Essence for Agility

Essence for Agility

Essence for Agility is a community which we started at the beginning of this year 2021 and which has got significant interest among people interested in agile ways of working. We organize meetups and you can find us here.

The meetups are recorded and a recording will normally be available within one week after the event.

Jan 6, 2021: Essence for Agility launches with two software and agile giants”?with Jeff Sutherland and Ivar Jacobson.

For our inauguration, we’ll host Dr Jeff Sutherland, co-creator of Scrum, and Dr Ivar Jacobson, co-creator of Essence and a leader of the community behind Essence; both of these individuals have independently had a massive impact on the software industry and, in this rare opportunity, we will hear about where the idea of Essence and Scrum came from, what problems they are solving, and what role they are playing in the world of Agile today.


Jan 26, 2021: Scrum and Scrum@Scale better with Essence”?with Jeff Sutherland and Ian Spence.

Dr Jeff Sutherland, co-creator of Scrum, and Ian Spence at Ivar Jacobson International, co-creator of Essence, have worked to create Scrum Essentials and Scrum@Scale Essentials which utilise the Essence standards to create simple, card-based interactive aides for use in the learning, adoption, practice and application of the Scrum and Scrum@Scale Guides.

In this event, we’ll briefly introduce the practices and spark a fascinating discussion on what makes them so helpful, or as Jeff says, “Essence is the key to success”.?


March 10, 2021: Essence in Education”?with Pekka Abrahamsson, Jan-Phillip Stegh?fer and Emanuel Grant.

Just as agile is taught to leaders, teams, and organisations, so too is it taught to the next generation of engineers and technology leaders. Increasingly, Essence is being used as a medium to deliver agile teachings in education as it accommodates varied learning styles and aides in the decomposition of methods to their common grounds, making them easier to be understood.

In this panel discussion we are joined by 3 esteemed professors who will share their unique experiences of applying Essence in their classes to teach agile and explore how the same principles can be used to teach agile to teams, leaders, and organisations.

Join us to learn:

- How Essence is applied to educate the next generation of engineering and technology leaders

- How Essence can educate your leaders and teams on agile practices



April 7, 2021: “Impediments for wide adoption of agile methods - what can we as an industry do?”?with Scott Ambler, Kent Beck and Ivar Jacobson.

We'll be sitting down with Scott Ambler, Ivar Jacobson, and Kent Beck to discuss the impediments that agile methods are facing for wider adoption, and what we as a wider community and industry can do to help overcome these impediments.

Scott, Ivar, and Kent will each present one major impediment that they feel strongly about. The group will debate each one to explore the problem space before proposing solutions we as a community can take to address it. The audience will also be invited to participate in discussing each impediment.


May 11, 2021: "Architecture in Agile Methods"?with Grady Booch, Murat Erder and Stefan Malich,

Over the 20 years that Agile has been adopted, the attitude to architecture has been swinging from being outdated and ridiculed to being something you can talk about with respect. It was considered outdated, a relic of old-fashioned bad methods with an architect culture of big upfront design. It was replaced by working software achieved by what in simplified form could be described as “Just code, refactor later”. Today, some popular methods advocate a balanced approach to architecture, modeling and refactoring with an agile spin on it. Others are still reluctant to any form of upfront design.

This MeetUp attempts to illuminate the situation, and the speakers will share their own personal experience.


June 9, 2021: "Experience from Essence usage in the Industry"?with Burkhard Perkens-Golomb from Munich-Re, André Wilke from Hapag-Lloyd and Johan Granstrom, from Dfinity.

The Essence standard is gaining more and more interest. Books, papers, blogs and similar as well as presentations, videos, slides are published on it and its many use cases. The academic community has formed an Essence Education Forum with the mission to facilitate education and research related to Essence. Method creators are adopting it to make their methods and frameworks better. In the software industry Essence is adopted across the world.

This event will present the application of Essence in three international companies: Hapag-Lloyd - a huge shipping company operating around the world, Munich-Re - a huge insurance company with strong needs of governance and security, and Dfinity - a “cool” young company building an Internet Computer (the whole internet becomes a computer).


