The Essence of my Message re Names

I have recently received several emails regarding the true Name of the Almighty Creator, following is a discussion of the key points on this topic.


In particular I would like to offer a number of corrections with regard to names that are commonly used in English – these corrections are made within the context of the reality that Belief in the Creator and Belief through Yahooshua {Jesus} are represented to a degree in Christianity, and Christianity is therefore a fundamentally Hebrew Religion.?The wrong names that are almost universal in Christianity have, for the most part, been adopted in the English used by Jews, Moslems and other religions to refer to the Almighty Creator.


In particular it is NOT possible to fully understand the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible without first understanding the culture and history that is presented in the so-called “Old Testament” – fundamentally Yahooshua {Jesus} was an OLD TESTAMENT PROPHET! – the New Covenant only came into existence when he died.


In this context it is important to understand that modern day “Jews” are ALSO descended from these roots and the reason that so many people hate Jews is because at some level they have been more faithful with the matters of the Creator than most and are therefore a threat to the Satanic and Demonic Realm which therefore triggers irrational and ill-informed hatred of Jews.


It is also important to realize that at the time that the Bible was first translated into English there was a large amount of tradition and also intense persecution which resulted in the translators making compromises which have persisted to this day in the vast majority of Bible translations.?For the same reason these compromises have been adopted in the other religions cited above.


The following points should be considered with this in mind:


Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The LORD}

The phrase “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” occurs in the so-called Old Testament over 7,000 times represented as “The LORD”.?This phrase in Hebrew is “Yahooeh” or “Yahweh” depending on preference.?It is the Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and His true, fundamental Name is “Yah”.?If you do NOT know this name and use it you will never draw particularly close to Him.?How do you form a relationship with someone when you do NOT know their name?


See and also which presents an in-depth analysis of the original Hebrew of the Old Testament.


For a further detailed discussion of the Name Yah and how it permeates every facet of “Old Testament” life and the names of people please visit


It is so important to understand how the Name Yah was central to the lives of early believers.?Thus we have:


??Yahooshua {Jesus} meaning “Yah is Salvation


??MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “Gift of Yah”


??Yahoochanan {John} meaning “Yah has Graced”




It is NOT possible to really understand the history of believers presented in the Bible without understanding this principle.?In particular it is not possible to understand Yahooshua {Jesus} without FIRST understanding his name which clearly states that Yah is Salvation NOT Yahooshua {Jesus} – the reason Yah instructed that the baby in Bethlehem should be named “Yahooshua” was because that was his mission, to provide a way for Salvation!


Baal – The LORD – Satanic and Demonic Meaning

Further it is important to understand that the Hebrew word that SHOULD accurately be translated “the Lord” is “Baal” the name of a Demonic, Pagan, that is Satanic, deity.?Yet the Bible translators accurately preserved the name Baal in the English yet totally concealed the Name Yah from the translations.


So, not only do most people NOT use the correct Name for the Almighty they use a name that is hurtful and insulting.?When I first became aware of Yahweh in 2000 I asked Father if it was important and His words to me were “James how would you like it if your wife and family called you by the name of your worst enemy” – I got the message and changed my vocabulary immediately.?I hope that you will do the same!


Further, there are limitations on what you can accomplish speaking to Yah or about Yah using “The LORD” which is an abomination in His ears and His sight.?Because of the abovementioned persecution of the early translators of the Bible Yah extended Grace for many years.?However, in May 2003 when it was time to sentence Satan for his sins and send him to the Pit for a thousand years it was first necessary to withdraw ALL Grace for the lies and errors which the Demonic and Satanic realm had inculcated into the vocabulary of Believers. ?See and also


Accordingly if you continue to use “The LORD” today?you will be cursed and open the door for Satanic and Demonic attack.


Note also that in the so-called “New Testament” Yahooshua {Jesus} is frequently referred to as “Lord” – the Hebrew word in this case is “Adonai” which is a Human Lord or Ruler.?So, it is appropriate to refer to Yahooshua as Adonai.?However, Adonai has been rendered “Lord” with the result that Believers confuse “The LORD” in the Old Testament with “the Lord” in the New Testament and this is one of the factors that give rise to people believing that Yahooshua is The LORD, i.e. the Creator which is serious error.


The Almighty {God}

Another incorrect word in common usage is “God”.


There are numerous references to “God” throughout the Old Testament which are a translation of the Hebrew word “Elohym” which means “Mighty One”, “mighty one” or “Almighty” depending on context.?A judge or ruler can be a mighty one, Yahooshua is a mighty one but they are NOT THE Mighty One, i.e. they are NOT “The Almighty”.?So, wherever reference is being made to Yah the correct rendering is NOT God it is “The Almighty”.


