The essence of life
Sidney Pretorius
?? AI Integration expert | Helping Businesses Onboard AI to scale and 10X Efficiency | Founder, The Atriam
Life: A series of integrated, repetitive and recycling transformative processes
Life is sustained through a series of complicated, integrated interconnected, intricate, indivisible and inextricably interconnected transformative repetitive recycling processes.
Life is much more than what we see, hear, feel, touch, smell taste and think of. Sight, hearing, sense of feeling, sense of smelling, taste and thoughts are the all encompassing senses through which human beings experience life. Without these senses, life as we know it would seize to exist for human beings.
The transformative processes of life sometimes cycle through facets and elements incapable of being detected and experienced through and by the human senses. The inability of humans to see the invisible, hearing the inaudible, feel the insensible, touch the untouchable, smell the odaless, taste the tasteless and think of the unthinkable, restrict the ability of humans to fully comprehend the vastness, breadth and complicated transformative infinite recycling transformative processes of life.
The senses, through which human beings experience life, are constrained. Life is not.
Death is indispensible for the sustenance of life. Without death life would seize to exist. Life sustains death. Life recycles death. Death is nothing more than a transformative process critical for the recycle processes of life.
A simple single cycle of life is evidenced in the following transformative process:
·???? a human being dies (Let’s call it Peter): flash flies consume the corpse;
·???? The bodily matter of the human being is subsumed into that of a flash fly. Bodily matter is transformed into insect life - the enzymes of the flash fly;
·???? the flash fly dies and its remains are dissolved into the soil: the enzymes? of the flash fly are, through a transformative process, integrated into soil matter (soil nutrients);
·???? the soil nutrients, fueled by the enzymes of the flash fly, are food matter to grass,, trees, plants etc;
·???? Human beings (Let’s call it Jane and John) eat plants, trees, fruit etc. Plant matter sustains human life;
·???? Cattle graze on grass. Through a series of biological processes, plant matter is transformed into animal matter. Natural life sustains animal life;
·?????? Human beings (Jane and John) eat animals. The food matter of animals and fruit and vegetables are deployed to produce egg cells (in Jane) and semen (in John). Through a series of complicated anatomical processes in the human body, plant and animal matter? are transformed into semen and egg cells;
·?????? Jane and John have sexual intercourse. Jane is impregnated. The biological matter forming the nucleus of the embryo could be traced back to Peter.
·?????? And so, the complicated integrated and interconnected recycling transformative processes of life repeat itself uninhibited, cycling through death.
At Jane’s delivery, did Peter become the newborn of Jane and John?
Depending upon personal belief, reincarnation is a thought, belief or phenomenon. Regardless of belief, reincarnation has the recycling element of life at its roots.
Aside from space explorations, nothing on earth has left earth. No water, human waste, living organism or matter that was present on earth has ever left it. This is an observation, not a thesis. It has and continues to be recycled through the repetitive transformative processes of life.
The repetitive recycling transformative process of life occurs without human intervention. Rather, it occurs through the intervention of human life.
In equal measure to life, humans are interconnected, integrated, indivisible, repetitive, recyclable and transformative.
Life cycles through death to recycle human beings. Life revitalises and sustains itself through death. Life deploys death to transform and recycle.? ?
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