July 28, 2021: "Crazy Challenges working with Methods and Frameworks"?with Joakim Sundén, co-founder of the Spotify Model, Scott Ambler, founder of Disciplined Agile and Ivar Jacobson, former method guru.

If you think about our industry as a whole, working with Methods is a little crazy. Here’s some of the craziest things that this panel discussion will explore:

- We are in a methods war for more than 50 years

- Practices are locked in method prisons

- Method prisons are controlled by gurus

- Methods have a lot in common, but there is no common ground

- Methods are theory only; they have poor support for putting them into practice: the Achilles’ Heel of method adoptions.

As an industry, do we think this is right? Should we do something about it?

In this exciting discussion, we’ll hear what 3 seasoned veterans think about this - including one who is a method guru himself!

- Ivar Jacobson, who once was a method guru

- Scott Ambler, the creator of Disciplined Agile

- Joakim Sundén, the co-creator of the Spotify Model

This event was inspired by a recent article by Dr Ivar Jacobson:?

If you are interested in participating in discussing crazy things in working with methods and frameworks, welcome to join the LinkedIn group Really worth working for.


Sep 20, 2021:?"The Future of Methods – not just Tomorrow but also the Day after Tomorrow".

We are privileged to have an exceptional panel join us to discuss what the future may hold for methods and frameworks.

We’ll explore the methods of tomorrow, or perhaps a world free from a methods war? Will we continue to be led by gurus or will experts help us so we can self-organise to create our own methods?

Join us to hear from:

- Robert “uncle Bob” Martin – ‘clean code’ instigator a proponent of software craftsmanship

- Prof. Bertrand Meyer – grand computer science and software engineering academic and industrialist

- Prof. Carlos Zapata – software engineer and futurist with a crystal ball.

Each participant will present their hypothesis of what the future of methods may be for the panel to debate one by one. We will also invite the audience to participate with their thoughts and ideas.


Oct 12, 2021:?"The Why, How and What of Essence".?

The Essence for Agility MeetUp has been active since Jan 6 2021. During this time we have got many questions over these months on Essence, such as What is it? What Crazy Things does it address? What other, not so crazy problems does it solve? What Tools are available.

Essence is not a method competing with methods such as SAFe, S@S, Spotify Model, etc. It is a platform, or better a common ground for all methods, adopted by OMG as a standard and used to make any method better…as for instance Jeff Sutherland has experienced with Scrum.

On the way to the future we already have passed a few stations, and many companies in the industry, many university teachers in the academia and some famous methodologists are already fully on board. This meetup will give you an up to date presentation of the why, how and what. This meetup is not looking for a debate. Instead, we will give the audience a wholistic picture of Essence and its value proposition. The presenters this time are Ivar Jacobson and Graham Marsh from the same company Ivar Jacobson International.



Nov 16, 2021:?”Use Cases or User Stories ... or Both?”?with Mike Cohn, Ian Spence and Bernie Clark.

Use Cases and User Stories are two of the most popular practices with agile teams. They both take a user perspective when looking at the requirements and they both work as test items. They have both inspired one another and over the years they've evolved to now be closer than ever.

We're thrilled to host a very special guest who has contributed much to the agile community - Mike Cohn! He has played a seminal role in creating and developing the user story idea.

In the panel discussion with Mike will be accompanied by:

- Ian Spence, who has worked with Dr. Ivar Jacobson, the creator of use-cases, for more than 15 years and developed the use case idea to be a perfect practice for SAFe

- Bernie Clark, who has much experience in successfully applying use cases with user stories in big banks.

And Ivar will also be there, maybe he will say something as well.

With such an incredible lineup this event promises to be insightful, constructive and fun - perhaps with a few surprises!


Feb 16, 2022:?”Essence and Heart of Agile - Piezes of the Puzzle?”?with Soledad Pinter, Paul McMahon and Ivar Jacobson.

A dream meetup attempting to explain two interesting approaches and their relationships. Can they strengthen one another? Any opportunities for integrations? Or just friendly partners?

