to pray.
In this case the prayer would be of the following form: “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I believe with all my heart that you have consented to my divorcing …, I acknowledge that I do NOT have the authority to cut the one flesh-bond, accordingly I ask you for your mercy and grace and ask you in your mercy to cut the one-flesh bond at my end and at hers /?his and to heal up the wounds in our respective spirits”
If you are NOT sure you want it cut it will not be cut, you must be absolutely certain that you want it cut BEFORE you pray AND have legal sanction.
8. Transfer / replication of Demons and curses
When one engages in sexual intercourse or heavy petting a set of Demons matching those on the other party will be placed on you and once the relationship is over or when you are cleaning up in the relationship you must pray to get rid of them.
You must pray for all illegitimate one-flesh bonds, etc to be cut BEFORE you pray for the associated Demons to leave.?Demons will ONLY leave once all legal right has been removed.?Accordingly, all sin associated with illegitimate one-flesh bonds must be sincerely repented of and dealt with BEFORE praying the following prayer.
If the one-flesh bond remains in place the Demons will simply transfer back through the one-flesh bond so in each instance it must be cut first, the following prayer is ONLY of relevance once the one-flesh bond and associated items are dealt with, so deliverance should take place quite late in the sanctification process and may have to take place repeatedly.?In order to get fully clear you may need to go through the entire spectrum of prayers in this document iteratively, that is several times, before you will have dealt with everything that is required to get every single Demon to leave.
If you are a novice with regard to deliverance you may need the ministry of a more experienced believer with an anointing for deliverance.
In the case of divorce you MUST have a legal divorce in the Court of Heaven BEFORE prayer against Demons associated with the marital one-flesh bond will be effective.
For the situations where the above conditions are satisfied pray as follows:
“Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and in the name of Yahooshua I speak to all Demons that have transferred to me as a consequence of my sexual contact with … (name person/s involved), I bind you now in the name of Yahooshua, I command you to leave me and to go where Father Yah sends you in the name of Yahooshua, Father I ask you to heal my spirit of all wounds and hurts caused by the presence of these Demons and to seal up all thoughts and memories associated with what these Demons have spoken to me.?Father, I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers {Angels} to bind, tear down, cast out and send where you want to go the Demons I have named”.
This can apply even in the case of heavy petting.
9. The divided house / harmony
The moment a one-flesh bond is cut the rebellion and disharmony of the other party will be separated from the house concerned and things should improve and conversely all harmony effects will be lost so if disharmony was not the issue things may deteriorate financially.
You could pray “Father I divorce … and ask you to terminate all spiritual consequences of my union with them both positive and negative”.
I stress that this prayer will ONLY be effective IF the one-flesh bond is cut.
If it is not cut because a divorce is in process it is sometimes possible to really humble yourself and pray for mercy and finances but realize that you will probably end up having to quote extremely low prices in order to get business until your house either comes into harmony or divorce is granted and executed.
Writ of Divorce
Note that a legal divorce is NOT required in order for there to be a divorce in heaven.?Once you are absolutely certain that the Court of Heaven has granted you the divorce then you can pray for divorce and issue the other party a “writ of divorce” a letter setting out the reasons for the divorce.?Where the parties are legally married the writ must include a statement that a legal divorce will be applied for unless the legal divorce is in process at the time the writ is served.
Once the divorce has been granted in heaven the parties concerned are free to enter into whatever actions they consider appropriate to find a new partner, there is no requirement to wait for a legal divorce although in many cases it may be advisable.?As stated previously in the case of a woman it is NOT permissible to engage in sexual intercourse or even heavy petting before the legal divorce has been granted.
10. Love results from “making love”
It is vital to understand that sexual intercourse is called “making love” for a reason, it causes love to come into existence and love never dies, it can be murdered through rebellion and bad behaviour but you cannot simply decide to terminate love.
Yah is love, He will NOT terminate love.
All you can do is to request Mercy and ask Him to help you to seal up the love you have for the other party.