The word “God” is actually the name of a Pagan, that is Satanic, Demonic power and, as with The LORD it is actually an insult to Yah to call Him God.?As with The LORD, He has extended Grace but that Grace was withdrawn in May 2003.


The Correct English Translation of “Allah” is “The Almighty”

In some respects Islam is more accurate relative to the name of the Almighty insofar as Allah is derived from Elohym translated to Arabic.?The correct English translation of the Muslim word “Allah” in Arabic is “The Almighty” just as the correct translation of “Elohim” in Hebrew is also “The Almighty” and NOT “God”.


Yahooshua {Jesus}

As stated above the true name of the Spokesman {Prophet} and Emissary {Apostle} of Natzareth {Nazareth} is Yahooshua meaning “Yah is Salvation” – this is vital to?understanding this man and his role and his mission.?It is also important in understanding why his name is “the name above all names” ?Philippians 2:9 “Therefore the Almighty {God} also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,” KJV – there is NOTHING HIGHER for humans than the Salvation of Yah.


Note that this name is NOT exclusive to Yahooshua of Natzareth, it was a common name in Old Testament times, generally incorrectly translated as “Joshua” in English Bibles.


Jesus is derived from the Greek “Ieosus” which, in turn is derived from “Zeus” another Pagan, that is Satanic and Demonic Power and, in fact, means “blessed of Zeus”, so, again, it is an insult to refer to Yahooshua as Jesus and again Grace has been withdrawn.


The situation with all these Demonic names is that if you persist in using them, particularly when you have been apprised of your error, the Satanic and Demonic realm have authority to take control of you and of your life and totally destroy your relationship with the Almighty Creator and the Creator will progressively reject you.


Anointed with the Spirit of Yah {Christ}

Another meaningless Bible name is “Christ”.?This is a rendering of “Christos, Christoon, etc” in Greek.?This, in turn is a rendering of “Meshach” in Hebrew which means to smear or anoint with oil OR to anoint with (smear) with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah, in other words to be filled with the Spirit.


So, at the time that Yahooshua {Jesus} was anointed by Yahoochanan {John} after he was immersed in the Jordan River and the Spirit of the Almighty descended on him, he was filled with the Spirit of Yah.?See MattihYahoo 3:16 “When He had been baptized, Yahooshua {Jesus} came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of The Almighty {God} descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.”


It was this infilling (Anointing) with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah that gave Yahooshua {Jesus} the power to Prophesy, to heal people, to raise the dead, etc.?So all of these miracles were performed by YAH NOT Yahooshua.


Taking this further, the word Christ is used in the context of:


??“Jesus Christ” = “Yahooshua Anointed with the Spirit of Yah”


??“Christ Jesus” = “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua”


??“Christ” = “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah” as in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} which strengtheneth me.” KJV


??“Christ” = “the Anointed one” – referring to Yahooshua of Natzareth or any other prominent Anointed one.


The net effect is that Christ can be applied to ANY Spirit filled Believer, so, I can rightly be referred to as “James Christ” just as legitimately as “Jesus Christ” and if YOU are Spirit Filled you can just as legitimately be referred to as “your name Christ”.


Thus we see that “Christ” refers to the Spirit of Yah and therefore to YAH and NOT to Yahooshua so when we refer to Jesus using the word Christ on its own it is effectively meaningless.?The net effect of this is that “Christianity” correctly interpreted would mean “the religion of those filled with the Spirit of Yah”, which it is NOT because the vast majority of those who call themselves “Christian” are NOT filled with the Spirit of?Yah.?So, Christianity is, regrettably, effectively a MEANINGLESS religious word!


Note that the biggest impact of “Christ” is that people think that Yahooshua {Jesus} is The Almighty {God} when, in fact, he was and is 100% a human being.


Other words:



Praise Yah


Yahoodaah {Judah}

Praise Yah


Qodesh {Holy}

Set-Apart / Separate


Father à Abba à Daddy


Other incorrect words and names

Stake NOT Cross

Yahooshua {Jesus} died on a Stake, a length of tree trunk, NOT on a Cross, a Cross is a Pagan, that is Demonic Satanic symbol, see and


There are many other words that are incorrectly rendered in English see and other pages on the Website for more information.


Most of them have less dramatic consequences in terms of the impact of the error but they should be corrected nevertheless, as is done where relevant in this article.



I hope that this has helped you and that you will now correct your language and use the correct terms when speaking and writing of the matters of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing alone.?Part of doing this is that you no longer call yourself a Christian / Jew / Muslim / whatever but rather refer to yourself as “A Believer in the Most High Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.


Warm regards and blessings,




Dr James A Robertson

Spokesman and Emissary of Yah

End Time Issue Ministries

Published 21 August 2021


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