Essence and Heart of Agile have been around for a while now. Both have attracted large communities which feel these approaches will dramatically impact how we solve the problems we face in business and agility today. Both are fundamentally different to today's most popular scaling approaches but perfect partners to them.

They have differences between themselves, but also similarities, and this event will not only explore each approach but answer the question, can they strengthen one another? Are they pieces of the same puzzle?

Join us to hear from Essence and Heart of Agile veterans who will share stories of how they use these approaches in their client work and if there is an opportunity for them to strengthen one another.

Soledad Pinter - Heart of Agile expert, Agile Coach & Trainer

Paul McMahon – Essence co-developer, Software industry veteran

We will also hear from Dr Ivar Jacobson - Essence co-creator, a Father of Software Engineering. He will contribute both as a co-host and a co-panelist, weighing in with his experience of Essence and Heart of Agile.


Mar 24, 2022:?”The Spotify Model Demystified and Made Applicable”?with Joakim Sundén and Stefan Malich.

The Spotify Model is a very loosely defined “framework” for agile at scale.

The canonical “documentation” consists mainly of an outdated white paper which is a snapshot of Spotify’s way of working in 2012 and two videos from 2014 on the engineering culture of Spotify captured mostly by a consultant who says himself that he was “just the messenger”. If you want to learn more than that, you have to wade through a vast amount of presentations and articles, many of them published by Spotify employees saying things like “there is no Spotify model”, “don’t copy the Spotify model” and “you can do better than the Spotify model”. In spite of the scarcity of even semi-official descriptions and the many cautionary tales, “the Spotify model” continues to appeal to many organizations and it has been adopted in one way or the other by thousands of organizations.

However, what is the Spotify model really all about? What are the essentials of the Spotify model? Is there really something like “the” Spotify model?

This Essence for Agility meetup event will present “Spotify Essentials”, which is the Spotify Model described using Essence as a platform. Spotify Essentials demystifies the Spotify model and fills the gaps to make it more applicable and practical.

You will meet:

- Joakim Sundén – co-creator of the Spotify Model

- Dr. Stefan Malich – founder of Architectural Change Management & Essence Certified Practitioner

Furthermore, there will be special announcements related to Spotify Essentials during the event.


April 26, 2022:?”Essence Exploration: Teams”?with Simon Girvan

This session will explore how Essence can help teams improve how they deliver. It will show how gameplay leads to greater creativity and innovation; how the Essence kernel helps generate focused insights on where to improve; how Essentializing a practice can help your teams learn it better; and how Essence can enable both organizational compliance and team autonomy.

This event is the first in our theme of exploring the many use cases of Essence. Essence is not another method (framework). Instead, it is designed to make any method significantly better. Essence is best described in the context of its use cases, but, since these are so many, it is a big task to describe Essence. Thus, we will describe Essence one use case and one meetup at a time.

Register here:


June 29, 2022:?”New Dogs, Old Tricks”?with Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Steve Freeman and Joseph Pelrine.

While a love of or enthusiasm about new things is part of human nature, the rampant neophilia (a strong affinity for novelty) that grips the agile industry, media, and younger generations, often causes them to reject all that has been learnt in the past, to "throw the baby out with the bathwater". Practices that were once regarded as essential are now forgotten, and lessons learned have become lessons lost.

We often see all that came before 1995 as “waterfall” and practices from methods such as eXtreme Programming as being old-fashioned and no longer of use. An attitude that all too often proves Santayana's statement that "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Perhaps it’s time to step back and reflect. In this meetup, we will explore our agile past to help the agilists of today create the agile of tomorrow.

You will meet:

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock is best known as the design geek who invented Responsibility-Driven Design and the xDriven meme (think TDD, BDD, DDD..). She's keen on discovering and sharing heuristics, patterns, and practices for reducing risk and sustaining ongoing agile development.

Steve Freeman was a pioneer of the Agile movement in the UK and a co-chair of the first London XpDay. He’s co-author of Growing Object-Oriented Software, a standard text on iterative software development. Steve spends most of his time helping teams to deliver better, and still likes to code.