Note that “I don’t love you anymore” may be valid in worldly terms but will probably only be valid to a point even in the most acrimonious divorce, “I do not love you as much as I used to” is more likely to be correct and note that loss or diminishing of love is NOT a basis for a divorce in the Court of Heaven – there MUST be a breach of covenant (breach of contract).
Once a divorce has been granted in the Court of Heaven you can pray along the following lines “Father, I ask you to seal up the chamber of my heart that contains my love for …, help me to keep that chamber closed, to seal up the memories and heal the hurts and help me to move on with my life without constant memories of …”
11. Putting away – “divorce”
The subject of divorce has been dealt with throughout this article, in summary there are only very specific breach of covenant type charges that are valid in the Court of Heaven and specific prayers that need to be prayed.
These are all addressed elsewhere in this article.
In conjunction with the symbolic or actual shaving and the triple immersion discussed above there are further spiritual measures that can be taken to clean up after divorce or after termination of illegitimate sexual contact.
You should take the bread and wine of the Covenant at appropriate intervals throughout the processes described above.?Pray “Father, I recall that on the night that he was betrayed, Yahooshua, gave the bread to those who followed him and said, ‘this is my body given for you, do this as oft as you shall eat it in remembrance of me’ and then took the cup and gave it to those that followed him and said ‘this is my blood of the New Covenant, do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me’” Thereafter pray as appropriate, give thanks for the releases in response to the prayers above or if entering into a New Covenant rehearse the terms of the New Covenant and then partake of the blood (red wine or red grape juice) – you can do this morning and evening during a fast.
You might also embark on a one day or three day complete or near complete fast in association with cutting off a major relationship, three days in particular where you think there may have been witchcraft involved – refer other articles on Fasting – only if your health permits and you are sure Yah has indicated what you are proposing is appropriate.?Longer fasts as in seven or twenty one days partial or complete (water only) fasts may be appropriate in certain circumstances, ask Father.?Note that when fasting if you are on medication that is supposed to be taken after food you can take the Covenant Meal outlined above before taking the medication.
The cleansing measures described here can ALSO be undertaken at ANY time as an act of cleansing and drawing closer to Yah.
They can be done at two levels, the level described in Leviticus 14 or by going the full distance, which is what I recommend.
The simple route is to take some red grape juice or red wine, pray over it to have it represent the blood of the covenant “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask that this grape juice will represent the blood of the covenant” and apply it to your right ear lobe, right thumb and right big toe praying as you do “Father as I anoint my ear I pray that you will cleanse my ears from all wrong things that I have heard and close my ears to what is wrong and open my ears to hear you clearly and to clearly hear what you want me to hear”.
Apply it to your right thumb and pray “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask that you will cleanse my hands from all wrong they have done, from all wrong that I have written or contracted and that you will cleanse my hand and guide me that in future I will write only what you want me to write and contract only what you want me to contract”.
Apply it to the big toe on the right foot and pray “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and ask that you will cleanse my feet of all wrong turnings I have taken and all wrong places I have walked and remove all contamination, I ask you to guide my walk from now on that I will only go where you want me to go”.
As an extension you can anoint your forehead and pray about your thoughts and you can anoint your tongue and pray about the words that you utter and anoint your right eyelid and pray about what you look at and see – “close my eyes to what you do NOT want me to see and open my eyes to what you DO want me to see”.
Full body anointing
If you are willing to really “go for it” you can take a plastic mug or other container of red grape juice, get in a shower or other suitable area and rub and pour the grape juice ALL over your entire body praying as appropriate – I usually start by pouring some over my head and work down to the soles of my feet.?It is advisable to stand on a towel as the average shower or other hard surface can become quite slippery.?Particularly in the case of cleansing after divorce or after fornication or other sexual sin ensure that your sexual organ is thoroughly anointed and pray “Father, I ask you in the name of Yahooshua that you will cleanse my sexual organ form all contamination and all connections from … and seal my sexual organ that I will only ever use it in ways that are pleasing to you”.?When you have anointed your whole body pour the remainder of the container over your head and again ask for cleansing and setting-apart of your body for Yah’s service.
