The Essence of Data Transformation - Data Masters Process and Technology to serve People
Eddie Short
Chief Digital Officer. I work with People and harness Digital, Data & AI to consistently deliver a step change in results!
In promoting the 7 Habits of Highly Effective CDOs, next on the list is #4 #DeliveringDynamicallyConfigurableProcesses
The essence of moving to a Data Driven (Intelligent Business) is to move away from a Process-centric Operating Model, and hence this Habit is central to the Data Transformation of your business.
I summarised this as creating the operating model where processes instead of being fixed and embedded with systems logic, can be dynamically reconfigured to meet the rapidly changing needs of customers enabling the organisation (business) to operate as a set of Services.??Servitisation (as this is known) has been a concept for many years. Airline Engine manufacturers for example, don't sell companies an Engine, instead they sell them a service enabling xxxx hours of flying over yyyy years. In doing so they moved from a business geared to manufacturing engines to a business providing a lifetime engine service.
The essence of this model is that the Organisation - lets call it IB will be looking to the needs and demands of customers on a forward looking basis, and depending on their planning horizon this could be days, weeks or months - or more likely all of the above, IB Managers will be looking to optimise the range of products/services available to customers.
To achieve this IB will need:
Over time the most data driven and capable companies will sit at the heart of an ecosystem, effectively acting as Conductors of an Orchestra, able to dynamically configure their customer lifecycle processes in (close to) real time to deliver services for its customers. Other companies will have to specialise in providing component capabilities/services and operate in the 'orchestra'(s) of these data-driven conductors.
Moving to this model is a fundamental transformation for most large/mature companies. However, and for or the avoidance of doubt, (for those people who think this is some way away), this is in essence how Amazon operates today!
The business itself should be driven by the same core objectives - optimising the creation and delivery of valuable products and services for customers, and optimising the revenue, profit and related capabilities for shareholders. And in addition, balancing the ESG and Circular Economy needs of Employers and external Stakeholders.
The implication for most organisations is that the role of the Chief Data (& Analytics) Officer will in essence need to be the left hand of the CEO as the CFO is the right hand. The CDAO, who has the insights of what customers and the business needs will need to lead and task the enabling functions of the business. The CIO and CTO providing technology services and the Chief Operations Officer who in large businesses looks after all of those Business Processing Centres locally and offshore, will be part of the leadership team working with the CDAO. Only in that way will those enabling services be driven by data and continuously optimised.