Joseph Pelrine is an experienced psychologist and Agilist with an excellent track record in helping companies improve by optimizing the way they work.

Register here:


Oct 5, 2022:?”Navigating the Agile Development Landscape”?with Gabrielle Benefield,?Dave Farley,?Jeff Patton and Ian Spence

Even if your organization has committed to an Agile approach, there are still many choices to make.

There are so many practices and techniques to choose from:

Customer Journey, Value Stream, Use Cases, BizOps, Story Maps, User Stories, Use Case Slices, Feature-Driven, Behavior-Driven, Test-Driven, Use Case-Driven, Scrum, MobiusLoop, Scaled Agile approaches, Team Topologies, DevOps, to name just a few.

Some of these each uniquely address a specific aspect of the development lifecycle (not just software). Others may overlap or compete head-to-head, while some complement each other seamlessly.

An additional challenge is that these specialized approaches, though tremendously valuable, have rarely been created with other practices in mind.

How do you choose?

How do you integrate these seemingly isolated islands of practice?

Join us for this panel discussion, where we will consider the key aspects of supporting a product development lifecycle, from Idea to Implementation, to determine what you really need and which practices satisfy those needs.

We'll talk about pros and cons, what works with what and, crucially, how to build the bridges to create an integrated suite of practices for navigating your own landscape.

You will meet:

  • Gabrielle Benefield,?creator of the Mobius Loop
  • Dave Farley,?CI/CD, DevOps , Automated Testing, Building Better SW Faster
  • Jeff Patton,?creator of the Story Maps
  • Ian Spence,?ISAgile, co-creator of Essence at Ivar Jacobson International.


Oct 25, 2022: ”Navigating the Agile Development Landscape with?Essence” with Simon Girvan and more.

In our last Meetup we had a fruitful discussion about the variety of Agile Practices that teams can consider when navigating the agile development landscape.

We learned that there are not only challenges in deciding which practices to use, but also in determining how those practices can be successfully combined into a cohesive development approach.

It is clear that the old adage of 'One size does not fit all' holds true not just for each company, but also for each specific Endeavor. Yet still, many teams try to apply the same development approach every time, with predictably variable results.

Join us in this Meetup where we will discuss how your teams can use Essence to define an integrated suite of practices that addresses the unique demands of your organization and specific development efforts.

You will learn how teams can use collaboration techniques to arrive at the appropriate ways of working that don't overlook the essentials and aren't overburdened by prescriptive proprietary practices that do not necessarily add value in your environment. Whether you are starting a new team or have already begun, you will be able to go back to your teams tomorrow and help them find ways they can improve how they work.


  • Simon Girvan?is an experienced Agile Coach and co-author of the book ‘Agile From First Principles'
  • Bernie Clark?is an experienced software and systems developer, methodologist and coach loving fantastic ideas
  • Michael Flynn?is an ex developer / Release Manager come Agile Coach who is working with the Essence toolkit to help Organizations evolve their practice libraries


Dec 5, 2022: ”Seeking vendor independent approaches to Agile and agility” with Dave Snowden and Ivar Jacobson.

The various framework wars and related attempts to create propriety approaches to Agile have resulted in increasing commoditisation since the manifesto. In many ways where we are now is the very antithesis of agility. Over the past years The Cynefin Co and Ivar Jacobson International have each been working on initiatives – Hexi and Essence - with the goal of making it easier for consultants, coaches and organisations to adopt a more flexible and evolutionary approach to Agile programmes: both adoption and also to revitalise existing ones.

In that spirit, as both parties became aware of each others work they engaged and identified ways in which, while distinct, the two approaches could avoid competition and indeed open up new possibilities that neither initiative had thought of on their own. Its now time to bring a broader community into this discussion.

It’s rare for two initiatives that work to bring positive change to partner up, much less two prominent individuals that have contributed much to our industry, which is why we’re excited to present this event to you.