If you want to take the above to its logical conclusion BEFORE you do the anointing with grape juice you will symbolically or actually shave your entire body (leaving the hair on the head and eyebrows if a woman and leaving the eyebrows if a man – IF you are willing to go all out – go as far as you are willing to go).?Anoint with grape juice totally as above and then anoint with oil totally as discussed below AND do this on day one, then the seventh day from the first time and then the eighth day from the first day and then immerse three times.?It is up to you what extent you go to but I believe that IF you are really intent on going all out for Yah you should go all out with this – full tilt would be to do an eight day fast – water only if you are willing to go that far concurrently with this or three days water only and then the balance only with vegetables or broth.
Once you have anointed yourself with red grape juice or wine at whatever level you chose anoint with oil at the same level – take some Olive Oil and pray “Father I ask that this oil will represent the oil of Your Spirit and that you will fill me with your Spirit and draw me closer to you as I anoint myself”.
As a minimum anoint first your right ear lobe, ask to hear Yah’s voice clearly, your right thumb, ask to write and contract led by Yah’s Spirit and your right big toe, ask to walk led by Yah’s Spirit and walk only where He wants you to walk.
Optionally anoint your forehead – have the mind of the anointing of Yah, right eye-lid see by Yah’s Spirit, see only what He wants you to see, see in the spirit realm, tongue – speak only what He wants you to speak by His Spirit, sexual organs that your sexual activity will be led by His Spirit and you will only enter into sexual activities as He desires for you.
If you really want to go all out then anoint your whole body with the same oil praying appropriately starting by pouring some on your head and work into your?hair and ending by pouring the entire remainder over your head – vital that you stand on a towel, the floor WILL get very slippery and best to do this in a shower – gets quite messy, splashes all over the place.?Use a plastic container, it is easy to drop as your hands get very oily – only oil the hand holding the container when you have completed the process.
You may NOT feel anything as you do this but you might also be surprised about what happens when you do it.
Again, if you really want to go all out combine this with an eight day fast and anoint with oil on the first, seventh and eighth days.
If you do all the above you will have the best possible prospect of putting the old relationship or relationships behind you and of making a new start in a closer relationship with Yah AND able to remain single until such time as you find the right partner.
Note that IF you are a woman and reasonably close to Yah there are hardly any men available (refer the article saying that there are seven times as many women as men in the body of true Believers and you may have to choose celibacy for life – do NOT join yourself sexually to a man that is weaker in relationship with Yah than you are – you MUST be able to look UP to your man and see Yah through your man.?Alternatively you can enter into a sexual life covenant with another Believing woman or women.
If you are a man, there are many more suitable women available BUT they must also be suitable in secular life – you are seeking a helpmeet, a Proverbs 31 woman, a woman who will conform to you, accept your leadership, who is a good match to you spiritually and in your business /?career and your home and with your minor children if you have any – there are many who seem suitable who on getting to know them more closely are entirely unsuitable – take your time and do NOT rush even though it IS Yah’s will that unless you are called to a very isolated prophetic office that you SHOULD be in covenant with a suitable woman – it is difficult for a man to stand without a woman, we were NOT designed to do this.?Men need someone to cover their back.?Single women can ask Yah to take them as His husband to cover them and provide for them.?They must still engage in work to earn a living.
All of the factors discussed here are designed to make the union between man and woman (or women) extremely powerful and enduring, Yah never had in mind that we would marry lightly and divorce lightly or that we would engage in casual sex or use prostitutes or pornography -- note that pornography is an order of magnitude LESS of an issue than the other items listed here.?ALL of these factors must be dealt with in order to make a clean start and, in my experience, ALL the above prayers should be prayed and all the above spiritual prophetic acts should be undertaken in order to clean up after a failed marriage or after contamination by unwise sexual activity.
Cleaning up from legacy sexual contact or a failed marriage requires commitment and comprehensive spiritual treatment in order to FULLY put the consequences of such sexual activity fully behind you and is vital before you seek a new relationship.
Please email me if you require counsel or prayer or just want to discuss your situation.
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, bless you and keep you and make His Face to shine upon you and give you His Peace.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
20 November 2021