Both approaches see practices as independent citizens that should be shared and considered separately, not hidden inside method prisons. They are not just similar; they complement each other perfectly. Essence’s practice level maps directly onto Hexis, providing richness of content and the opportunity for ready-made decomposition to the next layer down; and the breadth of Hexis in the other areas of work such as organisation development and foresight offers insights that will be invaluable to those coming from a systems development perspective.

Essence is the first major partnership in the Agile space for the Hexi programme. This is a great move forward for both initiatives, and we hope for the industry.

Join us in this meetup to learn what to expect from this partnership and how it can help you and your organisations improve your ways of working.


· Dave Snowden

·?Ivar Jacobson


Feb 22, 2023: ”Kanban and Essence - Great Partners” with David Anderson and Ivar Jacobson.

When one is asked to describe common approaches and tools used in software development today, it won’t be long until Kanban is mentioned. For many teams, Kanban is synonymous with the Kanban board, but in fact it is much more than that.

For years, David Anderson has been developing the Kanban Method and the Kanban Maturity Model to help teams and organizations of all shapes and sizes to smoothly deliver value to their customers, while instilling a culture of evolutionary change.

The Kanban Method is successfully being applied in a broad range of services and sectors and the number of practitioners and experts is growing. However, like many popular approaches, Kanban is also frequently misunderstood and misapplied. This is one reason why IJI and Kanban University wanted to bring Essence to the Team level of Kanban. Essentializing a practice like Kanban offers new ways for people to understand it and makes it easier to apply the evolutionary change aspect of Kanban to adopting the Kanban Method itself.

The Essence Standard is the result of Dr. Ivar Jacobson building on his experience as a creator of Use Cases and the Rational Unified Process to re-imagine how teams use software development methods and practices. Essence provides a way to democratize practices, using a method agnostic common language to describe any practice and make it easy for organizations and teams to find the right combination of practices and approaches for them.

We are thrilled to welcome?David Anderson, the originator of The Kanban Method and co-creator of the Kanban Maturity Model in conversation with?Ivar Jacobson, co-creator of Essence to talk about their partnership and some of the challenges that they are addressing.

They will be joined by?Joey Spooner, Vice President of Community Development and Product Management at Kanban University and?Simon Girvan, Principal Consultant and Product Manager for Essence at Ivar Jacobson International to talk about some of the practical ways to use The Kanban Method and Essence.

You can expect to learn from the insights of two pioneers in the methodology and practices space, including how they see the future. In addition, we will present the Team Kanban and Kanban Foundations cards. Simon and Joey will show you some games to play that draw on the principles of managed evolutionary change to help you improve how you work, whether you use The Kanban Method already or not.


April 19, 2023: "The Essence Ecosystem - how you can use it and an exciting new addition" with Scott Ambler and Ivar Jacobson

The Essence ecosystem is filled with popular practices that you’re undoubtedly familiar with, from Jeff Sutherland’s Scrum, David Anderson’s Kanban, Mike Cohn’s User Stories, and more. But what does this mean for agile practitioners, teams, and organisations? How can you make use of this extensive ecosystem? Ivar Jacobson, creator of Essence (and more), will be joining us to share his thoughts on this.

As if that wasn’t enough, we’ll soon have an exciting new addition to the ecosystem - Scott Ambler’s own practices. Scott is the co-founder Disciplined Agile (DA) which has greatly enriched the agile industry as well as agile modelling and agile data methods. He’ll be joining us to share what his life is like having left DA in the capable hands of PMI, his motivation for partnering with Essence, and where he sees the future of working with methods.


This was a great meetup to understand the values of Essence.

June 20, 2023: "Essence and SAFE - Pieces of the Puzzle" with Keith de Mendonca, Brian Tucker and Ivar Jacobson.

SAFe is the most successful Agile engineering management framework ever created: more than one million professionals and 20,000 enterprises worldwide trust SAFe. Furthermore, 70% of Fortune 100 companies and a growing number of Global 200 have certified SAFe professionals and consultants on site.

But historically, all successful frameworks end up being thrown out and companies start over again with a new generation of frameworks. In the 1970s it was JSP (Jackson Structured Programming), in the 1980s we loved SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique), in the 1990s it was RUP (Rational Unified Process), in the 2000s it was CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), and in the 2010’s we loved SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) - and still do!

Over the last decade, SAFe has amassed a huge body of knowledge around how to manage Lean/Agile Development at scale but as the body of knowledge grows bigger, organisations attempt to do absolutely everything rather than focus on the essentials, and end up doing it badly. The fate of past frameworks is that they’ve grown to the point where there is too much to comprehend and they’ve imploded; valuable knowledge is lost and has to be re-learnt by subsequent frameworks.

The industry has a responsibility to the people within it, people that have invested their time and effort in learning a methodology, to make sure that the knowledge they’ve acquired doesn't become waste.

Essence provides a formal but lightweight language for describing processes to allow them to combine to create frameworks. Its focus on describing the individual practices promotes reuse, the knowledge need never become waste even if the framework evolves or new frameworks appear. Its visual representation on playing cards promotes interactive learning and encourages use beyond the classroom when process is being used.

SAFe and Essence are not competitors, they are complimentary, and this webinar explores how Essence can improve people's understanding of SAFe and their learning experience.


Ivar jacobson: Founder, Chairman and CEO of IJI

Brian Tucker: Principal Consultant, SAFe Fellow, SPCT

Keith de Mondonca: Principal Consultant, SPCT


September 12, 2023: "Essence and The Flow System - Pieces of the Puzzle" with Nigel Thurlow, Ivar Jacobson and Simon Thurlow.

Join Ivar and Nigel for a discussion on The Flow System, Essence and why they are complementary pieces of the same puzzle.

The Flow System is a system of learning and understanding of how to operate in complex environments. It comprises three helixes: complexity thinking, distributed leadership, and team science. It enables business growth through eliminating non-value-added activities, fostering an environment for innovation, enabling the rapid delivery of value, and shortening the time to market. It also provides a re-imagined system for organizations to understand complex problems, embrace distributed leadership, and build high-performing teams.

Essence provides a formal but lightweight language for describing processes to allow them to combine to create frameworks. Its focus on describing the individual practices promotes reuse. Its visual representation on playing cards promotes interactive learning and encourages use beyond the classroom when the practice is being used.

Using the Essence language to represent the practices within The Flow System, we can unlock new ways to teach, learn and use The Flow System through the use of Essence enabled tooling, serious games and easy to use cards.

About Ivar Jacobson: Ivar is nicknamed “a Father in Software Engineering” as his contributions span over 50 years, in particular as a co-founder of Essence.

About Nigel Thurlow: Nigel is the former Chief of Agile at Toyota and currently the Chief Executive Officer at The Flow Consortium. He’s a Forbes top 10 author, and the co-creator of The Flow System.


Many people expressed strong positive words about the meetup so we have created 6 minute extract:

November 14, 2023: "Use Cases are Essential" with Ivar Jacobson and Alistair Cockburn.

Join Dr Ivar Jacobson and Dr Alistair Cockburn for an engaging discussion on the resurgence of use cases in modern software development.

In a fast-paced and ever-evolving software industry, it's easy to forget the proven solutions that have stood the test of time. Use cases, originally introduced in 1986 and popularized in the early 1990s, are one of those enduring solutions. Yet in the late 1990s the rise of Agile methodologies brought forward another technique, user stories, which seemed to challenge the relevance of use cases in agile development.

This Meetup will explore the evolution of use cases and user stories. It will reveal that, rather than being mutually exclusive, these two approaches have a significant overlap and can be combined to provide a powerful practice for modern software development.

Dr Ivar Jacobson, with over 50 years of contributions to software engineering, including being a founder of Use Cases, will share his insights and expertise.

Dr Alistair Cockburn, a prominent figure in the Agile community and author of the popular book 'Writing Effective Use Cases', will share his perspective.

Together, they will shed light on the value of use cases in today's software landscape and how they can coexist with modern development methodologies.

Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to explore the historical significance, practical synergies, and real-world applications of use cases in the ever-evolving software engineering domain. Join us in this enlightening discussion as we uncover why "Use Cases are Essential" in a world of ever-changing software paradigms.

About?Dr Ivar Jacobson: Ivar is nicknamed “a Father in Software Engineering” as his contributions span over 50 years, in particular as a founder of Use Cases.

About?Dr Alistair Cockburn?(pronounced CO-BURN): Alistair organized the historic meeting in Snowbird, Utah, in which he and 16 other people from around the world wrote the?Agile Manifesto. He was named as one of the “42 Greatest Software Professionals of All Times”.


April 11, 2024: "Reframing Use Cases" with Ivar Jacobson and Alistair Cockburn.

So, you think you know Use Cases?

For over 30 years, the term ‘Use Case’ has become commonplace for anyone describing systems and solutions. Only some of those people are using it to refer to the formal, structured approach to requirements introduced by Ivar Jacobson in 1987 and subsequently popularized by many luminaries of the software development world including Alistair Cockburn in his bestselling 2000 book ‘Writing Effective Use Cases’.

Over the intervening years, people have taken the Use Case idea and used it, evolved it, changed it and abused it. So much so that for many, the simplicity and beauty of the original idea has been lost.

And yet, the problems we face today, and the systems we are developing today are just as suited to a Use Case approach. For this reason, Ivar and Alistair, in collaboration with many other use case experts, have been leading a resurgence of interest in Use Cases. They have gone back to basics and identified a common ground – Use Case Foundation – that described the core unifying features of Use Cases. This basis is a foundation that can then be used in many different ways depending on the needs of the situation, the preferences of the practitioner or the context of the team.

In this informative and interesting session, Alistair and Ivar will present the Use Case Foundation, show you how it can be used, and explain the follow-on work that is happening both to create extensions to the Use Case Foundation and to integrate it with other practices. And in the spirit of the collaboration that has led to this point, they will invite you into the conversation and the discussion.

Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to explore the historical significance, practical synergies, and real-world applications of use cases in the ever-evolving software engineering domain. Join us in this enlightening discussion as we uncover why "Use Cases are Essential" in a world of ever-changing software paradigms.

About?Dr Ivar Jacobson: Ivar is nicknamed “a Father in Software Engineering” as his contributions span over 50 years, in particular as a founder of Use Cases. He was as late as 2023 awarded the Lifetime Achievement award by World Agility Forum.

About?Dr Alistair Cockburn?(pronounced CO-BURN): Alistair organized the historic meeting in Snowbird, Utah, in which he and 16 other people from around the world wrote the?Agile Manifesto. He was named as one of the “42 Greatest Software Professionals of All Times”.


May 23, 2024: "Our Journey - Essence, Methods and AI" with Ivar Jacobson, Simon Girvan, and Pierre Martin

Over the past 30 years, Ivar Jacobson has been a pioneer of methods, approaches and tooling that help teams and organizations understand the systems they are producing and find the ways of working that make them as successful as they can be.

As he reflects on the lessons of the past, he has some fascinating insights into the future, and new ways that Essence can be instrumental in helping teams succeed.

Join us in this session on a journey from the Yesterday of the Rational Unified Process and WayPointer presented by Ivar himself; to the use of Essence and tooling of Today with Simon; and look to Tomorrow with Pierre, when we see that combining Essence with AI can unlock tremendous potential for engineering teams, far greater than just using AI alone. We also see huge potential in a community built around Essence and its use cases.

This presentation will be an informative and interactive session with your chance to ask questions and see how Essence is and continues to be relevant yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


June 27, 2024: "Use Cases or Story Maps?....or both?" with Jeff Patton, Ian Spence and Ivar Jacobson.

Two of the most recognized and popular practices with agile teams are Use Cases and User Story Mapping. They both allow a system-wide scope to be quickly visualized and presented, before being split into more manageable sizes to be delivered incrementally and iteratively. They allow requirements to be managed in a holistic manner and take a user perspective rather than a technical one.

With so much on common, how should teams decide which one to use – or is there a way that they complement one another and you should consider using both?

Who better to help discuss this topic than the inventors and leading experts in both practices!

We are thrilled to host the creator of User Story Mapping and one of the leading names in agile development today, Jeff Patton. Jeff will be joined on the panel by Dr. Ivar Jacobson, the creator of use-cases, and Ian Spence, co-author of the bestselling book Use Case Modelling.

This promises an insightful, interesting and useful event that anyone who is interested in solution development or product management should attend.

About Jeff Patton: Jeff helps companies adopt a way of working that’s focused on building great products, not just building stuff faster. Jeff blends a mixture of Agile thinking, Lean and Lean Startup Thinking, and UX Design and Design Thinking to end up with a holistic product-centric way of working. Jeff is author of the bestselling O’Reilly book User Story Mapping which describes a simple holistic approach to using stories in Agile development without losing sight of the big picture. You can learn more about Jeff at:

About Ian Spence: Ian has worked with Use Cases for decades. He is an independent consultant, co-author of best selling book Use-Case Modelling & co-creator of Use Case 2.0 and the upcoming Use Case 3.0.

About Dr Ivar Jacobson: Ivar is nicknamed “a Father in Software Engineering” as his contributions span over 50 years, in particular as a founder of Use Cases, co-creator of UML, RUP and, of course, Essence. He was as late as 2023 awarded the Lifetime Achievement award by World Agility Forum.


Sep 05, 2024: "The Flow System and Essence - Digital Partners" with Nigel Thurlow, John Turner, Ivar Jacobson and Simon Girvan.

The Flow System is a unique and highly effective approach for managing in complex adaptive systems. It was designed to help address complex business problems and to provide an alternative to large transformational change initiatives that often fail. The Flow System Playbook is a practical guide to The Flow System, written by Nigel Thurlow and Dr John Turner, two of the creators of The Flow System. Over the past few months, Ivar Jacobson has been partnering with John and Nigel to use the Essence Standard to describe The Flow System Playbook and make it available in Essence WorkBench, a revolutionary new digital platform for optimizing ways of working. In this informative session with the creators of both the Flow System and its Essence version, you will find out more about The Flow System and how to get the best from it using Essence WorkBench. There will be demonstrations, insights, questions, and honest opinions on the state of the agile industry today and why it needs to change. Ivar Jacobson will also be offering this community a chance to get early access to Essence WorkBench and The Flow System practices so you can see for yourselves what a great partnership it is.

Furthermore, we will also be launching the public SaaS version of Essence WorkBench, including The Flow System practices. Essence WorkBench allows you to harness the power of Essence practices to develop your team or workforce to be more effective. It will always be free for personal use, and we are excited be be able to offer you the opportunity to be amongst the first to try it.

This event is hosted by Simon Girvan with Ivar Jacobson introducing Dr John Turner and Nigel Thurlow, authors of The Flow System Playbook and co-creators of The Flow System.


Access the tool through the website

Sergio Luis Conte

A mí me va bien, si a Ud. le va bien

2 年

For me it's like being in the movie "Back to the Future" because this dream team reminds me of the times I get to listen to them, interact but above all learn from them every year at OOSPLA. The only difference is a few more gray hairs, no more than that (hehe). I really hope that many people listen to all of you. Thank you for sharing and doing these activities. I firmly believe that we are in a state where it is necessary.

Jorge DeFlon

Software engineer mgr / Pragmatic philosopher / Wellness Practitioner

2 年

Continue with the great meetings! Thanks

Alberto Osuji, Enterprise Agile Transformation Coach, FIMC, CMC

Doctoral Candidate | Global Agile Leader | Agile Evangelist | BRM Leader | Policy Advocate | Conference Speaker & Panelist | Change & Servant Leader | Community Leader | Programme & PMO Leadership | ESG | Sustainability

2 年

Awesome...would love to have the link to participate and listen to these amazing leaders.

Chris Raistrick

Professional Services Director at Abstract Solutions

2 年

It's the 'A' Team for sure :-) Good luck Ivar.


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